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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
So basically, you start at a CO's origin story instead of their end point?
Not a particular origin story but CO's with their own goals and whatnot.
Except it is. What they said stated nothing about waifus and whatnot, but you are twisting their words so that it's "obviously" about Waifus.

And how you feel does mean something. Feelings are a big part about us. When we are not happy about something, we do show it for the majority, regardless of whether or not we believe it. And you have admitted that you don't like the attention Fire Emblem gets over Advance Wars, you have said remarks that show you being unhappy over IS showering over FE compared to AW, and you don't like whatever the new games are going for.
That is perfectly fine, but you are letting it twist what real people are saying and letting that be your "evidence". And that isn't fine. That is your feelings making you decide what people said or what they meant. "People don't feel as connected to AW's characters like they do Fire Emblem". Can it imply Waifus? Maybe, but you obviously don't know that. Obviously I don't either. This wasn't something said by an AI character. This is something said by a real person. No one is a mind reader. Can we predict or guess? Yes, but guessing and predicting ultimately has the accuracy of an Magic Eight Ball.

Look at characters like Lyn, Ike, Hector, Ephraim, Joshua, Nephenee being so high up on the first Fire Emblem poll. Look at Dorcas, who was memed so much that he was super high on the list as well. That shows merit to their quote of "People don't feel as connected to AW's characters like they do Fire Emblem", because obviously, people actually do care about these characters if they are so high up. Heck, Dorcas being up there shows that people certainly remember the Fire Emblem commercial.

Anyway, having opinions is fine. Twisting words to fit your opinion and use as "evidence" is not. You can guess all you like, but guessing never gives you the answer. Can they imply something? Yes they can, but you don't know if they actually did. Real people are not predictable. And real people's words should not be twisted to fit the whims of others or yourself.

If you feel that's what you should do, that's fine. It's going to get especially hot when the game gets closer and closer. Probably more than your Chandelure can handle with Flash Fire.
Honestly right now you're just pulling fallacies left and right now and having to resort to things i've said in the past.

How I feel about IS has nothing to do with the thing I mentioned. All my posts have been trying to explain that and you're still trying to pull the card out.

Please, drop this. I'm so sick of this circular **** that keeps happening everytime I mention AW and FE in the same post. I consider most of you guys here friends and I don't want this place to become toxic with false insinuations.
ITT: Advance Wars

Oh no, not the games, there's just clearly a war going on in here and it certainly ain't a normal one.
NintenZone Social 6.0 - Everyone Is Mad At Ura
How I feel reading these posts:
View attachment 138913
Either way, how is Kirby Star Allies for all of you?

Funny how it all started with me replaying to another person's question only for it to turn in to this circus fest.

And yes as you can see the fonting is messed because of the insane quoting i'm doing. Give me an award for most quoting dammit.
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Deleted member

How has it been toxic? I don't really notice anything out of the ordinary to be honest.
I don't know, maybe toxic isn't the right word.
Getting 5 replies at once was kind of overwhelming I guess, and it bothers me that I made a genuninely good point that no one took seriously.
I also hate about 30% of the users in that thread.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
How has it been toxic? I don't really notice anything out of the ordinary to be honest.
I mean to be fair we've also been around since Smash 4.
And we've seen a whole lotta ****.

I will say though the lack of info really has been straining them. I've noticed some hostility whenever I pop in to check what's going on.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
It's really something living in a post-Cloud world where people debate whether or not Goku is a viable contender for inclusion.

I know Cloud said limits are meant to be broken but even he would agree that there's some things you just don't cross.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I don't know, maybe toxic isn't the right word.
Getting 5 replies at once was kind of overwhelming I guess, and it bothers me that I made a genuninely good point that no one took seriously.
I also hate about 30% of the users in that thread.
What was the point, if you don't mind saying? I just remember you saying you were leaving the thread out of nowhere. Maybe I missed it.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I don't know, maybe toxic isn't the right word.
Getting 5 replies at once was kind of overwhelming I guess, and it bothers me that I made a genuninely good point that no one took seriously.
I also hate about 30% of the users in that thread.
Look, I got somethin' for you.

Hang out in this thread for casual chats, because everyone here is awesome (except maybe me IDK)

And go -here- if you want to speculah while the peeps on that thread are still wound up.

ResetERA is being more chill in terms of speculation discussion for now.

Deleted member

What was the point, if you don't mind saying? I just remember you saying you were leaving the thread out of nowhere. Maybe I missed it.
I said that no franchise needs "more representation".
People responded with DK obviously, which showed that they missed my point.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
And really to be honest Cloud isn't as surprising as a lot of people make him out to be.
Yeah hindsight is 20/20, but he's like the face of one of the biggest JRPGs of all time. If there was anyone to represent the gigantic franchise that is Final Fantasy it was going to be their big name character.

