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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Oh hey, Nike teaming up with Nintendo for Splatoon 2! Neat!
I hope that means my Inkling can have some nice Nike shoes. :p

Snake is confirmed for this Smash. :happysheep:
Considering you were slightly off in your last prediction, I'm guessing we'll get a different Konami character instead.

Bomberman confirmed. :cheep:


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
There's so much I disagree with this and I see it a ton.

Mainly that smash is a celebration of Nintendo characters. It isnti anymore. It's a celebration of Nintendo and gaming as a whole. Only the first game was a celebration of Nintendo. Melee wasn't supposed to just have ninty characters and that's only around 2 years since the initial celebration. That's the past, and smash 4 proves more than anything that's the case.

Those that "add a bunch of 3rd parties" on thier rosters also add a bunch of 1st parties, and it's ignorant to say otherwise or say that's wrong when ultimately it's thier wants. And the same can be said about people adding more retro characters than most, since thats thier interest. Nothing stopping hoping, you may disagree and debate but people can want whoever they want to and shouldn't be pressured into changing thier rosters.
I haven't got a problem with people who want X character, cause X character would be cool, my main frustration is people like Moviebob, he released a video recently about the upcoming Smash, its people like him who think that characters that appeal to only people like him should be in Smash. Thing about Melee is, even if Snake and Sonic were in Melee, Smash is still something that celebrates mainly Nintendo. Plus Sonic has the whole plus of being the main rival of Nintendo from the Mega Drive/Super Nintendo days, and Snake gets the honour of actually having a game published by Nintendo.

Also thing is, all the other major 3rd party characters, besides Cloud, do actually have an interesting historical footnote that directs them to Nintendo, Pac-man had a game developed by Miyamoto, Bayonetta's series was saved by Nintendo, Megaman has major fan backing and all his games (those ones being the games the original Megaman starred in), except 8, are on a Nintendo console. and Ryu's series got popular on a Nintendo console (Yes Ryu's is a bit of stretch when it comes to a direct connection to Nintendo), and going back to Cloud, his series does actually have the honour of having its first game being published by Nintendo in the USA, he basically made it in cause, his more iconic then the original characters from the first Final Fantasy.

So Smash really isn't a celebration of gaming as whole, still just Nintendo. And here's the thing if Smash became something that celebrates gaming as a whole, we'd possibly lose more of the 1st party characters that aren't major hitters, like Kucas and Shulk, while the games are cult classics, they not really what you call iconic to be in a game that celebrates all of gaming history.

And are you sure about that list that adds a bunch of 1st party characters? Cause I don't a lot of them these days, though I usually delete videos from my youtube history, so I don't get videos that are stupid criticisms of Nintendo in my recommendations.

I really don't think Advance wars is as high as B honestly but it's subjective. I count A being Mario Zelda Pokémon Mario kart, B series IPs like Splatoon, Kirby, DK, Metroid. C ones like Starfox Pikmin or Arms. Advance wars is only D or E imho....no way B. And the ones in D have IPs like Pushmo or Dillon that are more relevant.
Well, I do ranking like this:

S-Tier: Main Mario series, Pokemon, Zelda
A-Tier: Mario Kart, Kirby, Splatoon, Fire Emblem
B-Tier: Metroid, DK, Warioware, Starfox, Pikmin, Mario Sports spin-offs & RPGs
C-Tier: The other Smash series, and things like Golden Sun and Advance Wars, which are fondly remembered.
D-Tier: E-shop titles and classic Retro titles, like Duck Hunt
E-Tier: Dead series. Basically your Custom Robos T_T, Codename Steam (Sorry Opossum Opossum ), and the like.

And so yeah, I moved Advance wars to C-Tier, but I would bump it back to B, if it got a new game, this is the first time I've actually properly thought out how my tier list for series works, since I've always seen Mario, Zelda and Pokemon as S-Tier and Kirby at A-Tier, its just the rest I haven't placed them.

And to note, the B-Tier series are there, cause these are series with dedicated fan bases, but have trouble bringing in newcomers to the series. And I have the non-Mario Kart spin-offs here, cause they have the Mario brand on them, but only core Mario fans are really going to play them.

Eshop titles are D-Tier cause their titles that really only major Nintendo fans will commit to.

