I kind of wish Vandham had been able to survive longer in the story or somehow come back. I still enjoyed his final moments though
I did somewhat aware he's gonna die... after I saw Rex using Roc in one of the gameplay in XC2 direct... and even before I saw Vandham explaining what will happen to blades when driver dies... it made it that those who has rare Blade = Death Flag... which is a bit of my complaint again later...
I do wish Roc and Aegeon had gotten more screen time in the story, since they were pretty cool blades. I guess not everyone is going to use them though, even if I used them from the moment I got them all the way to the end of the game.
Same with Wulfric in my own opinion... since he's the only rare Blade you get in story without encountering Blade quests.
Okay, yeah, that's one of the complaints, now back to the rare Blade= death flag point... This is what bothers me slightly bit. Once you know more about Blade and Driver... when you saw that Nial had Aegeon... Vandham had Roc, Vess was with her own old driver, Praxis and Theory were with their forgettable Core Crystal Hunter Drivers, were mostly noticeable death flags being raised (It can be bothersome when there's that much). I did somewhat expect that Nial is definitely gonna die, but Nia played a bit of a foul trick there lol (Which my sis complained that why didn't Nia did that when Rex was stabbed by Jin back then lol.)
Blade Nia seemed like a pretty cool blade to use, but since doing so not only has you lose your dedicated healer, but also reduces the amount of blades you can have out at a time, I never used her. I know she’s one of the best healers, but I kind of wish you could just have her engaged to herself, like how the Torna characters did in some of their fights.
Yeah, they could have just let her Blade available for Rex to use... yeah when Nia becomes a Blade her Blades are basically gone... Not even post chapter 7 Rex can use them... you have to switch her back to driver and then let Rex equip them.
Also Rex's post chapter 7 design, to me it's meh...
I don’t know where Malos got his Monado from, but the fact that he has one at all is really cool.
Malos in Smash as a Shulk Echo when? 
There are some reasonable explanation from fans but so far, it's probably just a reference lol.
I love so much of what happens in the plot from Chapter 6 onwards on to the endgame. I mean, I quite liked the story before then, everything from that point onwards is just . . . wow.
Like I said, after chapter 8 it felt rushed to me... but still interesting nonetheless.
And now, I want to talk about the end of the game. As mentioned before, I absolutely love the second half of the story, but chapter 10 might just have been my favorite chapter in the entire game, as far as story goes. Finding about the origin of the world, learning about The Architect, learning about how both Alrest and the world from the first game are connected, etc. Given how both XC1 and XC2 are occurring at the same time, part of me is thinking that the world created at the end of the original Xenoblade Chronicles and the new Elysium created at the end of XC2 are one and the same. I could be wrong, but I want to think that’s the case. I also think that “Ontos” might actually be Alvis from the first game. But those are just theories.
Nope it pretty much given that Ontos is Alvis... there's no other people can be Ontos lol.
What's more worth discussing, is that... Is Pyra and Mythra still have their past memories with Rex and their memories 500 years ago? Or like Blades, once they resonated by Rex simultaneously their personality are now influenced by Rex but this means they forgot everything after the fall of The World Tree?
I personally think Team Forget is a better option in my opinion, I mean... what's the point of them still having their memories 500 years ago? Also you might remember that Pyra did said that she could have hope that she can forget her past like how Blades do once they got Wulfric. So yeah that's why I think them forgetting really fulfills Pyra's wish.
Now my complaints... on Quests obtain Blades, don't get me wrong, quest obtain rare Blades are good for those who don't want to RNG rare Blades. But then like what I said I was bothered on how Blades are instant death flags... thus makes their quests pretty predictable. Also Vess, Praxis and Theory's aren't really that good... I can put Praxis and Theory's #2 quest where you get Theory... Vess... was so weird and predictable... nobody just watch an old man die and not doing anything (Especially you Nia!)
Praxis and Theory, oh my... they were one of the most favorite Blades design wise but their Blade quests (Especially #1 and #3) somewhat ruins their character, first off the death flag complaint (We know their drivers will die sooner or later, whether they are good or bad), and their original drivers were core crystal hunters... which unlike Jin he has legit motives to steal the core crystals... but them? The really have no reason but just stealing core crystals and resonate them... and no legit motives...and once they got Praxis and Theory (Which I hope to Architect that they were the only rare Blades they get) I know Blades will have their personality being effected from their driver but it seems that Praxis and Theory have no remorse or questioning why they are stealing and robbing core crystals... even go without their driver. Also how we got Praxis also weird... she didn't have her driver on her side (When they should realized they were being targeted) and we never know how exactly who her driver was and her driver died in the battle...
Their #2 did get better but I still have to complaint a bit, first off, not sure why #1 and #2 have a long available gap (#1 is available like after you reached to Mor Ardain and got Morag I think, and #2 is only available after you finish enough of Praxis chart... and finish chapter 6... ) here are the possibility complaint too, what happens if Rex and others decides to not resonate Praxis? I mean anyone on the team will be a bit cautious one they got Praxis (Especially Morag and Nia)... and why would't the core crystal hunters just go and rob/steal them? (This also means core crystal hunters are really a "Steppen Wolf Level" antagonist... not too brilliant and have a very weak motive...) and Theory kill her driver by herself... while still expected (Because there was a quest that a Blade kill his driver too) but I bit don't make sense either, unless this can explain that Theory does turn a bit good after seeing Praxis hanging around with Rex and others...
Okay... you may ask me: "Oh, then what do you want it to be?" Well... for Blade obtain quests, I do have some good plot examples:
Instead of "Just kill them personally and get their rare Blade", how about let Theory's driver turn good and join the mercenary croup for a while and then you have a quest where Theory and her driver are going to a mission but they haven't return for weeks, hat's when you go and find them and found out they have been attacked by a monster. And Theory is still there but she doesn't remember the team and tries to attack you because she was resonated by that monster who killed her driver, and you with Praxis have to kill the monster to "save" Theory... I mean yeah this will make it more annoying but... moving goalpost here
We haven't really see what happens when a rare Blade is resonated by a monster? Will the rare Blade be hostile and attack anyone? Or will the Blade ssek for help? I really want a Blade obtain quest someday where a rare Blade suddenly appears at the mercenaries camp and ask you to kill the monster.
I know I am super nitpicky here but I would prefer these kind of Blade quests having a better plot and antagonists despite they will always be predictable.