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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Guys, why is it when someone says "I'm getting really frustrated about something and I'm on the verge of leaving the site because of it," your first reaction is to pile on with exactly what's bothering them?

You don't. . .DO that. :facepalm: It's not tactful and it's pretty deeply counterproductive.

And I don't care if you're trying to "toughen people up," it's cold blooded to the point of frostbite too.

This isn't the first time and it probably won't be the last, but I can at least. . .ASK you guys to stahp.
At this point, it's not "toughening up", it's "beating up a dead horse after already having beaten it."


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
It frankly doesn't.

Having only Samus really fits with the isolation theme most Metroid games have. In her games, she's usually all alone, much like how in Smash, she's the only playable Metroid character.

Thematically, the character representation in Metroid is perfect right now. More characters would be neat, but it shouldn't be because the series "needs more representation." It should... actually, Phoenix really nailed down what I wanted to say so I'll just quote him.

He said it for franchises with a ton of reps, like Mario, but personally, I think this should apply for any and all characters.
Wait is Smash Bros art now?
I never knew there was thematics behind why Sakurai chose characters.

Does Toon Link being in represent detachment?
Does Bowser Jr being in represent greed or a lost childhood?

This is more thought that I assumed anyone put into a roster outside "they look neat".
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Hot take: whether or not characters deserve to get in is almost entirely subjective bar a few examples.

Goku, Spongebob, and maybe Takamaru* are as about as objective as you can get in terms of 'deserving' to get into Smash.
Nah man I wouldn't even say Takamaru.

The only objective chances are the ones who actually have no chance of getting in.
Like me. I have no chance of being in Smash.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Guys, why is it when someone says "I'm getting really frustrated about something and I'm on the verge of leaving the site because of it," your first reaction is to pile on with exactly what's bothering them?

You don't. . .DO that. :facepalm: It's not tactful and it's pretty deeply counterproductive.

And I don't care if you're trying to "toughen people up," it's cold blooded to the point of frostbite too.

This isn't the first time and it probably won't be the last, but I can at least. . .ASK you guys to stahp.
Yeah I agree. People ought to be more respectful for others decisions.

Deleted member

The only objectively deserving character to be in Smash is Wonder-Red because he's the only true pure character and anyone who disagrees with this clearly wants to destroy Earth.

Deleted member

Guys, why is it when someone says "I'm getting really frustrated about something and I'm on the verge of leaving the site because of it," your first reaction is to pile on with exactly what's bothering them?

You don't. . .DO that. :facepalm: It's not tactful and it's pretty deeply counterproductive.

And I don't care if you're trying to "toughen people up," it's cold blooded to the point of frostbite too.

This isn't the first time and it probably won't be the last, but I can at least. . .ASK you guys to stahp.
I know this is directed to everyone, but I feel like you are referring t? Either way, good advice.
The only objectively deserving character to be in Smash is Wonder-Red because he's the only true pure character and anyone who disagrees with this clearly wants to destroy Earth.
I do think there are objectively deserving characters in Smash like Bandanna Dee, but I agree with Wonder-Red in Smash Brothers.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
The only objectively deserving character to be in Smash is Wonder-Red because he's the only true pure character and anyone who disagrees with this clearly wants to destroy Earth.
What do you mean? Wonder Red is already in a fighting game.
They should probably nerf him though. That's a massive combo for Smash.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm gonna put this in a way that should get the point off effectively, because what you're doing is gonna stir the pot and Lampy clearly needs a break.

Adding characters -solely- because "muh franchise" gets trash characters.

If we play the speculation game without any other criteria, Dr. Kawashima deserves to be in Smash more than K. Rool ever will. Nintendog deserves to be a playable character more than K. Rool ever will. And GOSH knows Pauline deserves it more, because going by sales the original DK is way, WAY more underrepresented than Country is.