DQ protagonist would most likely be from 7 since that's the most iconic one, similar to Cloud and Final Fantasy though the gap between DQ7s and others aren't as big imo.
Are you sure 7 is iconic? I'm not doubting you, I just want 100% proof, so I know who to back, when it comes to who the Dragon Quest rep would be. Though for all I know Enix could just decide to use the mascot of the series, that being the Slime.

And I have to ask, would the DQ7 protagonist beat out the grandfather clause the original Dragon Quest protagonist would have?

Namco and especially Capcom still have a some icons up thier sleeve; Heihachi, Dante or Jill Valentine to name a few. While Square and Ubisoft shouldn't be limited to just Rayman and someone from Dragon Quest as possibilities when there are other IPs like Assassin's Creed which is obviously huge.
Well, Jill hits a certain road block remember, the fire arms problem, since hers would have to be realistic to show properly represent gameplay of Resident Evil. Also here's the thing for me when it comes to Dante, for me, he doesn't stack up to Megaman and Ryu in terms of iconic-ness, that being non-gamers can look at Megaman and Ryu and recognise him, Dante not so much, for me.

And I did say Namco had other series to pull from, I just wasn't sure who they have that stacks up to Pac-man, though no stacks up to Pac-man though. So I have no idea when it comes to Namco.

Well, I just wanted to say something, when it comes to Assassin's Creed, and this can apply to other big named game series in the USA, popular in the USA, doesn't necessarily mean popular in Europe and Japan. Though I will concede Assassin's Creed is popular worldwide, and actually thinking about, Assassin's Creed is more popular then Rayman, I mostly picked Rayman before a Assassin's Creed character, cause a) I think the Smash Dev team would pick Rayman first, though with that said, they could decide to go with the main character from Blag Flag instead, I'm thinking him cause he has a main line series game on a Nintendo console, cause it seems Sakurai doesn't want to brake that rule just yet.

Metroid's one of the worst examples you could've possibly picked for this comparison.

It's not really huge in Japan. The majority of its popularity comes from the West.
Uhh, not really, cause I was saying Youkai Watch could've simply had a fanbase like Metroid, in the sense that its very loyal fan base, that will show up at releases, but otherwise it sticks to itself. Which is what the Metroid fanbase does. And I was talking in terms of worldwide fan base, not just the Japanese fanbase.

rNintendoSwitch ran a poll of something close to 4000 votes about which franchises they wanted to see on the Switch that haven't been announced already.

The Top 5 (not including Smash Bros which was revealed after the poll had started) is as follows...

1. Animal Crossing
2. F-Zero
3. Mario Party
4. Paper Mario
5. Nintendo Wars

This is super exciting for me to see as you can already guess given the amount of series in this poll was close to 500. The fact that Wars would rank #5 on a huge Nintendo related subreddit like rNintendoSwitch is amazing. I know 4000 is still a rather small sample size in the grand scheme of the Switch's 13Mil+ user base but it's still something to see. Wars even managed to outdo the likes of Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Earthbound, Kid Icarus, and WarioWare which is incredible IMO. It makes me really optimistic.

In the same poll, Golden Sun managed to rank #16 which I guess is still a high ranking.

I figured a 3D DK game would have ranked in the Top 20 on this poll though.
Isn't the reddit page mainly frequented by Nintendo fans? So having a more small time series that hasn't seen a release in a while get high up in a poll, shouldn't be to surprising to be honest.

What I find surprising is Mario Party is high up, cause the next one will probably have the car, that everyone seems to hate, cause just because, yeah I still haven't heard a proper criticism for that mode yet, and no, saying its not the old Mario Party style, isn't good enough for me, especially when people kept saying by 8 that style was getting stale. And no one's mentioned away that the old style could be improved to make it less stale to those people who found it stale.

Also to add to the conversation for me right now, the last missing series that every major Nintendo fan feels should be added to Smash, are Golden Sun and Advance Wars, cause their last missing series when it comes to what every Nintendo fan agrees on, or at least to me it does.

With that said, I think that Pushmo and Dillion are actually major enough titles that they could get characters in the next Smash, Dillion especially, since he got an assist trophy in Smash 4 after all.

Deleted member

If Smash wasn't a celebration of Nintendo's gaming history, but rather gaming history as a whole, then 5/6 of the roster wouldn't be comprised Nintendo characters.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
If Smash wasn't a celebration of Nintendo's gaming history, but rather gaming history as a whole, then 5/6 of the roster wouldn't be comprised Nintendo characters.
In fact, on the back of Smash for Wii U's box, the third party cast are specifically referred to as "guests".

