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Oasis Mafia - Over!


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2020
honestly i think jack's concern over the mafia being able to use the tokens was kind of weird. pinged me last phase. and I still think he was far too quick to hop on Sabrar, I don't really recall him trying to do anything to resolve Laser (despite him being his top scumread), and the whole psychologist gambit cannot come from scum!poy
I don't have the personality to do strong pushs unless I'm 100 per cent oh well we lost. guess next time I play, its better to do just do nothing all game make up reads and do bad gambits because that is how to get town read whatever.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
i know im surprised too tbh that i voted you

but I can't vote poy knowing 1. the psychologist can't come from scum and 2. the last game he played right before this, he was taken to Lylo and mislynched. I think it crosses a boundary almost to enact the same plan twice like that on a player, even if you are not the scum each time, you know?

but for the most part yeah if you are scum Jack I really didn't consider it much past D2


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
seems very manufactured for LyLo to be me, the dude I called a policy lynch for like three days straight, and Jack


when can we clown around in the green room PM? that's usually the best part


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Jackrito has been executed! He was...

osieorb18 from Mafia Colosseum!
Hello Jackrito, you are osieorb18 (Mafia Colosseum), Mafia Compulsive Inventor, Switch!

Compulsive Inventor: At the beginning of each phase (Dawn/Dusk) you may and must give a token to a living player whom you have not previously gifted. That player will receive the token the following Dawn or Dusk, and will then be able to use one of the abilities listed once so long as they have the token. A player may not be targeted with the factional Night kill during the same cycle they receive a token unless that kill would end the game.
[ Tracker | Voyeur ]
[ Vigilante | Bulletproof ]
[ Hider | Crier ]
[ Motion Detector | Magnet ]
[ Messanger | Psychologist ]
[ Role Cop | Jailkeeper ]
[ Disloyal Doctor | Loyal Roleblocker ]
You have received a [ Role Type | Role Type ] Token. Once, during Dusk, you may activate one of these abilities, which may be then used during the second half of the Night. If you activate the token during Dusk, it must be used that Night.

Tracker: Select a player. You will be told if and who the selected player visited during the Night.

Positive Result: Player X visited Player Y.
Negative Result: Player X visited no one.
Failed result: No result.

Voyeur: Select a player. You will be told what type of action was used on the selected player during the Night.

Positive Result: Action Type(s) A, B, C were used on Player X.
Negative Result: No Actions were used on Player X.
Failed result: No result.
Vigilante: Select a player. You will kill that player During the Night.

Bulletproof: You will be protected from kills during the Night this is used.
Hider: Select a player. You will be immune to all actions during the Night; however, if the selected player is killed during the Night, you will die as well.

Crier: You may write an anonymous message that will appear to the public at the start of the Day.
Motion Detector: Select a player. You will be told if the selected player was involved in any Night actions (whether used on them or by them).

Positive Result: Player X used or was targeted by Action Type(s) A, B, C.
Negative Result: No Actions were involved with Player X.
Failed result: No result.

Magnet: Select a player. Any action used on or by the selected player will be redirected to you.
Messanger: Select a player. You may send an anonymous message to that player. The message must be at least 1 character.

Psychologist: Select a player. You will be told if the selected player has the potential to kill. If they have already killed, you will receive a negative result regardless of whether or not they still have the potential to do so.

Positive Result: Player X has the potential to kill.
Negative Result: Player X does not have the potential to kill.
Failed result: No result.
Role Cop: Select a player. You will be told the role name of the selected player but not their alignment or any modifiers to their role.

Jailkeeper: Select a player. That player will be protected from kills during the Night; however, they will be unable to perform any actions.
Disloyal Doctor: Select a player. If that player is unaligned with you, they will be protected from kills during the Night.

Loyal Roleblocker: Select a player. If that player is aligned with you, they will be prevented from using actions during the Night.

Coin Flip: If you had your vote on a living player at the end of the Day and that player activates a token during the following Dusk, they will use the other side of the token from the one they selected.

You are partners with [Player] and may communicate with them in this topic any time during the Day and Night phases so long as you're alive. Additionally, each Night, one of you may submit a factional Night Kill. Only one killing action may be submitted by your faction at a time.

You win when your faction controls 50% of the votes or nothing can prevent that from happening.

