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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
My free summon was Brave Lyn.

I finally have THE ENEMY. Brave Ike is now the only CYL hero I don't have.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
I mean... it's not that bad.

Looking at the stats, you basically get a 28/28 defensive spread from it.

All you really need to patch that up is Emblem buffs.
Oh it's workable.

His def is pretty decent though, and I admit I wasn't happy to see it take a hit. I may pull for another after the dragon banner goes.

Who is Marric? Got him from a free summon. The game also gave me a 2nd Jakob

You've already got 150 feathers for your Jakob then.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
So, the Thracia banner is out in FEH. The good news

I got THE REINHARDT. The bad news is that he's +Spd -Res lol. Whatever, I'm sure he's going to be an awesome unit to use, I really can't wait to train him up.

On another note, the chapter 7 of book 2 is up, and oh boy...
If any of you were expecting Gunthrá to come as a free unit when she joined the party... Guess it's never going to happen. This got dark pretty quick, Surtr doesn't care about anything, he just burned her to death...

I don't know how long this story is going to be. Technically the summoner has now the two mythical weapons needed to destroy Surtr, so it could end really quickly (I want the bad guys to become allies already). Either way, this is much more entertaining than book one.
Alright, got me a pile of orbs, gonna go for Reinhardt.

First one came and went. Accidentally burnt the free summon on a blue, sniped one red, no luck.

But hey that's first set. Second set's up, let's snipe a ****ing red.

View attachment 141226

...well alright then. Let's snipe a ****ing re-.

View attachment 141227


Yeah Surtr pulled some stone cold **** right there.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but wasn't super fond of the writing for some reason. Surtr showing up at the place out of nowhere was a bit jarring, if acceptable, but Gunnthrá's last act just didn't have the kind of player punch to it I was hoping for.

I still dig it overall.We'll see how it plays out in the next chapter or two.
Let's go Apollo and Red :denzel:

Mine's a +HP -DEF

Had I known about Red's summoning pool options earlier I would've posted mine too b/c I had the EXACT same one LOL

Just that I chose the bottom right one. Now to go back off-line and prep for finals
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Who is Marric? Got him from a free summon. The game also gave me a 2nd Jakob
Merric is one of my favorite characters in the franchise.

He was a childhood friend of Marth and Elice (Marth's older sister) and came from Altean nobility. The issue was that there was an expectation among Altean noblemen to become knights, but Merric was sickly and physically weak. It weighed on him heavily, but Marth and Elice were always there to cheer him up. They were pretty much his only friends. So eventually he decides he wants to become a mage against his family's wishes, and Marth and Elice are incredibly supportive. So he heads off to Khadein which is basically the Fire Emblem equivalent of Hogwarts. This was several years before the Fall of Altea, so Merric was spared from the carnage.

He's kind, compassionate, soft-spoken, and studious. And a total dork. He is fascinated with the nature of magic and has dedicated his life to studying it, having written multiple theses on the subject. When he regroups with Marth in the fourth chapter of Shadow Dragon, he'd finished his studies and now wields the legendary tome, Excalibur. With it, he joins Marth in his attempts to set things right, and has a personal stake in three of Marth's goals: taking Altea back from Gra, freeing Khadein from Gharnef, and rescuing Elice, whom Gharnef had kidnapped so he could use her for the Aum Staff. Merric also has a massive crush on her since she was so kind to him growing up, and now he wants to repay that kindness.

During the War of Heroes, he was back in Khadein continuing his studies when his rival, Arlen, attempted to kill him. He failed. Arlen eventually realizes the error of his ways and joins you, and Merric is a good enough guy that he doesn't hold it against him. He was just happy he didn't go down the same path as Gharnef. Speaking of Gharnef, he's back and he took Elice again, this time brainwashing her and a few other clerics to revive Medeus. Merric has personal stakes in this again, so he joins Marth. Come the final battle, Merric is needed to break Elice from her curse. He breaks down, noting that despite everything he did and how hard he worked to protect her, he still failed her. His anguish broke through to her and he's basically on the verge of tears when she comes to, but simultaneously tries to don a brave facade because he's a dork.

So then Marth kills Medeus again and becomes the ruler of all of Archanea, and Merric remains among his closest friends. He opens up his own magic academy in the palace and works there alongside Elice, his now-wife, also making him Marth's brother-in-law. Jury's out on whether that violates the bro-code, but Marth seems cool with it.

