Well I've never been so tempted to cancel a preorder until today. Just wow.
The good things: Ken is in, which I'm super happy. The Black Knight and Tiki got in as AT's which is great, and Guile got in (Surprised it isn't Chun Li tbh) which means GUILE THEME WOOOOO. Also the story mode looks neat, and that vocal song was awesome. Online also seems better.
The bad... First, Xenoblade was done dirty, I felt personally attacked lol. Like "Yeah we know you guys wanted this character, but we decided the roster before his game came out. We know you guys want him, so instead of DLC have this costume. And you'll also get 3 songs." RIP Xenoblade X, how could they simply forget it??? I'm in complete disbelief about that... Not even a single song. I think I saw the skells in one of the spirits, but still, this pissed me off hard.
Speaking of, Spirits just was sticker mode from Brawl. Seems so boring... So much time wasted on that. I dunno, getting rid of throphies for that I don't think was the smartest idea. I loved getting to the menus and reading about the characters, and watching the 3D models. Now we only get png's of our favorite characters. Yay.
And the ultimate salt, Piranha plant. As much as I didn't care that much for the previous newcomers, they weren't additions I actually disliked. Welp, they did it, they have added a character I absolutely despise. The mere concept of it just disgusts me. Feel free to like it, but I think it was one of the worsts possible additions to the roster. Whatever, no real point in raging about what is done. (At least there are some good memes already, can't upload though them due to the site being like it is)
I don't know man... I feel horrible. Xenoblade content was taken completely out of the picture. Unless they add someone I really want as DLC (Rayman, Wright, Dante, Monster Hunter) this game will leave a sour taste in my mouth.