I think you will love Camelot, especially with the way they allude to the Arthurian legends and the character interactions that take place (among them, if you like Bedivere, you'll probably love him by the end of the story, because his entire character arc in this story was fantastic). It also features many servants that I think you will really like, and Mash gets some great character development too.
I think you'll like the Summer Event's story too, especially with its numerous humorous moments like this one:
This scene happens early into the Summer Event story, and he's talking to Diarmuid here. It's quite funny considering how it's referencing to the bad blood that eventually developed between Diarmuid and his liege (although here in this scene, Fionn eventually reveals he was only joking around with that statement).
Yep, several male servants do play a role in the summer event in addition to the female servants that got summer variants: Cu Chulainn, Fionn, Diarmuid, Karna, Blackbeard, and Sasaki Kojiro in particular. They don't get any summer costumes (shame, I know), but I guess they were chosen because they got the manservice appeal going for them with the way they show off their muscular bodies (and even the Ascension forms those male servants don are the ones that show the most skin/muscle).
That scene with Fionn wasn't the only humorous one I remember: there were also some memorable moments like Cu teaching Tamamo, Marie, and Mash how to fish, Mary Read tricking Blackbeard, Altria being a total diplomat with her "I'm fine with everything" in every scene before you have to decide which path you want to take in building your island, Altria and Mordred in the smash-the-watermelon competition, and some others I'm forgetting.