They wouldn't really be "guests" if this was a celebration of gaming's history as a whole; on the contrary, their presence would be more justified than a large chunk of the cast's.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
IWell, I do ranking like this:

S-Tier: Main Mario series, Pokemon, Zelda
A-Tier: Mario Kart, Kirby, Splatoon, Fire Emblem
B-Tier: Metroid, DK, Warioware, Starfox, Pikmin, Mario Sports spin-offs & RPGs
C-Tier: The other Smash series, and things like Golden Sun and Advance Wars, which are fondly remembered.
D-Tier: E-shop titles and classic Retro titles, like Duck Hunt
E-Tier: Dead series. Basically your Custom Robos T_T, Codename Steam (Sorry Opossum Opossum ), and the like.

And so yeah, I moved Advance wars to C-Tier, but I would bump it back to B, if it got a new game, this is the first time I've actually properly thought out how my tier list for series works, since I've always seen Mario, Zelda and Pokemon as S-Tier and Kirby at A-Tier, its just the rest I haven't placed them.

And to note, the B-Tier series are there, cause these are series with dedicated fan bases, but have trouble bringing in newcomers to the series. And I have the non-Mario Kart spin-offs here, cause they have the Mario brand on them, but only core Mario fans are really going to play them.

Eshop titles are D-Tier cause their titles that really only major Nintendo fans will commit to.
Well Advance Wars I think sits in a grey line between B and C tiers. On the GBA it was defiantly a B tier franchise given the units it did but on the DS I would say it was a C tier one. You got to remember that the mid-late 2000's was a bad time for both Advance Wars and Fire Emblem as both series were doing pretty lousy numbers.

That being said if AW came back in the way FE did with Awakening it has potential to be up there in the A-Tier. AW1 wasn't a whole lot far away from breaking the 1 Million mark so a new entry would take it to crazy heights.

Splatoon I feel is an S-Tier series with the amount of attention it gets from Nintendo. They treat it just as well as Mario and Zelda nowadays and it's in literally every Nintendo Direct. The fact that they announced Splatoon's Inlkings with Smash Switch shows how important the series is to them.
Isn't the reddit page mainly frequented by Nintendo fans? So having a more small time series that hasn't seen a release in a while get high up in a poll, shouldn't be to surprising to be honest.

What I find surprising is Mario Party is high up, cause the next one will probably have the car, that everyone seems to hate, cause just because, yeah I still haven't heard a proper criticism for that mode yet, and no, saying its not the old Mario Party style, isn't good enough for me, especially when people kept saying by 8 that style was getting stale. And no one's mentioned away that the old style could be improved to make it less stale to those people who found it stale.

Also to add to the conversation for me right now, the last missing series that every major Nintendo fan feels should be added to Smash, are Golden Sun and Advance Wars, cause their last missing series when it comes to what every Nintendo fan agrees on, or at least to me it does.

With that said, I think that Pushmo and Dillion are actually major enough titles that they could get characters in the next Smash, Dillion especially, since he got an assist trophy in Smash 4 after all.
It is but rNintendoSwitch has 500,000 subscribers even if the sample size was 4,000. I know it's smaller in the grand scheme but it still shows the love people have for the series in it's absence. You're right about AW and GS, AW more so because it's a series that dates all the way back to 1988 and is more historically important than any other franchise left.

And Nintendo fans are weird when it comes to Mario Party and Paper Mario because they keep requesting it despite the fact that they don't like the new car system or the new PM gameplay. IDK really.
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Well Advance Wars I think sits in a grey line between B and C tiers. On the GBA it was defiantly a B tier franchise given the units it did but on the DS I would say it was a C tier one. You got to remember that the mid-late 2000's was a bad time for both Advance Wars and Fire Emblem as both series were doing pretty lousy numbers.

That being said if AW came back in the way FE did with Awakening it has potential to be up there in the A-Tier. AW1 wasn't a whole lot far away from breaking the 1 Million mark so a new entry would take it to crazy heights.

Splatoon I feel is an S-Tier series with the amount of attention it gets from Nintendo. They treat it just as well as Mario and Zelda nowadays and it's in literally every Nintendo Direct. The fact that they announced Splatoon's Inlkings with Smash Switch shows how important the series is to them.
I have Splatoon at A-Tier, cause its still a relatively young series, and I'm not sure it has major staying power, belief me I want it to stay, but I don't know if it will.

