-And on the other hand, what is an example of when an antagonist's actions/goals/morals more justifiable than the protagonist?
Late reply, but to give my two cents on this, I'd say an antagonist's actions are more justifiable when they are fighting for a cause that they truly believe in. Some of my favorite examples of antagonists like these are N Harmonia from Pokemon Black and White, Egil from Xenoblade Chronicles, and Lyon from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
We are talking about villains now, eh?
What are some of ya'lls favorite villains in fiction?
Here are probably my 10 favorite villains of all time in no particular order.
- Albert Wesker
- Doctor Doom
- Magneto
- Sosuke Aizen
- Judge Claude Frollo
- Vergil
- Ridley
- Dark Phoenix
- Nemesis
- Gorilla Grodd
It's good to be bad...
I don't feel like I can really put them in any order, but here are some of my favorites.
-Egil (Xenoblade Chronicles)
-N Harmonia (Pokemon Black and White)
-Ghetsis (Pokemon Black and White)
-Colress (Pokemon Black and White 2)
-Lyon (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
-Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)
-Zant (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
-Girahim (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
-Yuga (The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds)
-Hades (Both the one from Kid Icarus and the Disney one)
-Master Xehanort (and all of the other versions of him as well) (Kingdom Hearts)
-Organization XIII (Technically a group of villains, but I'm counting them) (Kingdom Hearts)
-Sho Minamoto (More minor than the other ones on this list, but I quite like him anyway) (The World Ends With You)
-Palpatine (Star Wars)
-Darth Vader (Star Wars)