Swampasaur: "Time to drain the swamp of this sore."
Opossum: "No need to play dead because I'm gonna make that a reality."
Shiny: "You're gonna have a real shiner after this."
Aurane: "We fight far too often. But... not usually like this."
Gwen : "My blades will slash those tires into ribbons."
Zeb: "The typo master himself. Heh."
Shish: "Hey shoes. Don't tread on me, or I'll stomp you flat."
Red: "Ah... Red... This will be an shocking battle."
Praline: "Oh! P-praline... Uh, about those internet flirts, I.... You know what, never mind."
Uni: "You must be pretty stupid to cross horns with- oh god, never mind, let's fight already."
Coricus: "This is about those cinnamon roll comments, isn't it?"
Mandala: "No internet meme will save you from my blade."
Obobo(Pumpkaboo): "Oh dear. Praline is gonna be one disappointed boy."
Ura: "Your advancements mean nothing to me."
Kirdra(Kirby Dragons): "Force.... balance... push!"
DJ(AmericanDJ): "You got any good battle remixes? I want this battle to be enjoyable."
Unlockable characters:
Burb w/ Roger: "Two fighters, three fighters- I don't care. Bring them ALL!"
Cure Lily: "Your defeat is the cure to this match!"
Natz: "I heard Uni fears you. Well... Its time to open his eyes."
Goldie: "Gold blinds the eye of the Dragon... But I see you're true value!"
Holder: "I won't hold back. I expect you to do the same."
Blue Hunter: "You're going to feel very blue after this, hunter."
Apollo: "Your objections shall be overruled."
Yellowlord: "Royalty or no- you will be silenced."
Aetheri: "Our fallout shall split the rim of the skies!"
Chrono: "My travels have taught me much. Can you say the same?"
Psycho Incarnate: "You really are psychotic if you dare challenge me."