Deleted member
What about a Swamp mirror match?Some quotes from me.
Vs Opo: Opossums are only supposed to PLAY dead, dude.
Vs Zeb: I'll spell it out for ya, you lost.
Vs Z25: Shouldn't have left the hospital.
Vs: Shishoe: Don't feel bad. Your chances of winning were lower than EO's chances of selling well.
Vs Gwen: No wonder you're obsessed with heroes, you really need saving.
Vs Chrono: Well. Look at it this way. You actually fought. You're more real than wrestling ever was.
Vs Mythra: Let Pyra do your fighting for ya, sweetie.
Vs Vaanrose: Your face is gonna need a mod after this.
Vs Shiny: Awww its like kicking a puppy...
Vs Praline: More like trap peasant.
Vs Psycho: Time to move on, old man.
Vs: Stoopid: Your words, not mine.
How were those?