I kind of think Advance Wars would still be locked to C-Tier if it came back, here's the thing it doesn't quite have the reach Awakening did, since FE can hit the RPG niche of a deep interesting story, with major character development and deep story telling, on a individual character level. Where as, while Advance Wars can, and does sometimes have deep story telling, it doesn't really hit that niche in the Nintendo fanbase that FE was able to it. Plus FE has Waifu/Husbanduo simulator.

Though I know for a fact Advance Wars can actually hit a different part of the Nintendo fanbase, cause while its a tactical RPG like FE, its mechanics are completely different, so when it comes back it would be like Xenoblade or Metroid, dedicated fanbase, just not sure it would be able to brake out of the C-Tier level, cause fondly remembered and dedicated fanbase might not have be able to bring it up. Though if it was released on the Switch, a hybrid system, it could brake into B-Tier.

It is but rNintendoSwitch has 500,000 subscribers even if the sample size was 4,000. I know it's smaller in the grand scheme but it still shows the love people have for the series in it's absence. You're right about AW and GS, AW more so because it's a series that dates all the way back to 1988 and is more historically important than any other franchise left.

And Nintendo fans are weird when it comes to Mario Party and Paper Mario because they keep requesting it despite the fact that they don't like the new car system or the new PM gameplay. IDK really.
Yeah, I do actually agree, historically speaking, Advance Wars is kind of the last major series left not in Smash, though I still want Custom Robo, why'd you kill it Nintendo TT_TT

Yeah, I kind of find Mario Party fans weird when it comes to the game mechanics of the game. As for Paper Mario fans, most of their problems for Sticker Star, mainly came from the story didn't it? That's what they mainly want to be improved upon.

Deleted member

Played For Glory... had fun!
I forgot to tell you all I received from good news from the school today! My grades are so good I could end up going into National Honors Society when I am a junior! :)
Last edited by a moderator:


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I have Splatoon at A-Tier, cause its still a relatively young series, and I'm not sure it has major staying power, belief me I want it to stay, but I don't know if it will.

I kind of think Advance Wars would still be locked to C-Tier if it came back, here's the thing it doesn't quite have the reach Awakening did, since FE can hit the RPG niche of a deep interesting story, with major character development and deep story telling, on a individual character level. Where as, while Advance Wars can, and does sometimes have deep story telling, it doesn't really hit that niche in the Nintendo fanbase that FE was able to it. Plus FE has Waifu/Husbanduo simulator.

Though I know for a fact Advance Wars can actually hit a different part of the Nintendo fanbase, cause while its a tactical RPG like FE, its mechanics are completely different, so when it comes back it would be like Xenoblade or Metroid, dedicated fanbase, just not sure it would be able to brake out of the C-Tier level, cause fondly remembered and dedicated fanbase might not have be able to bring it up. Though if it was released on the Switch, a hybrid system, it could brake into B-Tier.
I'm not even a Splatoon fan and I have no delusions about what tier it is. It's essentially their Top 5 series now (Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon, and Kirby).

Intelligent Systems more or less confirmed that they would only bring back Advance Wars if it had the same waifu **** FE had so i'm expecting them to implement something like that in the new game (whenever that should happen). I think AW could incorporate that with more character interaction between missions and including an Academy system where CO's bond with one another or something like that. If AW was B-Tier in the past, it could defiantly rise up to A tier in today's age.
Yeah, I do actually agree, historically speaking, Advance Wars is kind of the last major series left not in Smash, though I still want Custom Robo, why'd you kill it Nintendo TT_TT

Yeah, I kind of find Mario Party fans weird when it comes to the game mechanics of the game. As for Paper Mario fans, most of their problems for Sticker Star, mainly came from the story didn't it? That's what they mainly want to be improved upon.
It is. I have a tiny bit of hope that IS will have a representative from that series for Wars' 30th anniversary this year.

That's true but Nintendo doesn't want Paper Mario to change from what it is now. All because Nintendo doesn't want two Mario RPG's. And TBH I haven't been interested in a Mario Party since 7 all those years ago.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Thought I'd snipe greens off the Counter banner. Rolled none.

Well whatever, let's snipe a gray then -



Guess I get to figure out how to use Takumi now.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
This is a bit out-of-the-blue and not really on topic with the actual conversations ongoing in the thread at the moment, but I've been wanting to do this for a while, now.

