Gonna post EG2 shoutouts in here since twitter is siilllyyyyyyyyyyy.
HEY GUYS. I'm gonna get straight into these cause I wanna make hopefully quite a lot of them. No particular order here, although I might start with NSW and move outwards to OoS.
MM - Even aside from our usual interactions in Sydney all the time, it was just a pleasure to pretty much spend most of my time with you this weekend. You're one of the sharpest minds I know both inside smash and out and literally every time I walked into a match with your advice I felt invincible. You got so damn far this tournament, I know you've been working for so long and I know if anyone's got the download on them for next time it's you. You really held up NSW this tournament and reminded everyone our region can't be taken lightly. Of course I'm super looking forward to playing you and I'm gonna guess your Oli next tournament, it's gonna be fun times so get hyyyyype.
Jeese - I know you dislike travelling, so I was really happy to see you at gong trying hard anyway. I won't say much about us having to play, it was pretty silly, but yeah, thanks so much for coming back and helping me beat up people in sets later, it was super re-assuring and I wish I was as good at it as you and Ricky are. Everything else you probably know, friendship and stuff and Lucas is pretty dumb and twitch.tv.com is my favourite website etc. You're one of my favourite people in this scene. <3
Killy - Bruh you came to an interstate tournament and did the thing, so that makes me happy. I don't think any amount of SDs is gonna stop me knowing you're one of this country's most talented players. Come to moar things and then you can murder those pesky top 8-ers with Komo tech. :> We actually didn't get to talk much this weekend but that's okay cause you're coming to YSB and NAD to murder me so I'm pretty happy with that. In the meantime pls get everyone onto Abney Park I can't do this myself. :'(
Joe - BIG THANK for letting me stay with you and Ricky, we had the best room easily and we EVEN GOT SLEEP it was the best. I know you didn't do what you set out to do this tournament and it sucks, but I know you're still this country's next big top player up and coming and really from here on in it's all just part of the journey so I wouldn't worry too much. I'm so proud of the way you pulled yourself together to be the most supportive and you did super awesome on comms (I'd hazard to say you tended to know the most about the interactions occurring on screen over pretty much every other commentator BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE I SAID THAT). Smash is a super competitive environment sometimes, it's pretty easy to see yourself as a player and get stressed over how you're doing but just remember at the end of the day we've all got your back and we want you to go far. I know you'll be just fine. #joetho <3
Emansaur - Bruh I know you're just waiting for your breakout tournament and then no-one will sleep on yosher ever again. Good stuff on top 48 my man, just keep working on movement and patience and soon all those clutch games will turn into wins on big names. :>
Scarpian - I think you're in a similar position to Kris where you're kinda sorting out your stuff right now, but I think you'll be fine. You're one of my closest friendoos in this scene, EVEN THOUGH YOU TRY TO PUSH ME INTO THIS VILLAIN ROLE, I have so much love for my lil skip. I think I might have borrowed the fire from you before my set with Pudge, it's so OP, use it well. And also, maybe, if we're lucky, we can even team a THIRD TIME this year. How cool would that be? :O
Lumi - I'm still shocked you didn't buy a ticket for the 3rd day, only to get 17th at your first major and beating the likes of Zedi, Majora and even Quen, in addition taking games off of SeymourButts, Snugs and Ignis who got 4th WTF. You've seriously come so far since your days at Hornsby in such a short time, I expect less sadboiz on ROB from you from now on and in its place apologising profusely for all the JANK you're about to pull on this country. You dun gud.
Zedi - I'm sorry I don't give shoutouts to cucks. Also big love, I know you're always thinking about the best way to improve and I know you'll unlock it. Sorry I barely got to chat with you properly, you're high on my priority list for friendlies next YSB or NAD.
Invisi - You're a hero for sticking around and giving us all the support (even though I know you also had to be there for Leisha Boozer but STILL), I know you didn't do what you wanted to in singles but you're too good to stay down, just keep working on Rosa for the bad MUs to improve your consistency and things will be fine. You're such a good friend, you don't know how much it means to me that you're always there for a hug every tournament. You're an asset to this scene and I'm so glad you're still here and giving it your hardest after all this time. <3
Trojans - ALSO BIG THANK for letting me stay at yours after the tournament I had no idea what I was gonna do and I am sorry for falling asleep mid conversation in the car trip home. I think once you remember your patience you'll be able to force the interactions you want and punish them heavily, you might feel like you're on a plateau now but the moment you jump you'll probably jump very far. I'm still so jelly of you being like 5 mins away from NAD venue and I wish I was half as cool as you irl LOL.