So yeah, that's Merric. He's a wonderful character who needs more love.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
...And today, I just learned that the French translation team for XB2 are a little stupid. Because they are two aux cores who have the same name, even though what they actually do are like, completely different. (One raise aggro, the other make you deal more damages if you have said aggro.)


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC

Requesting something to my fellow Xenomates @Apollo Justice @Chrono. @end. Metal Shop X Metal Shop X mario123007 mario123007 @Mythra @PLATINUM7@Xeno VII and @Zeb~ :
I'm looking for a gif of Zeke doing his "whatever, I'm out now" move that he does sometimes during Heart-to-hearts and Blade quests like there:

Do some of you have such a gif to share please?
Eh, to be fair @Final Smash Gamer , Zeke isn't a spoiler, we have already seen him in many gameplay trailers. Hell, he's even on the official wallpaper along with Nia and Dromarch.

And not just Azami's HtH, Zeke also does that in Ursula's HtH as well... but I don't know the rest...

And... you guess it, Metal Shop X Metal Shop X @Apollo Justice I am now at the final chapter of Xenoblade Chronicles 2...Just getting start and I just had a minor nostalgic...

So how was Chapter 8 and 9 you may ask? Maybe it was because I was playing it at once... non spoiler tl;dr
It felt... a bit messy... I know there were many beef moments, but I never really get it straight... thank for Architect that there's cutscenes that I can rewatch...
Learned from @Mythra , I go with semi spoiler review first... it is hard to stay spoiler free after chapter 7... so yeah....
  • WHERE AM I ON RIGHT NOW? I felt like I am playing Xenoblade Chronicles X as if the earth wasn't destroyed but rather in ruins... or a bad ending of Xenoblade X...
  • This location really really gives me a headache...
  • Rex can use every Blade! Yay! I can use Agate without overdrive! (A minor downside is you can't use overdrive to set the default driver back to Rex... therefore, even if you put another party member's Blade on Rex when doing the quest, it will still work, but later Driver and Blade conveersation will still be the original driver)
  • The new character (Only for a moments) I got was very very OP....
  • So many flashbacks... they were so hurt but also a bit annoying to be honest
  • Boss weren't a big deal... at all...
  • Finished many Blade quest... and Heart to Hearts... how interesting was there was one HtH that didn't have two routes.. only one...
  • Land of Morytha... thank goodness that I wasn't spoiled on this one
  • Anyone who argues about Rex lying n Pyra's lap during the beginning was a fan service... now this is where they get burned lol.
  • Why? (Choose between Mythra or Pyra for the new form)
  • Jin still wear his mask when you have him as party member...
  • Zombie fans in luck, Land of Morytha is full of "Zombies"
  • So Blades aren't immortal, they will turn into titans... just curious how long is a Blade's life span...
  • Jin... ate her? You mean you just ate her heart right?
  • Shame that Lora and Haze didn't have much more chemistry... and yeah, I aware Haze probably turned back into core crystal when Lora was killed... But I was thinking that Lora and Haze look alike must be meaning something... may be this will be talk about in the final chapter.. or not....
  • Amalthus' evil grin... reminds me of a villain in Hunter X Hunter... hint is... he's an ant...
  • So... just what happened to Amalthus? Besides her mother was killed?
  • Can't believe he took Haze's core crystal... speaking off...
And some Blade quest thoughts...
  • From the people's reaction... this clearly means that much like how we first met Praxis and Theory... they often go without their driver... so therefore not much people have actually know their previous driver... which means Praxis and Theory's previous driver were really d**ks
  • And them being cold blooded killers... hm... can't imagine that at all lol.
  • Getting ingredients and send the cookies to people... and need to do quest is so annoying...
  • Praxis lol, eyes of shining justice...
Eh... even if this quest clears off Praxis and Theory past sin, it doesn't really make them more standout... or at least impactful... so...
I give this quest 5/10... nice to have an after math quest... but wasn't too good.
  • I don't know why, even though I aware Floren is a dude... he is pretty cute at time during the cutscenes
  • And man putting out those fire... was such a hassle...
  • Alls well ends well... not really lol
  • Yes Floren... I already you were a dude...You are the best trap of 2018...
I give Floren's quest 7.5/10... you can start pretty soon as at chapter 6... but you can only finish it after finishing chapter 7...
  • Wasn't too bad when it comes to battling...
  • And Herald goes "berserk", ok... just shooting cannon at us... I wasn't expecting something more... Evagalieon- like lol...
  • So she goes to Spirt of Crucible Eplys? Where Blades often became weak? Not a bad idea Herald...
  • And we get to battle against Herald... Rex fighting against her own Blade... how does that make any sense lol
It was average... 6/10
Now for chapter 9
  • Checking cutscenes... this chapter has by far the least of cutscenes, but keep in mind most were very long...
  • So yeah.. the way to Elysium wasn't as I expected lol....
  • Now I get what is get in to the elevator means lol
  • Hm... again... lv 99... so most boss and enemies weren't a big deal...
  • Completed many Blade's affinity chart on the way....Besides Pyra and Mythra, I completed Wulfric, Praxis, Kora,Ursula, Perun, Electra, Sheba and Dahlia's affinity chart.
  • Whoa... the air battle...
  • Mik... he... was a jerk... but this chapter was where he really shines and... so.. RIP
  • He's a Blade eater? Which means he's a Human who becomes a Blade?
  • So this means Flesh eaters are obviously Blades turn to humans... but this will mention later
  • Battling against Jin... for the 100th time (Not really)
  • Whoa! whoa! Amalthus! You consume too many protein!!! And man he looked more like the Ant King from Hunter X Hunter... (Taking him out was easy too)
  • So... Akhos and Patroka aren't actually sisters... because they are actually Blades to Flesh eaters... so this means...
  • Nia technically is a blade at first... so she probably consume her "sister's" flesh and become human... however, only she and Jin and transform their... well... forms/aesthetics while Akos and Patroka didn't was pretty weird lol.
  • RIP Patroka...RIP Akhos... and last but not least....
  • RIP Jin and basically the entire Torna group...

