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Oct 30 HBCPGA Mall Tourney


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2005
Manchester, PA
Thanks Aposl. I do like running the events. I enjoy playing too, but time for me is very scarce for practice... I got permission from the wifey to head to Tant's tourney Dec 10, so I'm going to do my best to practice and try to make it in the top 50%! Go Link!!!

Berzerker (Ike) vs Poyo (Kirby) - def the match of the tournament. Post it!


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD

Coney- I guess I was the only one rooting for you to win. Oh well, I don't mind. Grassroots all day, you did grrrrrrrrreat in doubles as well, you've been eating those frosted flakes. We'll win next time!
EE- Keep up the hosting, I'll show you how to make pools in December at my event.
GIMR- G&W gayyyyyyyyyyyyy Looks like you've improved even more since I played you last. I was hoping korn would have some insight on that matchup but he lost about as bad as I did last time.
Robfox- yes I was trying in those games. I play a much more patient game against fox since meep taught me the matchup. The way you were playing wasn't requiring me to do much to win. You were running into everything. I like your fox though, you might want to learn the controls that let you do triple lasers. NAKAT could teach you.
LuigiKing- Tough event, but you guys still did pretty good in doubles and had some close games. You might want to consider using snake more often, you learn really fast with him.
Waffle- good stuff as always. Mad good times. Thanks for the support.
Korn- would like to see you be a better sport. I'm kinda disappointed in how you acted after the winners set. It's just a game, dude. It's alright to be upset but to not shake my hand is pretty sour in taste. Boss apologized for you, but no worries, just be a better sport going forward!
Boss- you're too smart, ugh
TUSM- you're awesome as always. We should partner again! Would be a lot of fun.
M@V- good stuff beating me at the ditto. I shouldn't have went IC's but oh well I wanted to for lolz
Deez- I'm coming for that diddy
Sin- Step it up
Aposl- Good stuff at double or nothing
KingToon- you lost to poyo, step it up rofl
Poyo- get 3 stocked in dittos, change that name from jacob to free. But in all seriousness I'm shocked I 3 stocked you. I was honestly expecting you to win but I feel like you weren't playing your best. Keep at it!
Nixon- Thanks for coming out! Hope to see you in december.
Damon180- Best host in PA? Thanks for lunch, I appreciate it a ton.
Ebo- Still my kryptonite. Yikes. You watch a lot of Mr. R videos don't you?

Anyone else i'm forgetting, sorry! This was a lot of fun. See you all soon!


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2009
Lancaster PA, Campin away wit Fox & TL
@Aposl ditto bruh I wanted to see that Charizard vs MK >_>
@Tant - I didn't feel you tried so I jus did anything. I know how to SHTL but since I haven't played in 3 weeks my camp game was a little unreliable so I had to depend on CQC alone >_>
@Damon - My B I 4got you good **** as always running this ill B baq btw if I get permission can I carpool with you to Tants tournament?
@Luigiking - I would've went Fox/Sonic but I was under the impression I needed straight 2-0's to get out of pools >_>


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
Sigh.. :S

Shout outs:

1: swagsimus maximus- masked player... Good job 4 gettin 2nd.
1: tusm- Sigh.. can't kill your D3. Ggs
1: logic- Step it up sir..
1: korn- ggs as always fun playin you. I'll soon one day beat ur mk. :(
1: deez- Smh eww..
6: coney- Good ****! bout time... Lol
6: kt- Chill as always.. lol
6: poyo- Step it up Poyo your gettin better.
6: sin (Forfeit)- Huh I thought I jv3 stocked you both matches.. Lol jk
6: mav- Ggs man.. give me more falco practice. =\
11: robfox- Chill azz dude.. Lol ur fox is legit. Lol I'm not good either! should never be scared to face me.
11: tant- :) I'll be waiting.
16: u-mos
16: apostale- practice more... don't be anti clutch. >_> *looks at Swags* Lmao


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
Aposl - I will try man, thanks lol like I said, learn play choke

Robfox - O__O you almost got me the third game in MM..... nice to see you again man

Tant - yeah I will apologize to you in person.. I was basically just really mad at myself for failing so hard... -.-
usually I always pound every time, but what happened yesterday in dubs hit me pretty hard, I guess <_<
I know it just a game, but when it comes to tournament, I take it serious, and I don't want to fail

1: korn- ggs as always fun playin you. I'll soon one day beat ur mk. :(
dude, it was great to see you again =) cuz you were like disappear for months..