Pokechu survives in endgame. He was...

Jackrito from Mafia Colosseum!
Hello Pokechu, you are Jackrito (Mafia Colosseum), Town Strongman!

Strong: Your actions can not be roleblocked, protected against, or redirected.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

UtopianPoyzin survives in endgame. He was...

LaserGuy from xkcd!
Hello UtopianPoyzin, you are LaserGuy (xkcd), Town Insomniac!

Insomniac: You may post during the Night phase.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It's all good UP. It's a learning experience for all of us, myself included. If you ever want help, feel free to ask. (Or have a look at the new mafia discussion thread I made)

I'll create shout outs later. Yet, I am happy y'all were able to carry us to victory. GG everyone. I encourage all of y'all to make shout outs as well when you can.
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Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Something I did learn that you showed me Sabrar is that, yes I shouldn't be open to considering town core until Day 3 at the least. I was focused on the micro aspect at the time, but CFD's tend to be snap decisions, and that is what that was.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Sorry y’all for making that game unnecessarily complicated :/
That was rough, but honestly you hit some good points on jack in the endgame. So don’t give up on the game in future you can play pretty well


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No worries Ninja, you did fine. I was lynched D1 in my first game as town too. I look forward to playing with you again. (Sorry I was so aggressive with you)


May 7, 2007
GG! I'm sorry I didn't get much play time, but that's kind of my own fault.

I should've pressed LG more, and defended 3DS more.

It was a fun and chaotic read though! Well played pokechu. I thought for SURe that UP was going to be lynched.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

Pokechu -

Generally, I was fine with your replace in. I actually felt it was townier than your previous game in flavorless mafia III, but I didn't say anything to see how my read developed on you, and to keep my secret scumread on Z and Jack secret, so I could live to further days and expand my influence. Funnily enough, I died anyway. You did well, although I still think Jack's initial post was null, at a glance. Although I am open to discuss why you think I am wrong.

(Maven) -

Well, sad to see you couldn't stick around Maven. Yet I guess you can say I do 'force' things in the early game. Yet that's only to get the ball rolling, and get things serious early rather than keeping things trivial. Also it was funny that you noticed me 'slipping'.

UtopianPoyzin -

Well then, UP. You did well in showing that your tone was genuine. I think you don't respond well to pressure, though. That's probably what hurt you, and your position in the game. Your absences also hurt your slot. It really made me consider your slot as seriously scum, because it seemed like you didn't care to help town at all, in any way. Especially the 'Hi!' I think you'll need to improve on your reasoning for how you come to the conclusions you do. If you can't answer, then that is certainly a problem. Just remember, if you genuinely forgot something, or the thing that helped you come to a certain conclusion seems scummy, say it anyway. If we as town remain honest, then there is nothing to fear because our intentions will always be genuine.

Now, I think the way you come to your reads can be better. For example, I'm curious what made you consider that I am scum? You never had reasons, but you consistently asked Wisp "What makes Ran not scum?" Yet I can say that, eventually, I'm sure your scumdar may become better, as some of what you were saying near the end game was spot on.

In general, you seem to have played very anti-town this game, but I'm glad that, you were able to contribute to a town win either way.

Jackrito -

Nice meeting you Jack. Good play. I guess you got too wrapped up in my flow. Although it seems Wisp says you play a strong game as scum, so I assume you were playing more laid back to fool him, which worked. I was considering scum either: were in the town core, were forced into a poe (Boom/Sabrar), or were just following me. Since I was wrong on Sabrar, I was considering it may have been those following me. So I would have considered pushing you/Z had I lived. You did well to avoid my grasp at least while I was alive. Sorry to see you lose in the end, but I hope to see you again. Good games.

Wiisp -

Well, I think I understand why I may have a problem with your play as town at times. You seem to (by your own words) dumb down your town play to push up your scum play. I'd prefer you to not dumb down your play as either alignment, really. Yet, once you put in the work, I was able to see that you were town, and I'm glad to have worked with you. Sorry I stole your token and died with it! Funnily enough, I was focused on the 'fruit vending' aspect of my role, rather than the thief aspect. The advice on the wiki for the fruit vending role is to target your town reads, which is what I have done. I was doing it merely to confirm myself, but I have to target those with items, and I only know of one person with items! Sorry again. Enjoy that watermelon, I laughed at loud each time you mentioned it.

