@Prince Alucard
I found the Alucard Shield... 5 minutes later I had beaten the game. That ending actually had me somewhat emotional.
Symphony of the Night is good, really good. It's classic Metroidvania and as a fan of Super Metroid, it gave me about what I'd expect.
While I like the idea of the Inverted Castle, it kinda becomes a bit pointless to even fight enemies after you get so many powerups that make avoiding them easier.
Still, I had a great time with it, Alucard was just a very fun character to play as, between all his weapons, tranformations, spells and whatnot.
Tried out Richter Mode for a bit and I gotta say I like him more lol. Richter is just so damn fast and his slidekick is super fun, too bad he's made of tissue paper.
It's also kinda funny just how much Simon really did take from him for Smash, the only move that I still don't know where it came from is the stall-and-fall DAir.