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Gotcha cafe, I know you were upset. I was taking the match just as seriously obviously, emotions were high. I'm sure i'll see you soon! It was really fun overall, this tournament was really a blast for me. I really enjoy teammates like coney who compliment me perfectly style wise and hope I can compete at that level each event.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
So King Dedede...

Tell me how it feels to win a tournament without using any kind of secondary backup character.



Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Towson MD/Moscow ID
I learned SO MUCH about my smash mentality this weekend. Essentially this taught me I can't get away with not practicing ever and still place just fine (lolidahosmash). I HAVE TO LEARN MY MATCHUPS and figure out my MK situation. BUT I plan on getting back into practice and making my luigi a real threat. I also think I want to focus on doubles more than singles, luigi is just 2gud in doubles.

Shoutouts tiem:
Tant - Thanks for driving and helping me with snake, you're really cool and helpful, etc.
EE - Funny as hell like always
Coney - Nice meeting you and good freaking job in singles (and doubles). We'll MM somedaaaaaaay.
Logic - Thanks for all the help/advice/etc yesterday. Turns out I can take the bus down to Laurel so if you guys have a smashfest let me know! I need the practice.
Robfox - GGs in pools. I wanted to play your fox though! Haha thats how the game goes though I guess.
Melon - Fun MM and nice meeting you
Waffles - Mad fun games in teams, we did pretty good for a luigi/kirby that have never teamed! :)
Boss - Our talk about luigi/MK didn't exactly reassure me about my character >:( lolz
Sin - You called me ash all day, good shizz =p

I probably forgot some people I played but its k, everyone was pretty awesome. Thanks for the great tourney!


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA

1: Coney- Good **** getting first. Your get so much better every time I see you at a tourney, its crazy.

3: logic- Ggs man. I WILL beat you eventually, mark my words.

4: Kingtoon- gj beating logic in winners....ignoring you lost later, lol :3

5: Korn- Nice finally meeting you, lol.

5: TUSM- Good seeing you again man! These DDD mains placing well....

7: Deez- Ggs! Sorry I switched from Falco to fox vs you. I felt that my falco wasn't working at 100% yesterday, and I felt I'd do better with fox.

7: M@V- Not bad for the first time back with fox, but you still suck </3. Get better.

9: sin- I'll play you next time we meet man.

9: Poyo - Nice finally meeting you in person. Ggs in our set.

11: roxas - good friendlies. You'll get the ZSS MU: just practice!
11: robfox- nice meeting you.
11: melon - Almost made it out man. Gj regardless, you got this next time.
11: tant - good set. You surprised me by going icies; but that's what I practice mk for. In the ditto match, I was just picking up on bad habits you were doing. One of them I remember was that you always would glide attack into my shield, which is an easy punish. Just work on mixing it up I guess.
16: berzerker- I've never seen you so happy in my life than you were after beating poyo, lol. good stuff.
16: leno-ggs
21: ebo-nice seeing you again
21: nite-ggs
26: jj-ggs

Berserker Swordsman

Smash Lord
May 24, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Who insists on spelling my tag with a z? It happened at Battle Royale 2, too ._. But yeah, it was a fun tourney. I finally got a tourney win (despite being just in pools), so watch out PA, Berserker's moving his way up =)

Might do shoutouts later >.>


Jigglypuff is the best.
May 6, 2010
A teams match was saved on a wii somewhere near the middle setup with Jigglypuff/Meta Knight vs Wario/Meta Knight. Can anyone send me that match? O:


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
CConey good stuff! Your win totally over shadows me doing really well at this tournament LOL

le' salt

I can't wait to see that pic of you and swagsimus maxumus.

We're 2-2 right now set wise, hope to play you again soon

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
Poyo- get 3 stocked in dittos, change that name from jacob to free. But in all seriousness I'm shocked I 3 stocked you. I was honestly expecting you to win but I feel like you weren't playing your best. Keep at it!
I don't feel I was playing at my best either, but no johns you did beat me. The reason is cause I was disappointed about my bracket being my 2 worst MUs (Diddy and Olimar) then when I MM'd M@V I lost a close set at game 3 last stock last hit but feel I could've won. Then the MMs I did with you and EE after, I MM'd you thinking you'd be free. That's what happens for me being cocky, good stuff ****** me for my arrogance, I kinda deserved it XD I'll try not to MM when I'm salty though anymore.