3DSNinja -

Well then, at a certain point, the lynch was on you because you became a question mark that had to be resolved. This is fine, because this is your first game, we popped your mafia cherry. It'll only help you become stronger. What really hurt you was the wisp slip, and the neighbor claim. I think it is important you not act so impulsively on something you do not know is fact. Example, don't assume a role is exactly the same as your home site, and ask the moderator if you aren't sure. Also, just claiming someone else's role for them without telling them is sort of... not cool? It takes away the control they have over whether they should claim or not themselves. (Generally, it's better to claim if a wagon is at L-1, and he was only at one vote, he will be fine)

Yet I hope this helps you see the mistakes you've made, and how you can improve on them. I would say that, if someone asks you a question, make sure to remember to follow up with them. If you asked a question, remember to follow up. Always follow up. Generally, try to be read up as much as possible as well. Don't claim pre-maturely. If you are L-1, and are the cop, claim if someone is asking you to claim. Etc.

I will encourage you to continue talking, and to generate suspicions, and generally do your best to help town however you can. I will say that how you responded to pressure can improve as well. You'll generate thicker skin as you play more with us, no worries. I am pretty aggressive, and I usually forget because it's natural to me. (Feel free to tell me how it felt from your perspective)

If in doubt, try to generate two - three scum reads, with reasoning as to why. It'll help you try to generate reasoning as to why you believe a person is scum, even if it may be thin for now. That's how I started. I think once you get over your confusion, and scumhunt as town, you'll do fine. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up.

pythag -

Sorry I was analyzing your death in the green room, ahahaha. Nothing I can really say, you died early. Gratz on drawing the N1 kill though. I do agree though, defend your town reads, and if you believe I'm wrong, make me see it. Yet from what I saw, I had a town read.

Sabrar -

As I said, I realize that it was my blunder to snap towards you during EOD. I think it was foresighted of me, because I may have felt better about you if I re-read your D1. I still had problems with your D2, it felt like you were lacking energy due to being scum. I was wrong. Maybe it would turned out better for yourself and myself if I lynched UP, so you could see you were wrong, and spark you to re-evaluate and solve. Anyway, I enjoyed playing with you, and am glad I had you around otherwise I'd just go crazy. (I always need a town buddy, which is why I would ask to discuss reads with you, I want us to come together, and not so much have myself pressure you into what I want, I'm sorry if that's what it felt like, it's more like comparing notes)

Ranmaru -

Played well in being influential, top town, and not even voted this game. Yet died too early and didn't lynch scum. Oop.

LaserGuy -

It was fun playing with you Laser. I backed off of you because I know in the past, I have been wrong often on you, and did reconsider your activity levels in the other game. (Which I hated reading by the way) You got me.

Z25 -

I stand by my actions. Although I think if I'm wrong until Lylo, I would accept being lynched if it was the best option. I don't think I should have been vigged before lylo though. (If possible) Also, I see nothing wrong with 'changing ideas'. That's called re-evaluation. I like to do CFD's because it creates chaos, and scum have to adapt as opposed to sticking to a plan. I do this knowing there is little time left in deadline, but enough for town to discuss it. (Two days) For example, you have stuck to Boom being scum, yet you were wrong. You never re-evaluated, and that helped you... stay on Boom, who is not scum. So, it doesn't actually help you lynch scum. Thing is, we were all on town, so it was a lose / lose especially for me, because either way, the mislynch would be pinned on me. I can see why it made you paranoid. Also consider there was little opposition to whatever wagon I was pushing Day 1. I felt I needed to create some reactions rather than just information based around 3DS. I think in the end, you need to ask yourself why you stayed on Ninja and Boom. You just seemed to be confirmation biasing on Maven as well, which I was actually suspicious of on re-read in Day 2, but never brought up. Re-evaluation is an important tool. Surely, you don't want to do it to the extent I do, but it is healthy and good for townies to identify other townies.

