Finch for Morag and Kora for Rex...
Wow, I got Finch for Zeke (Overdrive to Rex later, which... is dumb) and Kora for Nia... and the later I got very late.... Finch I got her not too long after Zeke joins the party.
Been using Morag a lot lately and since she's got Brigid and Finch now she's got two Tank sets so having another healer on Rex will be pretty useful...Though initially Kora seems very similar to Adenine apart from being a Thunder elemental instead of a Wind far Wind has been more useful to me both in and out of battle so Kora may not last too long in the party, but we'll also depends on what other blades I'll get for Morag as well and how well they can combo...
I got Godfrey from Morag, and since you can chain to ice after Fire and after water, Godfrey is very useful and even powerful on Morag.
Also speaking of the Rare Blades in the game its actually neat that some of them have their own side quests and Heart-to-Hearts as well...recently did a side quest involving Perceval as we were tracking down these scam artists in Mor Ardain...usually I just speak to people with side-quests and then get to them later but seeing Perceval actually getting involved made me want to do it right away since I wasn't expecting any of the Rare blades to actively take part like that...
Yeah, I wasn't expecting those when I played XC2, I mean the rare Blades are not just well... rare but eh yalso have their own personality and side quests.
And Perceval not saying it's my fav but it was awesome and pretty wicked, and not sure if yu have finish it yet, but you will find Perceval's quests even more well... dark.
And you may have know this already there are a few rare Blades that you have to finish their quest in order to get them. Which I'm not actually a fan of.
here was also this Heart-to-Heart with Wulfric in Fonsett...poor guy just wants to have friends with people despite looking like a frikkin Eldritch Demon...
"One day, I will make friends with everyone" For such a nice sounding statement, he makes it sound so sinister >.>
And Wulfric's quest was very rad, probably one of my most favorite Blade quest.
Another Heart-to-Heart I found was with Adenine at Argentum where she had a battle of knowledge against this old Nopon...only to not be able to afford the book she was after in the end lol...
And regardless of which region they talk about, it was very interesting and there are quests that are relevent to Argentum and Uraya's history.