Goku on the other hand....
Sakurai: But, you know I get requests like, “Please put Goku in”
Sugita: GOKU!?
Sakurai: “Please put Spongebob”
Sakurai: That’s impossible.
Sugita: Spongebob’s games are only sold abroad!
Sakurai: That’s right
Sugita: The really energetic, yellow square right?
Sakurai: Yes.
Sugita: Even Spongebob…
Sakurai: Well, those kinds of requests are pretty common.
Sugita: What about Yukawasen*, or Segata Sanshiro?
Sakurai: (laughs)
Sugita: …well I’m glad Sonic’s in.
Sakurai: That’s the point of Mii Fighters
I mean look man he's being compared to god damn Spongebob.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I said that no franchise needs "more representation".
People responded with DK obviously, which showed that they missed my point.
But are they wrong? The series has two characters, no items, and only jungle stages save for 75m. Only had two Smash run enemies, too.

And even then, someone brought up instances where Sakurai did say he took representation into consideration, including ZSS getting into Brawl.

Is it really worth leaving a thread because someone doesn't see something the same way, or provides evidence that goes against your point?


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I said that no franchise needs "more representation".
People responded with DK obviously, which showed that they missed my point.
Ooooooohhh goooosh.

You're completely right on that, and of COURSE it was that fandom people jumped from.

*hands spa pass and bottled water*

Here, you're gonna need to relax off the gator tension.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I'm very tempted to put you on my ignore list now.
He's just an innocent child who doesn't know what he's saying half the time. (No offense, Shiny)

Give him a bit of slack for now.

With that said though...
I think that is false. Why?
-Points at Metroid in Super Smash Brothers-
Did you even read his post about him wanting to leave Smashboards, Shiny?

You probably didn't even if you gave it a like because **** like that is exactly why he wants to leave.

EDIT: Oh, you didn't give it a like. I'm legit surprised right now...
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Sep 12, 2014
What are some cool games I could get for like $35 or less? Preferably on Switch or PS4.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Arms was still successful though. Especially for a new system.

You could do marriage in the games past Genealogy and Thracia. You could marry Lyn to either Eliwood, Hector, Rath or Kent. You could marry Ninian or Flora to Eliwood and Florina and Farina to Hector. You could make Roy's mother either Ninian, Lyn or Fiora. You could make Lilina's mother either Lyn, Florina or Farina. Marriage was very much a thing in those games. What you are thinking of is the Children System, which was only in FE4.
I was more saying Arms didn't blow up to the level that Splatoon did, not that it didn't sale well.

Eh, I don't really see support endings as marriage, I can see the S-rank as marraige, but not the support endings.

Not a particular origin story but CO's with their own goals and whatnot.
Ah, I see, but I'd still love to see AW do the story of the experienced veteran, who went from a nobody to a great commandor, with us starting at his end point, and we learn through interactions with them how they became a great commander

And yes as you can see the fonting is messed because of the insane quoting i'm doing. Give me an award for most quoting dammit.
You still got noting on my multiquote attack :p

It's really something living in a post-Cloud world where people debate whether or not Goku is a viable contender for inclusion.

I know Cloud said limits are meant to be broken but even he would agree that there's some things you just don't cross.
I honestly don't get why people think Cloud=Goku in Smash 5. And we all know Goku's never happening, he's a licensing nightmare, who isn't worth the amount of money he'd bring in from all the legal fees and licensing agreement a worldwide release like Smash would have to do. Goku would delay Smash by at least 2 years, with all the wheeling and dealing you'd have to do for every region you release Smash in.

And pretty much all the licensing reasons that Goku brings, are the same ones that keep so many games based of anime in Japan.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Hang out in this thread for casual chats, because everyone here is awesome (except maybe me IDK)
Whatchu' sayin your one of the best members here. For real your sense of humor is highly underrated here.

Although ResetERA wouldn't allow me to join because of the paid E-Mail rule. Sucks because I think it's a good place for discussion.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I feel like this might be worth sticking into this chat, mostly because I'm lazy to retype it:
I mean I feel like there's definitely at least a limit.
Smash Bros is still a Nintendo oriented franchise, that doesn't change. Like even in Smash 4 we got like... 6 third-party characters out of a 50+ roster of Nintendo characters.

Not to say I don't want more third parties. I'm glad we were able to get as many great characters as we did. But Nintendo is still only one company with a vast amount of history still waiting to be brought out. At the same I don't think it's Nintendo's responsibility to represent gaming as a whole. Especially if we want Smash to start repping indies or popular characters from other consoles.