BoomFrog - Well, I'm glad I didn't lynch you after all, but it felt like you didn't do much with your sustained life after wards? Maybe I'm wrong and I missed it, but I don't think I actually saw a vote analysis as you promised? Agree that they shouldn't have lynched you without your chance to defend yourself, etc. I am curious since when you were actually suspicious of me. It seems like your opinion of myself has been brewing for a while and you found an opportunity to gain cred and did so (like laser noticed, even though he was scum). Especially since you liked Sabrar's post liking that we were going in circles, so I was confused as to why you were questioning me about ending the day one day early.
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Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2020
Gg I would rather not talk too much aboutt this. I have a lot of frusations from this game which can be seem in my scum chat. I had fun mostly though just annoyed I could not clutch out


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
ranmaru ranmaru
lol, I think the main problem is still my A.D.D
anyways Ill be around, but probably till not after Champs
Remember to supportyour friendly neighbor Kary in Game #2
as well As Rhand a great player from MTGS in the same game

you can see me in game #6 if you care enough

GG everyone


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2020
In Quarantine
Some quick shout outs:

You played a very strong game and were an excellent replacement for Town... You had a good feel for the flow of the game and were on us pretty quickly.

I think your chosen playstyle for this game probably caused more grief than it was worth, but you seemed to make it work. I can certainly understand the feelings of burnout, especially after you've had a long string of games in a row as mafia.

You played a very solid game and carried us very well. This was a tricky setup against a lot of strong Town players and I think we did pretty well under the circumstances. I wish I could have been more helpful to you :p

I like your style and approach to the game. You are very strong as Town and I was never really able to get a handle on how to deal with you.

This was a tough first game for you. I hope you don't feel too bad about how it ended up. Here's a few things I can suggest to you:
-Keep in mind you were ultimately mislynched by mafia. Both me and Jackrito were on your wagon. Even though it was Town that was leading the charge against you, we were amplifying the strength of their case. You weren't wrong that mafia was looking to push you as an easy lynch, your aim was just a little bit off... the people pushing the hardest for lynches, especially early in the game, are often Town.
-Claiming early as Town is usually not a good idea. I understand what you were trying to do, and I think if you hadn't accidentally mentioned Wiisp you probably would have been okay, but remember that in Mafia, the main feature of the game is information asymmetry. Mafia knows who all the townies are, and Town doesn't know who mafia are. However, mafia doesn't know who the power roles are. So even if you are vanilla Town or something, it's better not to claim unless it is necessary, on the grounds that it narrows the pool of potential power role night kills for mafia. In this case, it didn't matter because there was scum in the neighborhood, but if it had actually been an all-Town neighborhood, or especially a confirmed Town neighborhood as you were thinking, claiming would have hurt Town needlessly.
-I think comments in the form "IDGAF, go ahead and lynch me" are usually unhelpful as either Town or mafia. Even if that's how you genuinely feel, most people read those comments as very, very scummy. Later in the Day you did much better when you were trying to figure out who was pushing you for bad reasons and whatnot. If it looks like you're going to be lynched as Town, this is really what you should do.

Sorry we NKed you N1. I think you played a solid game.

Sorry for mislynching you in D2, though, in retrospect it was probably just a bad play on my part. I enjoyed playing with you again.

I think every other game we've played together we've both been Town (oh, except for that game where you were the SK and I was lovers with Sabrar which was an epic disaster on many levels), so it was interesting trying to play around you as mafia. One thing that I noticed from this game that seems to trip you up is that you seem to lean toward the game having competent Town and a weak mafia, and when you run into bad Town you automatically get locked in on them being mafia.

I'm impressed that you actually went through and checked my meta on Serene Forest, but I'm also sorry that you had to go through the work to do so. I wish there was another game I could have sent to you but that was one I had left that really fit.

I'm not sure if scumchat is available or not, but FWIW your kill was kind of forced on N2. This was my logic at the time:
So possible targets:
-Ran (tracker token). Decent enough choice.
-Wiisp (hider token). Probably a bad idea since she can avoid the kill. Might get lucky and pick her up anyway.
-Z25 (vig token). Impossible due to token restriction.
-BoomFrog. Closely tied to me. Should be an easy mislynch if it comes to that.
-UP. Hard to say what amount of townie credit he'll have after D2. I think he may be in better shape.
-Pokechu. Only person reading us correctly but has good mislynch equity.

Pretty much only person that makes sense is Ran I think.