So... yeah, basically I finally can watch all Xenoblade 2 videos... the "embargo" I put is now released...

I check back at Censorship gaming's Xenoblade 2 video...
Keep in mind, Censorship's fault on this video is they didn't care much about the visual spoilers... the video thumbnail basically spoils something about Poppi....

So again...Even though there's no story spoilers in this video...
VISUAL SPOILERS ahead, those who haven't seen Xenoblade 2's gameplay... DO NOT CLICK!

  • Yes.. yes... rare Blades... and even location English names are totally different compare to the Japanese ad Chinese.
  • According to one user... Chinese was basicaly 0% censorship... which means it was a smooth translate from Japanese to Chinese, which is obvious because they probably didn't have that much time when localizing Xenoblade 2 for Taiwan.
  • Yes... Elysium is called "paradise" in Japanese... already knew about that ever since E3...
Next are mostly heart to heart
  • I mean... Japanese may sound more pervy but Japanese makes more sense... Obviously Tora's gampypon and daddypon must have look at those nsfw books( instead of Blade books in English version)... or even probably hentai mangas lol
  • Next one also about Tora and Poppi... so tora made swimsuit that will break off.... why Tora? No wonder Brighid decides to burn that constume
  • Sheba is actually a lesbian... technically... but not really... so I guess setting her to Morag or Nia were probably the best choices.
  • Obviously, Dahlia, thank goodness no censorship hah! Has different voice tones... in English she sounds like a more American cowgirl style accent... whereas Japanese it was more of that typical pretty lady tone...
  • Finch sounds like what she's supposed to sound like in Japanese... but in English it's almost and 180 degree change... which this also made her the best English VA in my opinion.
Also finis Gorg and Adenine's quest too...
  • Running about like most other rare Blades...
  • Interesting...
  • A bit time consuming...
  • She can't stop jumping while spinning for some reason...
  • She decides to stay in the World Tree forever... ok...

Morag cooking...

Salt (Or Sugar actually) Bae, Gorg version
Hm. .. Is this nsfw? Maybe a little bit
*sigh* no wonder why Baseball win...

And yes, Marina is wearing Raimon football uniform from Inazuma Eleven.

And... For Metal Shop X Metal Shop X
I really want to know what is Malos taking about. ..

Deleted member


Dixie's cute as ever.