It's why I'm a little sad PSABR didn't do as well as it could have. There's a lot of appeal in having more games that try to represent gaming history. Hell look at Marvel vs Capcom. But I don't think Nintendo has to be only one holding the mantle.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Eh, I don't really see support endings as marriage, I can see the S-rank as marraige, but not the support endings.
That's still more or less marriage in every sense for one. And for two, I mean, you have people get up in arms when you say that Ninian isn't Roy's mother or *looks around for @Shishœ * Lyn isn't Lilina's mother. As much as it might not have gameplay effects or be the same game, it's still more or less marriage in all terms with how people get up in arms about them.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
But are they wrong? The series has two characters, no items, and only jungle stages save for 75m. Only had two Smash run enemies, too.

And even then, someone brought up instances where Sakurai did say he took representation into consideration, including ZSS getting into Brawl.

Is it really worth leaving a thread because someone doesn't see something the same way, or provides evidence that goes against your point?
I'm gonna put this in a way that should get the point off effectively, because what you're doing is gonna stir the pot and Lampy clearly needs a break.

Adding characters -solely- because "muh franchise" gets trash characters.

If we play the speculation game without any other criteria, Dr. Kawashima deserves to be in Smash more than K. Rool ever will. Nintendog deserves to be a playable character more than K. Rool ever will. And GOSH knows Pauline deserves it more, because going by sales the original DK is way, WAY more underrepresented than Country is.

Sakurai takes representation into consideration, but people treat it as though it's the ONLY standard. Clearly it is NOT. It is a small part of a much larger picture that people overexaggerate because they want characters from franchises and sub-franchises that were never as big as people seem to think they are in the first place. I'm not gonna say no entirely, but it's one of many criteria that Sakurai uses like sprinkles and the Smash fandom uses like a layer of fondant.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
I said that no franchise needs "more representation".
People responded with DK obviously, which showed that they missed my point.
Ah, that's right, I remember what this was about. I'm kind of 50/50 on this.

I disagree solely on the grounds of F-Zero (among others...) having on one rep since 64 and because 'muh Black Shadow dammit'.

Ignoring that, I can agree to some extent. Ceratin series franchises like Mario shouldn't 'need' any more representation than it already has in terms of playable characters, and any more that get in should really be on their own merits as a character, along with factors such as recency in appearance, popularity and what not.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm gonna put this in a way that should get the point off effectively, because what you're doing is gonna stir the pot and Lampy clearly needs a break.

Adding characters -solely- because "muh franchise" gets trash characters.

If we play the speculation game without any other criteria, Dr. Kawashima deserves to be in Smash more than K. Rool ever will. Nintendog deserves to be a playable character more than K. Rool ever will. And GOSH knows Pauline deserves it more, because going by sales the original DK is way, WAY more underrepresented than Country is.

Sakurai takes representation into consideration, but people treat it as though it's the ONLY standard. Clearly it is NOT. It is a small part of a much larger picture that people overexaggerate because they want characters from franchises and sub-franchises that were never as big as people seem to think they are in the first place. I'm not gonna say no entirely, but it's one of many criteria that Sakurai uses like sprinkles and the Smash fandom uses like a layer of fondant.
That's true but you also need to consider the historical significance and popularity that the Kroc has when making that observation.

With that being said however using that argument as a sole reason is pretty dumb.

Deleted member

In all seriousness, Metroid does need more representation in Smash Bros.
Did you even read his post about him wanting to leave Smashboards, Shiny?

You probably didn't even if you gave it a like because **** like that is exactly why he wants to leave.

EDIT: Oh, you didn't give it a like. I'm legit surprised right now...
I am really sorry I forgot what he was telling him about...
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
playing xenoblade C2
fighting a tyrant over water (because there is no other option. who needs healin potions anyway?)

accidentally make a perfect set of orbs for 4 elemental bursts.

436k chain attack damage even though im fighting a level 40

it turns around and AOE kills the entire party from full health

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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
In all seriousness, Metroid does need more representation in Smash Bros.
I'm not for or against new Metroid characters but I think "deserve" is ambiguous because not all deserving characters get in to Smash.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
That's still more or less marriage in every sense for one. And for two, I mean, you have people get up in arms when you say that Ninian isn't Roy's mother or *looks around for @Shishœ * Lyn isn't Lilina's mother. As much as it might not have gameplay effects or be the same game, it's still more or less marriage in all terms with how people get up in arms about them.
Excuse me, but Lyn isn't Lilina's mother, Lyn clearly went and spent the rest her days happily with Florina on the Sacae fields, I knew I couldn't trust @Shishœ , still haven't accepted Yuri as the one true form of love I see, this must be rectified :evil:

If you click the arrow next to his name in the quote, it'll bring you right to the post.
Huh, I didn't know this, guess I need a refresher on the rules.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
That's true but you also need to consider the historical significance and popularity that the Kroc has when making that observation.

With that being said however using that argument as a sole reason is pretty dumb.
K. Rool hasn't been significant in at least three generations and was only even semi-important in one. And while the DKC games sold excellently, they're still a far cry from true "iconic video game" status the way the original DK is.