You should have stuck to the emojis for the full game.

You played a very solid Town game and it was difficult to really get any traction on pushing you.

As I mentioned in Green Room, FWIW, I was fully intending to do the emoji thing regardless of my alignment. I try to keep my Town and scum games as similar as I can, and while I know there are differences that unavoidably crop up, this kind of thing isn't one of them.

Always good to play with you. I also really enjoyed playing as you :p Hopefully we can play again sometime soon where we both have a little more time.

I know you weren't actually playing, but are here in spirit. Always good to see you and hopefully we'll be able to find a game together again sometime

Thanks for hosting and for inviting me. The concept for the setup was very interesting. For all my griping about it in scumchat, I find low-powered and/or negative utility setups have a very different dynamic that is quite refreshing.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom

Pokechu -

Generally, I was fine with your replace in. I actually felt it was townier than your previous game in flavorless mafia III, but I didn't say anything to see how my read developed on you, and to keep my secret scumread on Z and Jack secret, so I could live to further days and expand my influence. Funnily enough, I died anyway. You did well, although I still think Jack's initial post was null, at a glance. Although I am open to discuss why you think I am wrong.

(Maven) -

Well, sad to see you couldn't stick around Maven. Yet I guess you can say I do 'force' things in the early game. Yet that's only to get the ball rolling, and get things serious early rather than keeping things trivial. Also it was funny that you noticed me 'slipping'.

UtopianPoyzin -

Well then, UP. You did well in showing that your tone was genuine. I think you don't respond well to pressure, though. That's probably what hurt you, and your position in the game. Your absences also hurt your slot. It really made me consider your slot as seriously scum, because it seemed like you didn't care to help town at all, in any way. Especially the 'Hi!' I think you'll need to improve on your reasoning for how you come to the conclusions you do. If you can't answer, then that is certainly a problem. Just remember, if you genuinely forgot something, or the thing that helped you come to a certain conclusion seems scummy, say it anyway. If we as town remain honest, then there is nothing to fear because our intentions will always be genuine.

Now, I think the way you come to your reads can be better. For example, I'm curious what made you consider that I am scum? You never had reasons, but you consistently asked Wisp "What makes Ran not scum?" Yet I can say that, eventually, I'm sure your scumdar may become better, as some of what you were saying near the end game was spot on.

In general, you seem to have played very anti-town this game, but I'm glad that, you were able to contribute to a town win either way.

Jackrito -

Nice meeting you Jack. Good play. I guess you got too wrapped up in my flow. Although it seems Wisp says you play a strong game as scum, so I assume you were playing more laid back to fool him, which worked. I was considering scum either: were in the town core, were forced into a poe (Boom/Sabrar), or were just following me. Since I was wrong on Sabrar, I was considering it may have been those following me. So I would have considered pushing you/Z had I lived. You did well to avoid my grasp at least while I was alive. Sorry to see you lose in the end, but I hope to see you again. Good games.

Wiisp -

Well, I think I understand why I may have a problem with your play as town at times. You seem to (by your own words) dumb down your town play to push up your scum play. I'd prefer you to not dumb down your play as either alignment, really. Yet, once you put in the work, I was able to see that you were town, and I'm glad to have worked with you. Sorry I stole your token and died with it! Funnily enough, I was focused on the 'fruit vending' aspect of my role, rather than the thief aspect. The advice on the wiki for the fruit vending role is to target your town reads, which is what I have done. I was doing it merely to confirm myself, but I have to target those with items, and I only know of one person with items! Sorry again. Enjoy that watermelon, I laughed at loud each time you mentioned it.

3DSNinja -

Well then, at a certain point, the lynch was on you because you became a question mark that had to be resolved. This is fine, because this is your first game, we popped your mafia cherry. It'll only help you become stronger. What really hurt you was the wisp slip, and the neighbor claim. I think it is important you not act so impulsively on something you do not know is fact. Example, don't assume a role is exactly the same as your home site, and ask the moderator if you aren't sure. Also, just claiming someone else's role for them without telling them is sort of... not cool? It takes away the control they have over whether they should claim or not themselves. (Generally, it's better to claim if a wagon is at L-1, and he was only at one vote, he will be fine)

Yet I hope this helps you see the mistakes you've made, and how you can improve on them. I would say that, if someone asks you a question, make sure to remember to follow up with them. If you asked a question, remember to follow up. Always follow up. Generally, try to be read up as much as possible as well. Don't claim pre-maturely. If you are L-1, and are the cop, claim if someone is asking you to claim. Etc.