In Smash 4's speculation period, I was sorta known as that overly negative guy who'd give harsh criticism of people's character predictions. It was pretty much my main schtick other than investigating "leaks".

This time around, though.......I don't think I'm going to be touching newcomer predictions very often. I'm actually more interested in what veterans are coming back this time, than I am about newcomers. The fact that the ballot results will probably play a key role in what newcomers are selected makes this likely to be one of the more unpredictable rosters we've had so far.

I plan on focusing my efforts entirely on the inevitable "leaks" this time around. There's less arguments and less drama involved in that.

That said, I'm going to get some thoughts off my chest about some of the popular newcomer predictions and some of the expectations people have, just to get them out there. I'm going to put them under a spoiler tag.

If you're the sort of person who tends to take offense to being told the character you want isn't likely, I'd suggest not reading this post. Actually, I'd suggest not reading unless you, for whatever reason, are interested in hearing my thoughts in specific.

  • Regarding cuts: I've mostly been hanging around GameFAQs' Smash forum as of late, and I know the community here and there are quite different. But general consensus over there is that there will either be no cuts or the only cuts that will happen are going to be the "clone trio" (Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, Lucina). I think this is extremely naive and unrealistic. I think we're bound to see some cuts whether this is a completely new game OR it's built on the foundation of Smash 4 in a similar manner to Splatoon 2. I consider the clones, third parties, DLC characters, and characters formerly on the chopping block (Jigglypuff, Bowser Jr) to be at the greatest risk.
  • I'm split down the middle on just what this game actually is, and have no real opinion either way. I think there's lots of evidence that it's new, but I think people are being too quick to dismiss the possibility that it's a port of some kind. I'm leaning towards it being a new game with heavily recycled assets in a similar vein to Splatoon 2, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being completely new or we did end up with a Smash 4 Deluxe/Definitive Edition.
  • I think Ice Climbers are basically guaranteed to return. Wolf is possible, but I don't think he's the lock a lot of people seem to consider him to be. I don't see any of the other cut Melee/Brawl veterans returning at all, though (including Snake).
  • I think we're actually going to be getting a DK newcomer this time around. Whether it's Dixie Kong or K. Rool remains to be seen. I could see it going either way (especially after the Mii Brawler costume K. Rool received; I 100% believe that costume was made entirely based on ballot data and the community's pleas, and wouldn't have happened had he not been in such high demand).
  • I've touched up on this previously in this thread, but I think people are putting way too much stock into the N. Sanity Trilogy port being some sort of hint that Crash Bandicoot is going to be playable in Smash. This is the same sort of theory we saw time and time again for SSB4 (A game is announced game on a Nintendo system = SMASH NEWCOMER CONFIRMED!!!!1111). The fact that this port likely wasn't even known about when Smash for Switch started development and the fact the Crash trilogy is going to other consoles as well tells me that this means nothing and it's simply a case of the developers wanting the game on all platforms.
  • At the same time, I wouldn't be shocked if Crash was in; I just think his chances are overblown and are centered around a theory that has a microscopic success rate.
  • I don't think we'll be seeing the protagonist from the Switch's Fire Emblem game or a Gen 8 Pokemon. I know that there's precedent for it (namely, Roy in Melee and Greninja in Smash 4), but I'm certain both Binding Blade and Pokemon X/Y were further along in development when they were selected for Smash representation than the new FE/Pokemon games were when Smash 5's development began (if those two games even were in development at that point). I think the likeliest scenario would be no FE newcomers and Decidueye as the Pokemon newcomer.
  • I can see Mario not getting a new character this time around, either. If it does happen, though, I think Captain Toad is the best bet (as suggested in an earlier bullet point).
  • In spite of Source Gaming discovering that Geno actually has been considered, I still don't think he's going to be playable. As far as Square goes, I think we're either getting Cloud back or getting nothing from them.
  • In addition to the previous point, I should also add that I consider Cloud to be the most likely non-clone character to be cut.
  • I see the Champions from Breath of the Wild as being to Smash 5 what Impa and Ghirahim were to Smash 4, and Midna and Vaati were to Brawl. I think Zelda's only getting a newcomer if BOTW Link ends up being a newcomer instead of the new version of regular old Link like people have theorized, and even that, I don't think is the case.
  • I actually don't see Ridley as a complete impossibility this time around. My hope definitely hasn't returned to the level it was at prior to the now-infamous "Other boss character appearances" segment of April 2014's Smash Direct, but this is a new game, and, as we've learned from the Villager and Mii Fighters arriving in Smash 4 after being said they "wouldn't work" in Brawl, I think what Sakurai says of a character in a past game should not be re-applied for future games.
  • I do think we're not going to get any additional information about the game until E3, unfortunately. I'm not going to be shocked if there is some sort of Direct or something in between (I mean, I wasn't expecting this game to be announced at a random Direct, and here we are), but it's just intuition.
  • I dunno if it's made rounds here, but the fact that people are taking the Funimation tweet about Goku in Smash seriously is beyond ridiculous. I don't think Funimation even have the authority to license out Dragon Ball Z content to be used in Smash, nor do I think Sakurai would consider it (I know "the rules" are often broken, but I don't see him swaying on the "must be a video game character" requirement, even if James Bond was once considered).
  • I think the belief that Octolings will be in is really iffy, too. I don't think the Octo Expansion was a thing when Smash 5's roster was selected, and without the expansion, they're just mooks.
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
I'm not even a Splatoon fan and I have no delusions about what tier it is. It's essentially their Top 5 series now (Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon, and Kirby).
I disagree, top 5 Nintendo series are Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Kirby and Fire Emblem. I still still think Splatoon needs to prove it can sell a console with its 3rd game, Splatoon 2 was still riding the Switch hype, and Splatoon 1 hype to me. And I'm sure it will prove itself, but it may not be able beat Fire Emblem

