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FalKoopa is a Koopa Troopa who falls in holes all the time.

Rumor has it that he is secretly Sans.

Deleted member

The worse part is that you're right in some way

To expand on that post you quoted however, the story I just talked about was one I abandonned for a long time to focus on other project. I'm the kind of guy who can easily lost his focus when dealing with too much stuff, me being a perfectionist who want that every plot point make sense before I write said story doesn't help at all, I end up writting more notes than anything else, and thus, some story get put in the back so that others can receive more attention.

I realized also that I'm not that great at writting a story with dialogues and all that, instead, I'm better at writting the world where the story focus and the character that live in said world. I can't remember how it's called, but I think there is name for this type of writter who focus on world building and such.

Tho, yeah, as much I like to deny it, I do end up putting alot of my work "for later" and not advance it all in the worst case, and for that, I give you that point.

You have deadline?

My life seem simple compared to yours.
Yeah, I think you're talking about wordbuilding. You should try sharing some of that stuff here, worldbuilding is one of my favorite parts in almost any story.
Funnily enough, while I've always wanted to try wordbuilding myself, I've found out I'm better at writing dialogues in Bottle-like settings. Though then again, I haven't had much of a chance to really go at it with worldbuilding.

I have Writing classes this semester and every week we have to turn in a small story with a specific theme/setting/etc that the professor asks us to. I'm actually considering translating some of them to English so I can post them here.
Hello people.

Long time no see.
I'd say have a good day but after the KFC tweet I don't think you deserve it.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Yeah, I think you're talking about wordbuilding. You should try sharing some of that stuff here, worldbuilding is one of my favorite parts in almost any story.
Funnily enough, while I've always wanted to try wordbuilding myself, I've found out I'm better at writing dialogues in Bottle-like settings. Though then again, I haven't had much of a chance to really go at it with worldbuilding.

I have Writing classes this semester and every week we have to turn in a small story with a specific theme/setting/etc that the professor asks us to. I'm actually considering translating some of them to English so I can post them here.

I'd say have a good day but after the KFC tweet I don't think you deserve it.
If I can be more precise, I'm more a "character building" (if that term even exist) kind og guy than "world building", in both cases tho, while I have the big lines more or less on paper, the more precise details are really up whatever if I like can expand or not on the idea or if I see something that catch my eyes and make me want to incorpate in my work. (Which, due to me being waaaaaaay too easy to fall into this trap of adding more, it cause me to play/watch less media so that I get less ideas)

Really tho, I'm scare of three things:

1) if me sharing my work here is a good idea or not since it could reveal some major plot details about my work that, if found later in the future, could ruin the surprise and will of the audiance to read my story.

2) The feedback I got, don't get me wrong, I believe a writter need to get feedback and critisicsm to improve it's story, but as someone who is really easy to "trigger" and already question himself alot day to day basis, I don't know if I could handle what some peopels who are pretty strict could say about my work. (if they are interested at all)

and the best for last:

3) If all the thing I say right now about my behavior and way of writting is me knowing my brain limits and thus not breaking them? Or I am being a lazy piece of **** who is just trying to find excuse to not write a full more or less long story and instead would prefer to write notes for said story for the rest of his life?

The third point is what really make me question everything about what I do, I wouldn't say it make me loss night or somethin'. but it certainly doesn't help my already low self-esteem.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Is two weeks really that long of a time to not post to be considered a long absence?

IDK, maybe it's just me. I've seen people drop off of websites for years but apparently not posting for a few weeks or months is a big deal.


Also I'm doing an LP, check it out if you want. Or not, it's not a big deal, I guess.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
It’s probably cause of that 7.
Here's Mario's Dice: 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6
It has an average movement of 3.5, which makes sense cause that's the usual average.

If the idea for Yoshi was to be like a Mario but with a slightly riskier roll for a slightly better reward, they failed as it only gives him an average of 3.2. MY solution would fix that


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Well I'm bored for the next week because of fall break. All I got are childhood MMOs, and I don't think I want to spend more on a new Switch game yet. Super Mario Party ain't gonna be it because no real online to make me satisfied (plus I heard it was only four boards lol).

I could play either a MapleStory PS, ToonTown, or FusionFall.
this is a hard choice i wish someone chose for me
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Was it too much to ask to change my boi's Dice Block in SMP (0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 7) to 0, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7?
I think the point of them was that Mario has the most threes, the middle ground on a six sided die, while Yoshi specifically has odd numbers, plus zero to offset the seven.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I think the point of them was that Mario has the most threes, the middle ground on a six sided die, while Yoshi specifically has odd numbers, plus zero to offset the seven.
It still has awful average movement. I think they WANTED Yoshi's to be like Mario's but with slight risk for slight reward. But they ****ed it up. He needs to have an average of 3.5 for it to work


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Found out that KHUx works in Nox and yep, it works without any sort of work around (FE Heroes in MEmu requires jumping through some hoops). You can just log into the Google Play Store, download the game, and you're set.

Updating is gonna take a while though.
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