I will encourage you to continue talking, and to generate suspicions, and generally do your best to help town however you can. I will say that how you responded to pressure can improve as well. You'll generate thicker skin as you play more with us, no worries. I am pretty aggressive, and I usually forget because it's natural to me. (Feel free to tell me how it felt from your perspective)

If in doubt, try to generate two - three scum reads, with reasoning as to why. It'll help you try to generate reasoning as to why you believe a person is scum, even if it may be thin for now. That's how I started. I think once you get over your confusion, and scumhunt as town, you'll do fine. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up.

pythag -

Sorry I was analyzing your death in the green room, ahahaha. Nothing I can really say, you died early. Gratz on drawing the N1 kill though. I do agree though, defend your town reads, and if you believe I'm wrong, make me see it. Yet from what I saw, I had a town read.

Sabrar -

As I said, I realize that it was my blunder to snap towards you during EOD. I think it was foresighted of me, because I may have felt better about you if I re-read your D1. I still had problems with your D2, it felt like you were lacking energy due to being scum. I was wrong. Maybe it would turned out better for yourself and myself if I lynched UP, so you could see you were wrong, and spark you to re-evaluate and solve. Anyway, I enjoyed playing with you, and am glad I had you around otherwise I'd just go crazy. (I always need a town buddy, which is why I would ask to discuss reads with you, I want us to come together, and not so much have myself pressure you into what I want, I'm sorry if that's what it felt like, it's more like comparing notes)

Ranmaru -

Played well in being influential, top town, and not even voted this game. Yet died too early and didn't lynch scum. Oop.

LaserGuy -

It was fun playing with you Laser. I backed off of you because I know in the past, I have been wrong often on you, and did reconsider your activity levels in the other game. (Which I hated reading by the way) You got me.

Z25 -

I stand by my actions. Although I think if I'm wrong until Lylo, I would accept being lynched if it was the best option. I don't think I should have been vigged before lylo though. (If possible) Also, I see nothing wrong with 'changing ideas'. That's called re-evaluation. I like to do CFD's because it creates chaos, and scum have to adapt as opposed to sticking to a plan. I do this knowing there is little time left in deadline, but enough for town to discuss it. (Two days) For example, you have stuck to Boom being scum, yet you were wrong. You never re-evaluated, and that helped you... stay on Boom, who is not scum. So, it doesn't actually help you lynch scum. Thing is, we were all on town, so it was a lose / lose especially for me, because either way, the mislynch would be pinned on me. I can see why it made you paranoid. Also consider there was little opposition to whatever wagon I was pushing Day 1. I felt I needed to create some reactions rather than just information based around 3DS. I think in the end, you need to ask yourself why you stayed on Ninja and Boom. You just seemed to be confirmation biasing on Maven as well, which I was actually suspicious of on re-read in Day 2, but never brought up. Re-evaluation is an important tool. Surely, you don't want to do it to the extent I do, but it is healthy and good for townies to identify other townies.

BoomFrog - Well, I'm glad I didn't lynch you after all, but it felt like you didn't do much with your sustained life after wards? Maybe I'm wrong and I missed it, but I don't think I actually saw a vote analysis as you promised? Agree that they shouldn't have lynched you without your chance to defend yourself, etc. I am curious since when you were actually suspicious of me. It seems like your opinion of myself has been brewing for a while and you found an opportunity to gain cred and did so (like laser noticed, even though he was scum). Especially since you liked Sabrar's post liking that we were going in circles, so I was confused as to why you were questioning me about ending the day one day early.
I agree that reevaluating is a good tool, but changing your scum reads and teams like 3 times a day will not look good in the end.

As for Boom, I waswrong yes, but I had already re-evaluated everyone at that point. I needed that boom flip because as I said I think it really solves the game.

For example if I was alive and instead of Sabrar, we Lynched Boom, that’s gg to me right there.

