The next Fate/Grand Order event has been announced! It's the Fate/Kaleid Prisma Illya event, and it begins August 23rd and lasts until September 4.
The event's format is similar to the Fate/Zero and Kara no Kyoukai events, where you navigate a map and progress through it in a story-like format along with missions you need to accomplish if you want to unlock some extra Mana Prisms, Summoning Tickets, Saint Quartz, and Ascension Materials, in addition to your average shop. It also incorporates the raid battles similar to the Onegashima Event and the Rashomon events, though they seem to be easier than the raid battles from those two events (since the HP for the bosses are much lower from what I've seen).
All female servants receive a damage bonus for this event as well, so be ready to use strong single-target NP female servants to the best of your advantage.
The feature 5-star servant for the banner is Illya based on her Fate/Kaleid version. She's another Caster servant that excels at delivering damage similar to Xuanzang. However, Xuanzang is generally considered to be superior because of her far better NP generation, better stats, and great NP battery compared to Illya. Illya's main advantage is that her NP does higher damage, but she doesn't have as good NP gain and her NP gives her a 10% Attack and Defense debuff for the next three turns after use. If you do find a way to get around those issues, Illya can still be viable.
Chloe von Einzbern is the welfare servant for this Event. She's a 4-star Archer with the same card distribution as Summer Altria. In fact, some fans consider her to be a good alternative to Summer Altria if you failed to pull her during the second Summer banner, as much like Summer Altria, she too has great NP generation, a good amount of Arts cards that make her a solid addition in Arts teams, and a strong single target Arts NP (which can bypass Evasion too).
For me, I'm not planning on pulling Illya for this coming banner. While she is one of my favorite Fate characters, I don't feel the urge to pull Caster Illya since I already have Xuanzang as my 5-star offensive-oriented Caster, not to mention I want to save up some more SQz for the Tamamo banner rerun and Merlin in the near future. I'm more interested in pulling the Saber demi-servant version of her, but that's not happening for quite some time.
I am planning on doing all that I can to get an NP5 Chloe along with all her Ascension materials. She'll make a solid alternative to Summer Altria since I still don't have her (thankfully, the second Summer banner is still ongoing and lasts until August 22, so going for a last minute pull for Summer Altria is still possible).
And get ready for the FBI memes. There was a lot of them when this event was going on, and they'll come back for these next two weeks.