Sakurai takes representation into consideration, but people treat it as though it's the ONLY standard. Clearly it is NOT. It is a small part of a much larger picture that people overexaggerate because they want characters from franchises and sub-franchises that were never as big as people seem to think they are in the first place. I'm not gonna say no entirely, but it's one of many criteria that Sakurai uses like sprinkles and the Smash fandom uses like a layer of fondant.
Tell me, do you think Zero Suit Samus is a "trash" character? My own feelings aside, she's incredibly well liked among the Smash fandom. She also got in solely because Sakurai wanted another Metroid character and more female characters on the roster. In other words, she got in because Sakurai viewed representation as important.

And I know you loathe K. Rool with all your being, but you were also the only one to bring him up here. Hell, he isn't even my preferred DK newcomer choice. You're letting your disdain for the character cloud what I'm saying.

I'm not stirring the pot, I'm giving an alternate, and dare I say valid, viewpoint. If anyone thinks I'm trying to instigate something, that's on them. People disagreeing with someone doesn't make that person a victim.

And representation is more than just characters anyway. Donkey Kong Country has been notoriously shafted as far as new content. Zero new stages on the 3DS and one new one on the Wii U, most of the music consists of Jungle Hijinx remixes, only two characters, zero items or assist trophies, and only two measly Smash Run enemies despite it being a platforming series with tons of enemy variety.

Thing is, they didn't understand my point. Clearly you don't either.
My point was that it's a poor reason to add a character. I talked about it yesterday as well - K. Rool will lose a significant amount of supporters if Dixie, Cranky and/or Funky are added.
There's also "x franchise doesn't need more characters" which I didn't adress but it's just as stupid.

I'm completely aware of that. I've been trying to educate him for a while.

Maybe I'm just tired and I can't explain myself properly but this conversation just makes me want to leave more.
Chill with the condescension, please. I'm saying I think representation is a valid thing to bring up because it's literally what got ZSS in the game.

Guys, why is it when someone says "I'm getting really frustrated about something and I'm on the verge of leaving the site because of it," your first reaction is to pile on with exactly what's bothering them?

You don't. . .DO that. :facepalm: It's not tactful and it's pretty deeply counterproductive.

And I don't care if you're trying to "toughen people up," it's cold blooded to the point of frostbite too.

This isn't the first time and it probably won't be the last, but I can at least. . .ASK you guys to stahp.
If someone is offended enough to leave the site by just having someone disagree with them, and not even in a hostile way, that isn't my problem. I'm not going to silence myself to coddle people, and that's coming from one of the more sensitive people here. This isn't even a "toughen them up" thing. It's a "here's why I agree with the other side's viewpoint" thing.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
He's the main villain, I fail to see how he's not important to the franchise.

I wanted K. Rool in Smash since the Melee days even before I knew what Smash speculation was.
There's a reason Smash has very few villains, and it's because very few villains are actually. . .RELEVANT to the face of a franchise. I'm going to take a -guess- and say that K. Rool pretty consistently stays as a final boss, because tons of other named Kremlings seem to exist. He's important to the franchise, but he's not a PUBLIC FIGURE of the franchise. He's manual fluff. An excuse plot in an era when those were standard.

Just because he's important to a franchise that is. . .moderately important to gaming doesn't mean he himself is important to gaming.

Most people who started wanting Smash characters with Melee grew up playing DKC since that and Super Metroid were about all the SNES even had with identifiable characters, and folks were probably watching that CG cartoon that aired around the time Smash was a thing too. He was fresh on the mind. He's. . .not, anymore. And he hasn't been in a long time.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Nah man I wouldn't even say Takamaru.

The only objective chances are the ones who actually have no chance of getting in.
Like me. I have no chance of being in Smash.
I only say 'maybe Takamaru' because that's my inner bias shining through when it shouldn't :p

Guys, why is it when someone says "I'm getting really frustrated about something and I'm on the verge of leaving the site because of it," your first reaction is to pile on with exactly what's bothering them?

You don't. . .DO that. :facepalm: It's not tactful and it's pretty deeply counterproductive.

And I don't care if you're trying to "toughen people up," it's cold blooded to the point of frostbite too.