Also shoutouts to everyone (I can remember)

Kub - Good stuff at your first tourney, goto more and you'll be the best Pika ever, the original best Pika was Anther, then ESAM, third time's the charm and you'll be the third :D
Berserker - Good **** in our set, but next time I goto PA I gotchu ;)
Robfox - Good stuff in MMs and tourney. You SDing game 1 when you had that lead really messed up and led into a 2-stock x_x I know how to keep a lead, which is why I always aim to get a stock lead.
KingToon - I'm surprised I beat you game 1 with Kirby considering how much I hate Kirby vs Toon Link, maybe you were sandbagging? Well you 2-stocked me back game 2. Game 3 was really good (even though its MK on Rainbow). Yeah, MK is stupid, you ban Brinstar, I get RC then vice-versa if you ban RC.
LuigiKing - Next time I come to PA, let's do some friendlies with your Luigi and my Kirby, no MK, no Snake.
Deez - Good **** beating me 3 times (2 MMs, 1 tourney). Tbh, we usually went to game 3 but its that you would win game 1 so you'd get the CP and Diddy is amazing at FD, however I'm really uncomfortable at Battlefield so I have to ban it in every set. Even though I hate Diddy, I feel I learned the MU more by playing you but I still hate it, I think you hate MK though so its okay.
PS - You ***** me in pools and first round 1 in losers. Good stuff though, I do need to play you more to learn the Oli MU.

To everyone I MM'd, good stuff. If Kub goes to the next one of these tourneys then I'll try to make it too.

Berserker Swordsman

Smash Lord
May 24, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
My first shoutouts post =O

tusm - Was nice meeting you, hope I get to play your DDD next time we meet =D
logic - Your Olimar is so good ._. He's one of Ike's worst matchups and you showed me why, lol. Thanks for the advice, and I hope to play you again!
coney - Nice job on 1st, wish I could've played your DDD.
kt - Your Toon Link is crazy good every time I watch you play, especially in doubles. I hope to get some dittos or Ike/Toon Link matches sometime!
poyo - Crazy, crazy set. I've never felt so hype for a match like that. Good games, man.
mav - WELL WELL, IS THAT A FOX-TAIL I SEE? lol, good stuff on your first time back with Fox. XD
roxas - That ain't Melee Peach ._. Your Peach is too good. Thanks for the fun friendlies X3
robfox - It was nice to finally meet you in person lol. I wish I wasn't so burnt out after playing Poyo, but no johns. Your Fox is pretty awesome, but I'll get you next time =)
melon - wtf, I didn't get to see any of your matches >_>
berzerker - who are you, scrub.
tkck - Do you even have a Smashboards account? >_>
wiggles - Good games, man. I did not think Luigi's jab was that good lol.
gavin - Good games! Work on cutting down on all that rolling though. Left you open to my Fairs pretty often.

the melon!!!!!

Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2006
WilkesBarre-Scranton, PA/State College, PA
Shoutout time!

Korn - great match in pools, your MK is awesome
Sin - that Lucario! fun match, you really beat me bad
M@V - the Fox is BAAACCKK!!!!
RobFox- your Fox looks ridiculous, I really wish we could've played
LuigiKing - really fun MM, your luigi is really good, it was nice talking to ya
Berserker - your match with Poyo was SOO INTENSE! That Ike doing work!!!
Melon - is a sad panda for not making it outta pools by a game:(
Roxas - fun MM, that peach is getting scary!!
Boss - wish we could've played some matches, good job in dubz
Deez - freakin great diddy, the MM was really fun!!!
Logic - why you gotta be so **** good with Oli, good job wrecking M@v and taking his money lol
KT - the TL was on-point today, really wanna play you one day
tkck - The Kingz Court Killa!!!! don't worry man, you'll get 'em next time, your MK is still mad good
Everybody else, good ****!!!

See you guys next time



Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2009
Lancaster PA, Campin away wit Fox & TL
Im glad alot think my Fox was awesome because my Fox played horribly lol
I got you all next time
DEEZ........im gonna beat that monkey kno dat :p
@Melon - No that Falco looked ridiculous I was actually counting all the AT's U used against a DDD......nd lost count LOL


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
^ What he said. I'm the technical falco from state college, lol.

I still am surprised I got a bdacus kill even with the tv lag...


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
entry fee was $15 i think

don't remember payouts but doing the math from the HBCPGA normal payout system (50/25/15/???/5/5) and with the payout at $15 and 30 entrants it'd be

1st - $225
2nd - $112.50
3rd - $67.50
4th - ???
5th - $22.50
5th - $22.50
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