I think one of the comments on ResetERA summed it up well when they said K. Rool was an anomaly in that no one would be suggesting him if it weren't for his insane popularity in the Smash fandom.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
That's still more or less marriage in every sense for one. And for two, I mean, you have people get up in arms when you say that Ninian isn't Roy's mother or *looks around for @Shishœ * Lyn isn't Lilina's mother. As much as it might not have gameplay effects or be the same game, it's still more or less marriage in all terms with how people get up in arms about them.
Lyn can't be Lilina's mother because Lyn x Florina is canon. Deal with it.


Edit: My apologies, I think I misread your post. Don't know what I was thinking. >_>

not that anything I said was wrong, mind, just that I shouldn't have directed it against you.
What are some cool games I could get for like $35 or less? Preferably on Switch or PS4.
*sees chance to shill for Falcom*

If you don't mind that it's a PC game, Trails in the Sky FC is one of my favorite RPGs ever and it's regularly priced at only $20. And it's actually only $10 on GoG right now. Plus it can pretty much run on a potato so you don't exactly need a powerful PC to run it.

As for Switch or PS4...I dunno anything for PS$, and...I hear Celeste is pretty good. IDK. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
In all seriousness, Metroid does need more representation in Smash Bros.
It frankly doesn't.

Having only Samus really fits with the isolation theme most Metroid games have. In her games, she's usually all alone, much like how in Smash, she's the only playable Metroid character.

Thematically, the character representation in Metroid is perfect right now. More characters would be neat, but it shouldn't be because the series "needs more representation." It should... actually, Phoenix really nailed down what I wanted to say so I'll just quote him.

should really be on their own merits as a character, along with factors such as recency in appearance, popularity and what not.
He said it for franchises with a ton of reps, like Mario, but personally, I think this should apply for any and all characters.
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Deleted member

But are they wrong? The series has two characters, no items, and only jungle stages save for 75m. Only had two Smash run enemies, too.

And even then, someone brought up instances where Sakurai did say he took representation into consideration, including ZSS getting into Brawl.

Is it really worth leaving a thread because someone doesn't see something the same way, or provides evidence that goes against your point?
Thing is, they didn't understand my point. Clearly you don't either.
My point was that it's a poor reason to add a character. I talked about it yesterday as well - K. Rool will lose a significant amount of supporters if Dixie, Cranky and/or Funky are added.
There's also "x franchise doesn't need more characters" which I didn't adress but it's just as stupid.

He's just an innocent child who doesn't know what he's saying half the time. (No offense, Shiny)

Give him a bit of slack for now.
I'm completely aware of that. I've been trying to educate him for a while.

Maybe I'm just tired and I can't explain myself properly but this conversation just makes me want to leave more.

Deleted member

playing xenoblade C2
fighting a tyrant over water (because there is no other option. who needs healin potions anyway?)

accidentally make a perfect set of orbs for 4 elemental bursts.

436k chain attack damage even though im fighting a level 40

it turns around and AOE kills the entire party from full health

I like it when people use Ace Attorney images to show their expression. And also an angry Poliwrath, I can see why you are angry. I feel your pain, look at this image! :)

Deleted member

That's still more or less marriage in every sense for one. And for two, I mean, you have people get up in arms when you say that Ninian isn't Roy's mother or *looks around for @Shishœ * Lyn isn't Lilina's mother. As much as it might not have gameplay effects or be the same game, it's still more or less marriage in all terms with how people get up in arms about them.
You look into my eyes and tell ne HectorXLyn isn't canon.
Having only Samus really fits with the isolation theme
This argument always used to hurt my head back then and it still does


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
K. Rool hasn't been significant in at least three generations and was only even semi-important in one. And while the DKC games sold excellently, they're still a far cry from true "iconic video game" status the way the original DK is.

I think one of the comments on ResetERA summed it up well when they said K. Rool was an anomaly in that no one would be suggesting him if it weren't for his insane popularity in the Smash fandom.
He's the main villain, I fail to see how he's not important to the franchise.

I wanted K. Rool in Smash since the Melee days even before I knew what Smash speculation was.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Guys, why is it when someone says "I'm getting really frustrated about something and I'm on the verge of leaving the site because of it," your first reaction is to pile on with exactly what's bothering them?

You don't. . .DO that. :facepalm: It's not tactful and it's pretty deeply counterproductive.

And I don't care if you're trying to "toughen people up," it's cold blooded to the point of frostbite too.

This isn't the first time and it probably won't be the last, but I can at least. . .ASK you guys to stahp.

Deleted member

aw man the thread is bad rn
I know, but things will be fixed again I am sure.
I have a question for, you once said that you wanted Sonic to force himself into you. Do you still want him to do that today? :troll:
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