This isn't the first time and it probably won't be the last, but I can at least. . .ASK you guys to stahp.
Mmmm, you right. Apologies @Lampy.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
The only objectively deserving character to be in Smash is Wonder-Red because he's the only true pure character and anyone who disagrees with this clearly wants to destroy Earth.
No, Funky Kong is the only objectively truly deserving character for Smash, cause he comes with a cool Funky mode. And Smash will finally be funky. :p
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
She is? No, seriously, all I ever heard about her was complaining about how stupid her Up-B is.

Found the J.E.R.K.
Can you actually come up with something that those letters would stand for :p

Hey, you wanna hear a better joke?
Viewtiful Joe 3.

It's funny because it hurts.
I got a better one for you, a new Custom Robo. TT__TT
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
She is? No, seriously, all I ever heard about her was complaining about how stupid her Up-B is.

Found the J.E.R.K.
She's very popular, from what I've seen, from both a casual and competitive standpoint.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
There's a reason Smash has very few villains, and it's because very few villains are actually. . .RELEVANT to the face of a franchise. I'm going to take a -guess- and say that K. Rool pretty consistently stays as a final boss, because tons of other named Kremlings seem to exist. He's important to the franchise, but he's not a PUBLIC FIGURE of the franchise. He's manual fluff. An excuse plot in an era when those were standard.

Just because he's important to a franchise that is. . .moderately important to gaming doesn't mean he himself is important to gaming.

Most people who started wanting Smash characters with Melee grew up playing DKC since that and Super Metroid were about all the SNES even had with identifiable characters, and folks were probably watching that CG cartoon that aired around the time Smash was a thing too. He was fresh on the mind. He's. . .not, anymore. And he hasn't been in a long time.
I mean that's a pretty slippery slope don't you think? If we're going to introduce criteria like that then we're going to have to make steep cuts because characters aren't important to gaming as a whole. And K. Rool is still one of the most memorable villains in Nintendo history (only behind Bowser and Ganon IMO). I don't think being a non-public figure is that much of a setback because lots of characters in the game are like that.

I was using myself as an example of people who aren't bandwagoning supporters of the Kroc. I wanted to show that there's people that want the character based on his merits and the relevance that he holds. Being on of the most popular request doesn't hurt as well.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Tell me, do you think Zero Suit Samus is a "trash" character? My own feelings aside, she's incredibly well liked among the Smash fandom. She also got in solely because Sakurai wanted another Metroid character and more female characters on the roster. In other words, she got in because Sakurai viewed representation as important.

And I know you loathe K. Rool with all your being, but you were also the only one to bring him up here. Hell, he isn't even my preferred DK newcomer choice. You're letting your disdain for the character cloud what I'm saying.

I'm not stirring the pot, I'm giving an alternate, and dare I say valid, viewpoint. If anyone thinks I'm trying to instigate something, that's on them. People disagreeing with someone doesn't make that person a victim.

And representation is more than just characters anyway. Donkey Kong Country has been notoriously shafted as far as new content. Zero new stages on the 3DS and one new one on the Wii U, most of the music consists of Jungle Hijinx remixes, only two characters, zero items or assist trophies, and only two measly Smash Run enemies despite it being a platforming series with tons of enemy variety.

Chill with the condescension, please. I'm saying I think representation is a valid thing to bring up because it's literally what got ZSS in the game.

If someone is offended enough to leave the site by just having someone disagree with them, and not even in a hostile way, that isn't my problem. I'm not going to silence myself to coddle people, and that's coming from one of the more sensitive people here. This isn't even a "toughen them up" thing. It's a "here's why I agree with the other side's viewpoint" thing.
K. Rool is just an easy to default to example since he's inevitably the one people are gunning for when they say "where's muh representation??" I could just as easily use Dixie, or Ridley, or Kraid riding a unicycle wearing a bikini.

I don't really have an opinion on ZSS, but she had more backing her up than just representation alone. Her most recent game came out recently, which Sakurai is known to also use as a measuring stick for many characters (and also tends to be overly relied on as an argument in completely different situations, but that's not relevant to this specific point), and she also added something unique to Samus' at that point rather stale moveset at the time. She almost certainly wasn't -just- a "muh representation" character even if it was taken into account.