Town Boom painted my second scummiest read atm as most likely accurate, and that was laser. Due to the scum in the neighborhood theory, genuinely points against the slot and their boom interactions that people bought up as team evidence looked more like only one of them was scum using a townie.

From there I would have cleared Up because scum Up doesn’t play dirty like that and I fully believe he would have morales to not do that.

Pokechu was making solid Town posts in the late game so I wasn’t going there, that leaves Wisp and Jack.

I would be hesitant of Wiisp, however late game Jack felt like he had less desire to solve the final puzzle because it looked like an easy win, lynch Up and GG. The early vote gives it away too as no one should be voting early in that situation.

So In the end I was wrong, but my choice of boom would have solved the game and I was ready to argue that point.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
am i the only one who likes 'N SYNC? It's Gonna Be Me is a bop


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Z: I don't agree with lynching someone purely for information if I don't believe they will flip scum, and notice how both UP and Boom were also town. Looking good isn't my priority, especially since I am universally town read. As I explained, I am trying to secure a scum lynch. I was wrong, but it was all town wagons anyway. Try to think about intent behind a players posts. You are also too willing to use your vig token when it could cost town, it is good you used it on me. Also need to reconsider talking about claims before day 3, I declined because if I answered you scum can guess what my role is. (My thoughts were that it did make sense for tokens to be sent every where since I was a thief, but no point in me saying that near the end of day 2). Better you make notes of role things and save them for day 3 if there is a mass claim.

Fair point that you re-evaluated boom. (although I don't remember what your stance before was)

I think it makes more sense for me as town to snap if I feel both wagons are likely mislynches, and since I know I have the influence, I snap towards Sabrar. If I were scum in that situation, it would make sense for me to simply stay on boom / up since I know they would flip town. There is no need for me to scramble, other than to look more town, but I don't need to do that with how universally town read I am. It especially makes sense if I feel I won't live too long.

Also, changing from Boom to UP was a good safe play since it seemed like UP was mafia trying to bring down Boom with him before he flipped. Even though I felt Boom could slip away. So I think my change there was certainly warranted and based on UPs actions.

I would have re-evaluated Boom if he had done that save on UP earlier, just so happened he did it close to deadline.

Overall I think my problem was being wrong on my reads. I also secretly scum read Sabrar so once I saw the opportunity to lynch him I took it. Being flexible with my reads I feel was minor compared to my inaccuracy, but once I improve that, I won't need to CFD. I can agree that my decision to snap to Sabrar was short sighted; I should have left him for day 3 at least. Going to try to not snap within a town core early in the future.
Last edited:


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
well played babes
I will assume "babes" refers to me and me only. I appreciate the special treatment. I'm flattered Embarrass

There's always more where it came from!! not really I'm squeezed dry LMAO
Now that I think of it, what’s HBC stand for?
Hard Body Crew. I've been one of their biggest fans for years!!! It's my goal to discover who the ringleader is. This mystery must be solved

Imagine it! - #HBC | Chu

Much better than Pokechu.
All of these probably are too. I've been considering switching to Chu but C CHU exists. I might get an admin to stomp them someday


May 7, 2007
That still cracks me up lol. It's even funnier that Gorf is bussing his buddy and he thought to say that.
I know man! I think I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard the first time I read it. The whole thing is just hilarious


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Will probably give shout outs in a few days. Will do this now though

UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way throughout this game!!! I've been where you're at now, losing motivation, inspiration.... so I'm sure my "policy lynch" attitude did no wonders. Especially combined with the posts I was making as a whole ("clutching your pearls"... it's funny but there's a time and a place). I actually think your LyLo posts were super great and if I hadn't realized you were town during the Night phase then you probably would've convinced me then. Still I see why my posts towards you would frustrate you and I do apologize. At least it all worked out in the end!

Pokechu -

Generally, I was fine with your replace in. I actually felt it was townier than your previous game in flavorless mafia III, but I didn't say anything to see how my read developed on you, and to keep my secret scumread on Z and Jack secret, so I could live to further days and expand my influence. Funnily enough, I died anyway. You did well, although I still think Jack's initial post was null, at a glance. Although I am open to discuss why you think I am wrong.
Making me blush! Embarrass

Would be down to clown on why I think that post was scummy! I'll take it in the theory thread probably tomorrow or the next day, I need to knock out some assignments first
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