Fruit - We will play friendlies soon and it will be good. Also why am I giving shoutouts to myself wtf. See ya soon buddy. :D
Lanatra - We finally got to play a set in tournament WOO. And it was a great set too, I'm sorry for silly Lucas combawz jank but your Corrin was mad, I think you should definitely consider working on it for future tournaments. :D
Gong boiz - You all hosted such a mad tournament, you should all be proud of yourselves and I'm hardcore impressed at how successful the gong scene is becoming. This tournament qualified on some international rankings and people definitely took note of us so you should be pretty proud of that too. I'm so sorry I don't come down nearly enough, life gets in the way but I'll do my best to make it down to a monthly sooner or later and in the meantime just remember you all have my sincerest love. Special shoutout to Kristoph for our set in bracket, I know you're a fantastic player and you'll get over your character crisis eventually, sucks we couldn't play in something like top 8 but we'll get em next time buddy. <3
Newy bros - So good to see all of you at the tournament and very very weird to be an opposing coach to atyeo in a real set. Last night shenanigoats were fun, I will like and share any #freebussy donations you need. Special shoutouts to Spaceman for continuing his upset streak and Speedy for coaching against him (I'm sorry I was dragged into all this ;_; ).
Pazx - BRUH CONGRATS ON 5TH, you played so well just like I knew you would and hanging out with you was legitimately da bess. I'm especially blessed for knowing what a Tim Tam Slam is now thanks to you, I'm never gonna drink healthily again but at least it's a slower death than #actroadsafety so we gud.

Legit though it's so gratifying to get to know a friend from a place like the boards and you're always insightful and a good fren. Let's continue bagging out Sriks for his parallel parking skills sometime. :D
Sriks - Speaking of which, BRUH CONGRATS ON 3RD AT A MAJOR, honestly you should be super proud, I guess you already knew you could beat me to a pulp but chomping through Extra, Duon and Ignis one after the other was a delight to watch, all game 5 situations too I dunno how your heart hasn't had its life-span cut in half but ye you're up there with the best of them. I'll just have to become stronger so I can actually convince you Lucas Shulk is even. I can never tell if you're loving my tom-memery or are really really tired of it but I guess if we're
super secret friends then it's all good. Also go play Xenoblade already I know I sure need to. :O
Quen - Our sets are always some of my favourite in smash ever and it was really close too, you're immensely talented and someone I have a lot of respect for in this community. Thanks for being such a mate, I'm looking forward to our next set. :D
Boozer and Leisha - I've been humbled and must now seek my revenge, but srs congrats on the major win, I have to stop jumping so our next set actually looks close. Even if I was playing on point I dunno if I could've taken you down, you looked like you were on a roll and pretty much just borking through everything. Our sets are always da bess, I'm looking forward to the next one. <3 And Leisha ty for the Mew sticker it's secretly one of my favourite pokemon. :D I know you weren't happy with your performance this major, but I was super happy to see you pulled through versing 4Par, if you ever want more tips on the MU or vs Lucas I am happy to help. :>
Extra - I was literally sitting waiting for our top 8 set and then we both got Monado'd so what can I even say. I know you're not feeling up to strength as of late but I'm glad you came up anyway and I always have so much fun playing with you in friendlies as well as generally just talking with you about smash stuff, you're super insightful when it comes to the game and this scene, it's no wonder you're one of the frontrunners of this country's meta.
Wave - Basically my soulmate in this tournament and every tournament, we even got 7th place buddies together. You already know at this point you're one of my favourite people in smash ever and ONE OF THESE DAYS WE'LL MEET IN BRACKET AT A MAJOR THAT ISN'T R1 LOSERS and have the coolest Bo5 evar. In the meantime I wish my interwebz were up to par so I could play online but at least we're only like 3 and a half hours away so I'm expecting we'll see each other pretty soon. :>
Majora - OUR SET WAS SO CLOSE my heart at the end of it was ded. I think your fox is actually really good, you've got a great mixup game and you just need to make sure you're reading habits to close out the stock. It was a pleasure meeting you, you're a billion times cooler than I'll ever be btw. I can't wait to see you around, most likely at BAM 9 yup. :D
Pudge - One of my favourite aus smash personalities and all-time tryhard nice guy, it was a pleasure finally playing you for the first time and I'm really impressed at some of the wins you pulled out this weekend. Ness Fox is preeeeetty silly. I'm looking forward to EVO Japan so for the first time I'll get to be cheered by you and the vic crew lol.
Kaito - So good to meet a fresh face and really cool to see Ghost isn't the only one repping Cloud Bayo (like Australia actually needs some top tiers in its meta otherwise everything goes to heck). You're busy praising everyone else but you're actually super super nice and I had a blast playing you. Sorry for my smashville grime. :'( In any case thanks so much for coming up, I'll see you at BAM 9! :D
Denz - OMG they weren't lying when they said you're kind to the point of ridiculousness, it was actually amazing to talk to you and watch you play. Amazing work taking a set off Ricky, and I can tell you're the kind of player who's really receptive to learning and understanding more about the game, so I'm really looking forward to seeing you on the come up in Vic. I'll keep tabs on your progress (*insert eyes emoji*), I don't know much about Rosa but feel free to contact me any time if you need any help!
To anyone who didn't get a specific shoutout, it's only because at this point I'm writing a novel and every single person made this weekend what it was, which was an awesome major. Thankyou all for being the coolest bunch of nerds I've ever had the pleasure to come across and I can't wait for next time. This scene is made what it is by all of you being so passionate, dedicated and caring and together it makes this awesome community which is Aus smash. Ily all. <3