Intelligent Systems more or less confirmed that they would only bring back Advance Wars if it had the same waifu **** FE had so i'm expecting them to implement something like that in the new game (whenever that should happen). I think AW could incorporate that with more character interaction between missions and including an Academy system where CO's bond with one another or something like that. If AW was B-Tier in the past, it could defiantly rise up to A tier in today's age.
But I don't want Waifu **** in AW, it just doesn't fit to me, it works in FE for me, cause your actually supposed to actively avoid unit deaths in FE, where as AW is just build units and make them work to a certain strategy, while not having worry about persevering the units in question. And I honestly don't think an avatar like character would work in AW, cause of CO powers, and locking certain CO powers behind a avatar character just seems wrong to me.

Plus didn't AW already do a kind of side mode where characters interacted between each other? I can't remember what it was called, I haven't played AW, or watch a let's play of it in a while.

It is. I have a tiny bit of hope that IS will have a representative from that series for Wars' 30th anniversary this year.
How about a new game instead?

That's true but Nintendo doesn't want Paper Mario to change from what it is now. All because Nintendo doesn't want two Mario RPG's. And TBH I haven't been interested in a Mario Party since 7 all those years ago.
Actually the last 3 Paper Mario games have been experimental in away, with Colour Splash basically improving the sticker Star system, otherwise Paper Mario seems to be a series that Intelligent System likes to try new RPG mechanics on, with the 2nd one streamlining them.

Was it because you found it got stale by 7, or did you just lose interest in it? Cause if its the latter, nevermind this part.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC

Can't wait for them to announce Smash Bro... Oh yeah, they already did...

I'm not too much into indies, but having as many games on the Switch as possible is always a good thing.
They probably expect us to expect them to release a Smash trailer, but what if we expect that they expect us to expect a Smash trailer and in reality not expect anthing?.... but what if we expect the unexpected and they expect us to expect something unexpected and don't show anything?... but what if we don't expect the unexpected and simply expect Smash?

Shantae Confirmed.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I'm actually hoping as great indies are, that there won't be too many I will simply must have.

Only because I'm behind on games and everything in general XD.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
They probably expect us to expect them to release a Smash trailer, but what if we expect that they expect us to expect a Smash trailer and in reality not expect anthing?.... but what if we expect the unexpected and they expect us to expect something unexpected and don't show anything?... but what if we don't expect the unexpected and simply expect Smash?

Shantae Confirmed.
Yes, but that's what they want us to expect :p.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I'm hoping Gohan also gets the Dramatic Finish against Broly, considering his level 3 is a huge reference to the second movie.