Many attempts to argue in favor of characters, particularly ZELDA characters which are honestly even worse about it than DK and Metroid. . .are. That's my point.

Deleted member

I know this is unrelated but mentioning Wonder-Red made me remember: can we make a rule that doesn't allow people to lewd heroes? I mean, I really don't want to run into anymore All Might porn, it just feels wrong in ever sense of the word.

Deleted member

Can you actually come up with something that those letters would stand for :p
1-How dare you not get the reference?
2-It's short for GEATHJERK
3-It stands for Guild of Evil Aliens Terrorizing Humans with Jiggawatt bombs, Energy beams, Ray guns, and Killer lasers

Deleted member

This is a stupid discussion. Goodbye to all of the friends I don't have


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
K. Rool is just an easy to default to example since he's inevitably the one people are gunning for when they say "where's muh representation??" I could just as easily use Dixie, or Ridley, or Kraid riding a unicycle wearing a bikini.

I don't really have an opinion on ZSS, but she had more backing her up than just representation alone. Her most recent game came out recently, which Sakurai is known to also use as a measuring stick for many characters (and also tends to be overly relied on as an argument in completely different situations, but that's not relevant to this specific point), and she also added something unique to Samus' at that point rather stale moveset at the time. She almost certainly wasn't -just- a "muh representation" character even if it was taken into account.

Many attempts to argue in favor of characters, particularly ZELDA characters which are honestly even worse about it than DK and Metroid. . .are. That's my point.
But that's the thing, the new game and what she could bring to the table were all secondary. Sakurai is on record basically stating that the main factor was that he wanted more Metroid stuff. It wasn't the only reason, but it was the major one.

Deleted member

Yo, why the president of Cartoon Network hates you so much?
That is a thing? No wonder why I stopped watching CN.
I think CN is playing way too safe with the TTG spam and that could lead to the downfall of the company.
Oh and there are some old CN shows I can watch, but the app is literally trash so I ignore it.

But that's the thing, the new game and what she could bring to the table were all secondary. Sakurai is on record basically stating that the main factor was that he wanted more Metroid stuff. It wasn't the only reason, but it was the major one.
So Sakurai wants to promote more Metroid, ah that is good news. Thanks Opossum! :)
This is a stupid discussion. Goodbye to all of the friends I don't have
This is not a stupid discussion but you are my friend. :)
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
1-How dare you not get the reference?
2-It's short for GEATHJERK
3-It stands for Guild of Evil Aliens Terrorizing Humans with Jiggawatt bombs, Energy beams, Ray guns, and Killer lasers
...I haven't played the Wonderful 101, I just know the theme songs is catchy as hell...


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
This is a stupid discussion. Goodbye to all of the friends I don't have
Look, for what it's worth, I'm sorry, Lampy. I clearly shouldn't have kept engaging them in this conversation and making it batter you in the face even more, because just as you said absolutely no one intends to listen no matter how valid the point brought up is.

I consider you to be a friend. I don't want you to go. I only hope that's worth something.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
because just as you said absolutely no one intends to listen no matter how valid the point brought up is.
Glad to know I'm not allowed to disagree with someone without being an absolute monster.

Really, Cori?


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Lyn can't be Lilina's mother because Lyn x Florina is canon. Deal with it.


Edit: My apologies, I think I misread your post. Don't know what I was thinking. >_>

not that anything I said was wrong, mind, just that I shouldn't have directed it against you.

*sees chance to shill for Falcom*
I don't see why your first sentence looked like it was directed against me. I mean, it didn't look like you misread my post either. :confused:

Also, tell me we see eye to eye and that Adol Christin should be in Smash, right? I would love to see Adol Christin in, despite him not exactly being known, despite being around for almost just as long as Zelda.
I know this is unrelated but mentioning Wonder-Red made me remember: can we make a rule that doesn't allow people to lewd heroes?
Does that include Fire Emblem heroes by any chance?


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Dunno if this was posted

Dragon Ball Super Ep. 131 image
Repeat: 131
+20 years ago: "YA BASTA FREEZER"

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