EDIT: Oh btw mario123007 mario123007 , as you're finally now that far in XC2 you can now watch that famous video I shared to the other Xenomates months ago without risk anymore:
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
You're getting greedy with your evil dragon dads, dude...

Says the one who has a +4 Grima that makes Reinhardt **** his pants harder than yours.
Ain't greedy. I'm just a man who knows what he wants.

And what this man wants is a +10 M!Grima.

Someday I'll get there. It won't be this day, nor this banner, but someday.

So yeah, that's Merric. He's a wonderful character who needs more love.
More love from IS, specifically.

Because in Heroes he's just goddamn criminally awful.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC

Dixie's cute as ever.

EDIT: Oh btw mario123007 mario123007 , as you're finally now that far in XC2 you can now watch that famous video I shared to the other Xenomates months ago without risk anymore:
Yeah... If I have time I will try to look at @Mythra old Xenoblade Chronicles 2 play log...

See, I said I will move swiftly after I got Theory... But...
It will take a while for me to get to the end game.... I have one more Blade quest to do... And you know who...

And yes, I am setting a lousy record of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 first play through game time. I am nearly at 450 hours at this point.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
These little doodads apparently are key to restoring Agent 8's memory. Doesn't really say what exactly they are but they are cute.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
These little doodads apparently are key to restoring Agent 8's memory. Doesn't really say what exactly they are but they are cute.
They look like erasers

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I'm watching Sailor Moon and I flipped the **** out. There's this in universe toku show called Redman and that's scary as **** as there's an ACTUAL Redman who has a reputation for brutally slaughtering monsters who were minding their own business. Now I'm imagining this mass murderer in Sailor Moon


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Since I'm at the final chapter of XC2 (Only at first part...)... and get to watch this video... and I will watch Gamexplain's video once I finish the story completely

Okay, I need to point out some things in this video:
  • It is nothing wrong to compare Xenoblade and Xenoblade 2... but both (And even XCX) I consider all of them a masterpiece. Each Xenoblade games have their fair share of pros and cons respectively. NEVER say which Xenoblade game is entirely a better game than the other Xenoblade game. You will just hurt yourself if you do that.
  • I might be biased here (Or at least pro anime), I recommend ignore the story section where they bash XC2's "anime troupe" and "Jiggle physics". I can make a more unbiased comparison than their comparison even though for now... Even though I still consider XC story slightly holds an upper hand than XC2... but that doesn't mean XC2's story is bad.
    • Xenoblade story/aesthetics:
      • Easier to understand overall
      • Better voice acting
      • Handles beef more better
      • Cutscenes aren't too long
      • Aesthetic... is outdated... not bad, but outdated
      • The facial expressions aren't good
      • artstyle not really a fan
      • characters are well made, memorable, well respected
    • Xenoblade 2
      • Gets slightly complex the more you progress...
      • English VA voice acting are mixed, not too bad, but definitely not better than XC
      • But you have Japanese VA as an alternative.
      • Rex English VA is terrible in most serious cutscenes
      • Nia's English VA isn't that good either...
      • Zeke debut was bad... but understandable once you understand where is he coming from
      • Tora being Tora... no comment
      • cutscenes are a bit too long
      • Flashbacks can get a bit confusing sometimes, and even too much the more you progress
      • Huge fan of artstyle, and hope they keep the anime style...
      • Blade quest's plots are mixed... some are great (Like Wulfric and Praxis #2), while many are not so good.
      • Characters are more interesting and equally memorable.
  • Gameplay overall they handle it well... but.... when it comes to gameplay I can go more deeper than that
    • XC2 Battle system is a bit dull at first since you lack Blades, once you reach to mid game or even late game... XC2 battle system DESTROYS XC battle system.
    • XC battle arts are too complicated, and the break> topple> daze chain often becomes unreliable...
    • XC, you need to buy and find art manuals to raise arts at more higher level is absurd...
    • XC2 battle arts are more simple but far more manageable... thanks to the blades, this also makes your arts far more customizable.
    • XC2, as long as you have enough weapon points, you can raise your art level to max.
    • XC2 has no visual armor customization... spoiler if I need to explain this.
    • XC2 has battle chain combos called Driver combo and Blade combos. These combos are what makes XC2 battle system shines.
    • XC2 battle system however, is the HP potions, healings are ok, but potions scatter around are so annoying... and rewards scattered on the ground also makes battling against air and water enemies more of a waste... because rewards tend to drop into the cloud sea or in the water.
    • XC2 quest is a huge improvement over XC... long, sure... but they are more well made and the Blade quest are also the hidden gems
    • XC2 HtH has voice over, which makes it more enjoyable.
    • XC2 you can rewatch cutscenes, set volumes more freely etc...
  • World building....
    • The world building XC is more simple... you have two titans... a titan called Bionis where Homs live... Mechonis is where...uh... Mechons came from
    • XC2 on the other hand is more complex and interesting, you have people living on titans because it was said they were being cast out by the Architect... and therefore they live on those titans and set up countries. Each have their own styles, traits, and problems.
    • So world building, once again... XC2 DESTROYS XC
  • Music
    • Overworld theme.... both are equally good.... but I feel XC2 kind of reuses themes a bit too much in certain locations and cutscenes.
    • Regular battle themes: XC2> XC (Exception is XC's Mechanical Rhythm)
    • Unique Monster Themes: XC>XC2
    • This is a draw... but still... in my opinion...
    • Xenoblade X still has the best soundtrack... if you only just listen to the soundtrack.
  • Final thoughts:
    • Xenoblade Chronicles is definitely was the game that made me interested in JRPG and become a JRPG fan. (Even though not all JRPGs are my cup of tea lol), but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will still be my personal most favorite JRPG for now. If you want to experience a stronger story, don't care too much of the artstyle, go with Xenoblade Chronicles, if you prefer anime style and a more grindy but more enjoyable gameplay, and a Xenoblade game that you an play both at home and on the go, go for Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Sorry I make it a bit too long... I really don't want to make this into an eye sore essay... hope this can make it more manageable to read.