But I guess they might've only wanted one per character, we'll see when they get released I suppose.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
  • Regarding cuts: I've mostly been hanging around GameFAQs' Smash forum as of late, and I know the community here and there are quite different. But general consensus over there is that there will either be no cuts or the only cuts that will happen are going to be the "clone trio" (Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, Lucina). I think this is extremely naive and unrealistic. I think we're bound to see some cuts whether this is a completely new game OR it's built on the foundation of Smash 4 in a similar manner to Splatoon 2. I consider the clones, third parties, DLC characters, and characters formerly on the chopping block (Jigglypuff, Bowser Jr) to be at the greatest risk.
This is something I've actually seen a lot of both sites, and I think I've mentioned it once or twice but it's always good to bring up.

Cuts aren't just something that people make up; either because they don't like a character, or think a character should leave for someone "worthy". It's a realistic part of fighting game development.
You can go to any fighting game and you will see there is a contraction that happens. When either the roster becomes too big for the development period, or the team wants to go in a new direction. Most if not all major fighting game franchises have had to cut down their rosters at least once during their lifetime.

Street Fighter is a great example of this. Every new reiteration of a game adds in more and more to the roster, and when the the new game comes around, we go back to having a reasonable but smaller sized roster. We saw this in 3, then going into 4, and recently in 5. Other examples are MvC2 going into 3 going into Infinite, and even like Guilty Gear has done this.

Smash has been one of the lucky few that really hasn't had to do this due to a smaller roster in both Melee and Brawl. The original only had 12, Melee had 26, and Brawl had 39, a lot but not unreasonable for a fighting game. Super Street Fighter 4 had 36 characters and that wasn't even the final version.
But at this point in 4 we've reached a total of 58 characters, just above Marvel vs Capcom 2's roster of 56. That's a lot of work for just two years to fully put together. Understand this is on top of the amount of newcomers people expect to be in the game (let's say 10-15 or so to be generous), so on top of old assets (including cut newcomers like Icies, Wolf, and the Trainer), people want to see around 75 or so characters, give or take, possibly as the launch roster because people will also want DLC as well.

That's bloody insane.

(Editor's Note: This is implying this is a new game. But even as a port we're not getting that large of a roster.)
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Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
Don't know if you guys care, but the Ace Attorney anime is getting a second season which will tackle the events that happens during the third game
Even if the anime wasn't anything that special, as an Ace Attorney fan I still enjoyed it despite it's flaws. Many people consider the third entry of the original trilogy to be the best game in the franchise (I personally disagree, I prefer either AA6 or GK2), so it's really exciting to see it animated. If lucky maybe we can get Polly to show up confirming a 3rd season or something. Not happening

And don't watch the anime if you haven't played the games... It would just spoil the plot of the games and it would be done poorly. Ace Attorney games are nothing without the plot, and knowing the twists of the case would be absolutely horrible. So yeah, go play the games, they are fantastic.

This announcement also gives me the chance to talk about AA here, so I'll take it

So far the best thing about Takumi seems to be FEH Wiki's article on Takumi.

He's already benched by B!Lyn and I can't think of anyone I've got who'd be interested in Close Counter
Yeah, it's sad that he is nothing more than close counter fodder... I still use mine sometimes, since he had really good IV's (+Spd -Res), but Fallen Takumi just has better utility overall. I'm still mad that his refinement is trash...


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
The Mayor of my city cancelled the Dragon Ball Super event after the organizers failed to get permission from Toei/Crunchyroll


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
So far the best thing about Takumi seems to be FEH Wiki's article on Takumi.

He's already benched by B!Lyn and I can't think of anyone I've got who'd be interested in Close Counter.
Who do you have?

And even then, if you have no one to give it to yet, keep him just in case you eventually get a good option, like H!Jakob (well, you can't really get him because seasonal unit, he's just an example)

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
The Mayor of my city cancelled the Dragon Ball Super event after the organizers failed to get permission from Toei/Crunchyroll

This is how you lose elections.

Also, the Sonic Mania update sounds pretty cool.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Some guy at Walmart blasted the Soviet March out in the parking lot today.

He was then asked to leave when a large truck drove by full of actual Russians picked the dude up. They then proceeded to run over a shopping cart before driving over the grass and into town. From my understanding, they remain at large.

I keep asking for something new to happen in my dull life. I guess I got it.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
>logs in
>Gets 23 Quartzes
Oh hey, Mash got some animations update, neat!
Cu Chulainn Alter is edge incarnated
I finished one of the Mystic Code quests recently so I've been messing with Order Change, it's quite fun.

I'm liking America
View attachment 138895
Da Vinci isn't though
I couldn't believe I didn't get the codes joke the first time I saw it.

