Honestly, I don't get why Let's Go would have serious online components because from my understanding, it's supposed to be marketed towards people who aren't experienced with Pokémon. Sure, I expect it to have online play but nothing in the way of serious rankings and progression, just setting up lobbies with friends and doing quick random battles. So it's really odd that game wouldn't get cloud saves.
I partly understand their reasoning, with one great big glaring caveat.
Let's Go is a Trojan Horse. A gateway drug. A taste of the good stuff. It's expected that the target audience will be on board for the 2019 releases as well.
Therefore if it doesn't link up to the proper Gen 8 games I will auction off my left virtual nipple, and the second it does the floodgates are open.
Besides that, the remaining Go community is actually a pretty proud bunch, and moreover still a
profitable bunch, and most of them have worked their asses off - literally, in a nonzero number of cases - to get legendaries and perfect IV crews.
We already know Let's Go syncs up to Go, that was a major selling point. If Let's Go hacking - and by extension Gen 8 hacking down the line - suddenly makes raiding, community days, and staking out spawn nests all worthless, they'll basically turn off a money fountain at the tap.
Best part though - the great big glaring caveat.
Disabling cloud saves fixes none of this. It at best partly mitigates the situation by removing one approach - but what it
really does is it puts a band-aid over a broken arm.
So we're
still gonna see some real **** going down in November, even if they un**** themselves out of this cloud saves business.
You mark that one on your calendar, I'll bring the popcorn.
But it's like you said, it's probably gonna be done for any first party game with online multiplayer at this rate.
And we will all be pissed.
And we will keep our subscriptions up anyway for the For Glory train.
At the end of the day, people will find a way to cheat no matter what so I think compromising their online service for the average consumer for what will ultimately be a few people cheating very briefly is a bad move, especially since it hasn't won a lot of favour for itself as is. Cut off one head of a hydra, and two more will take it's place.
Hear hear.