Here's one of the reason why anime style is better... in my opinion:
Theory looks exactly what she looks like in her concept art in XC2, and Praxis from the same artist is nuff said.

Notes: Anime style was a good idea. <<fight me on this lol, just joking]
And this goes with most of the rare Blades and character... only exception is... Adenine I guess... her mouth looks weird in her official art... but her mouth is normal in game.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I'm not really interested in another Kirb rep but won't be upset if we get one.

Super Smash Bros. Crusade's Gooey didn't really push me and neither did Super Smash Flash 2's Bandana Waddle Dee.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Cause characters like Gooey, Marx or Rick would make more sense as the 5th character.
Aside from cameos, Rick and Gooey haven't showed up in any game between Dreamland 3 and Star Allies, making them way too obscure. And I feel like Star Allies is getting into "too late for base roster" territory.

Marx is much less obscure due to both Super Star Ultra and being an iconic villain. However, I don't think he never really got a working moveset until Star Allies, so he might fall in the same "too late" territory.

On the other hand, Bonkers has the advantage of taking from the Hammer moveset, like Dedede, making him clone potential. However, the lack of Inhaling and minion-throwing shenanigans would throw a wrench in the plan of making him a clone...

Honestly, I think we should just keep it with the three we have + Bandana Dee if there's ever a newcomer.

If we get a fifth one later on (maybe DLC?), then sure, let's add Gooey or Marx.
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Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
Marx and Gooey wouldn't really fit in Smash to me. Bonkers or Bugzzy would fit a lot better. They're also more recurring in the Kirby series, especially Bonkers, who is the only source of the Hammer ability (aside from one of Heavy Mole's attacks).

Bonkers wouldn't have to be more a Dedede clone. He was already in Smash Run as a mid-boss, and he can draw moves from there. Bugzzy would be a grappler who attacks with his pincers.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
I entered a company last month as a programmer and they're voting a game to their next "e-Sports" event.
Mario Kart is winning, FIFA is second, Smash is third by one vote.
The last time they runned tournaments for the two most voted games.
I need to make a friend.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
So I did my free summon on the banner and got this:
that’s pretty good even if the ivs aren’t ideal. I like it.

Deleted member

Hmm... what to do.... what to do....
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Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
That is surprisingly less scary than I thought it would be.

I'm game.
Best part for me is that they have a Deaf actor in the movie and the director pushed to have a Deaf person as well.


So I did my free summon on the banner and got this:
that’s pretty good even if the ivs aren’t ideal. I like it.
Bruh, why you have mah waifu? Fight mah

Hmm... what to do.... what to do....
You really don't want to get a grima.
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