Either way, like you, I'm liking America, if not for the fact that it is enjoyable, which is Septem's biggest problem as it was not enjoyable.
And so far, I'm liking the story's approach. I like how it's not just us joining the resisting side and fighting against the other side. No, we're fighting two armies, which is interesting. And I like seeing the characters actually discussing how to defeat both sides and with Medb pointing out the question on how someone like Edison is surprisingly efficient for a mere human servant, and us questioning how Edison knows about us doing the other singularities. Edison sounded like it was Solomon who talked to him, considering Solomon also talked to Jason, but the way Edison sounds very ticked off at even thinking about who told him about us and considering that he is using Babbage's soldiers, but with Electricity rather than Steam, I'm actually wondering if he's talking about Tesla, his "rival" who we did face in London and we know that Servants do carry their memories across the singularities, like with Elizabeth and Atalante.
This is probably my favorite one of this low effort meme:

Meanwhile, when it took you 15 years to become a meme

Edit; Oh, and I passed my course. I can keep being a lifeguard for the camp I help out with.
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Who do you have?
Simplest way to relate that:


No skill inheritance. No merging. Most ain't even 40. Nowi's got upgraded breath, that's the extent of it.

I have exactly enough feathers to jump one 4* to the big leagues but am still pondering my options there.


Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
Thank god the Sonic Mania stuff is coming as a free update for those who already bought it. That's the way you do it Sega, can't wait for the update to go back to play Mania!

Also this

The animation is gorgeous... I want more!

And also Sonic and Puma are releasing some kind of shoe together. Weird.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Simplest way to relate that:

View attachment 138907

No skill inheritance. No merging. Most ain't even 40. Nowi's got upgraded breath, that's the extent of it.

I have exactly enough feathers to jump one 4* to the big leagues but am still pondering my options there.
Depends on said 4*

Like Ivander said, Reinhardt should be a priority, especially if he's +Atk/-Spd

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Thank god the Sonic Mania stuff is coming as a free update for those who already bought it. That's the way you do it Sega, can't wait for the update to go back to play Mania!

Also this

The animation is gorgeous... I want more!

And also Sonic and Puma are releasing some kind of shoe together. Weird.
That explains nothing about what this sonic mania stuff is

Oh its an animated series
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Don't know if you guys care, but the Ace Attorney anime is getting a second season which will tackle the events that happens during the third game

Even if the anime wasn't anything that special, as an Ace Attorney fan I still enjoyed it despite it's flaws. Many people consider the third entry of the original trilogy to be the best game in the franchise (I personally disagree, I prefer either AA6 or GK2), so it's really exciting to see it animated. If lucky maybe we can get Polly to show up confirming a 3rd season or something. Not happening

And don't watch the anime if you haven't played the games... It would just spoil the plot of the games and it would be done poorly. Ace Attorney games are nothing without the plot, and knowing the twists of the case would be absolutely horrible. So yeah, go play the games, they are fantastic.
If they adapt AA4, the one who they get to play Apollo better be able to make me go partly death. And I can't wait to see Phoenix get coffee thrown in his face again.

All the details(?) in one image yay
But does this version remove stubborn stains? Also how do Mighty and Ray differentiate themselves from Sonic, Tails and Knuckles?

Also this is just a suggestion that I'd like, maybe we could see a playable Amy and Cream, cause why not? Yeah I know classic Sonic and all that, but it'd be interesting how they could adapt Amy and Cream's Advance play style into a Classic style game.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Okami HD is on Switch. Capcom, there's time to put DMC HD collection before Bayo 3 too.
Simplest way to relate that:

View attachment 138907

No skill inheritance. No merging. Most ain't even 40. Nowi's got upgraded breath, that's the extent of it.

I have exactly enough feathers to jump one 4* to the big leagues but am still pondering my options there.
Who's that eyepatch guy never seen him. Also nice! You have Marth. i wasted so many orbs on flachion banner and didn't get him. (but got Lucina awesome...first try lol I hate that greedy banner)

Mine has like 6 with skill inheritance but not all have grinded up the SP to finish them.
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Deleted member

Simplest way to relate that:

View attachment 138907

No skill inheritance. No merging. Most ain't even 40. Nowi's got upgraded breath, that's the extent of it.

I have exactly enough feathers to jump one 4* to the big leagues but am still pondering my options there.
How the **** do you have a Leo AND a Saber? They don't exist, everyone knows that.
Next you're gonna tell me Camus is in FEH.
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