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P-02: Mathew "Unikorn" Stoopid, age 21 Young backstory: Immortal Unicorn, Title: Immortal What? you have never heard of Unikorn before? This is the destructor of mankind this mythical beast who has formed and created improbable meanings before and intends to destroy all mankind! What do you mean hes human? Shooting +3 Social + 3 Melee + 3 Intellectual - 5
Adult backstory: Villain, Title: Villain Following the erratic thoughts of his mind, Unikorn sought to do vile deeds of devilry to accomplish his own plans and doom others of possible global domination. Sadly most of the time they blow up in his face dued to unaccount bumbling stoopid foundry. Shooting +3 Social + 6 Artistic + 3 Intellectual -5
basically the defacto leader of the whole group, considering rimworld likes to parly those with the highest social as the leader, combat ready, little to none tech skills, basically arround to shoot, warden, and trade and talk with other people, pretty straight forward really what else will a community leader do? bloodlust and careful makes him really good with a gun, but likely to start fights and has lower nerves for increase work speed, also given the flavor hes probably insane in game which is always a nifty bonus lol
I started Kirby Squeak Squad yesterday and I'm already at world 8 and I've collected every treasure chest so far.
Not gonna lie, while I really enjoyed the game at first and thought it could become one of my favorite Kirby games, at some point it got super repetitive. It's also really easy, even for a Kirby game, but at times it also feels cheap and frustrating when you're trying to collect every chest - especially when you're fighting the squeaks. Also, this is an early DS game so obviously they had to force the touchscreen into it... and added the terrible bubble mechanic.
I do think it's a pretty good game but man it really is one of the weakest Kirby games out there...
so hey guys, remember my little rimworld nintenzone project i was doing like over a week ago? and just been completley quiet about it since?
well...theres reason for that...shishoe broke my game :V
i still don't fully know what happened, but after implementing shishoe into the game his character more or less corrupted not only the saves and temproary data of the game, but he just straight on up corrupted the games internal database completley and utterly ruining everythign and making the game somewhat unplayable to the point i had to uninstall and reinstall entirely, he didn't do this on sure whim alone as i did do some slight experiment in order to make him a ****poster in the game files, and i think i messed with somethign cruical, but i'm gonna blame shishoe anyway
so in short, shish ruined everything :V
on the plus side, this actually gave me a throughal understanding of extracting the games database for my own meddling, so where one destruction happened, i gained a crap ton more freedom to use in another, so i basicallly have free reign to edit and make anything in backstory, character, and details about a pawn other than just their skills and traits, so i was able to flavor mod the **** out of my game thanks to shishoe :V
main consequence, literally had to remake everyone sans woomy and yellow cause they were before the incident, but i saved previuos pictures i uploaded so i had pretty easy basis to go off of
without further ado, its time to finally start this game thats been delayed
meet the crew
@ShinyLegendary View attachment 150809 P-01: Shiny Legendary: Age 15, Young Backstory: Child prodigy, Title: Prodigy Shiny Always dreamed of being a genius, so they studied long and hard best they could to achieve it, resulting in amazing studies but a frail nerves. Medicine + 5, Intellectual + 5, Construction + 1, Crafting + 1
Game use: shiny is basically the fastest learner possible in the game, being able to learn double speed of others passions skills and quinta times any other skill, also being the main doctor and research to which he'll be the main ticket on the way to getting off the planet and making sure everyone else doesn't die, not suited for combat but can eventually be outfited for heavy melee combat in end game dued to his traits, teh down side its literally a coin flip every day shiny doesn't have a mental break in game dued to his very lose nerves causing him to break at neutral mood and having a near pernament -12 mood naturally, and tries to ruin things by being comatose or eating all of our food or just refusing to do anything, risk keeping around but very useful on the support and technical side
The Stoopid Unikorn View attachment 150811 P-02: Mathew "Unikorn" Stoopid, age 21 Young backstory: Immortal Unicorn, Title: Immortal What? you have never heard of Unikorn before? This is the destructor of mankind this mythical beast who has formed and created improbable meanings before and intends to destroy all mankind! What do you mean hes human? Shooting +3 Social + 3 Melee + 3 Intellectual - 5
Adult backstory: Villain, Title: Villain Following the erratic thoughts of his mind, Unikorn sought to do vile deeds of devilry to accomplish his own plans and doom others of possible global domination. Sadly most of the time they blow up in his face dued to unaccount bumbling stoopid foundry. Shooting +3 Social + 6 Artistic + 3 Intellectual -5
basically the defacto leader of the whole group, considering rimworld likes to parly those with the highest social as the leader, combat ready, little to none tech skills, basically arround to shoot, warden, and trade and talk with other people, pretty straight forward really what else will a community leader do? bloodlust and careful makes him really good with a gun, but likely to start fights and has lower nerves for increase work speed, also given the flavor hes probably insane in game which is always a nifty bonus lol
praline View attachment 150812 P-03: Ikael "Praline" Thejar, Age: 29 Young backstory: Vengeful, Title: Tsundere Praline has always been quick to pummel and objective to their true actions. Making them good at at combat but can never get those proper feelings out...baka. Shooting +2 Social - 3 Melee + 5
Adult backstory: Veteran, Title: Grumpy goose Praline fought in a long war that lasted several years and lost. Been on the run since then picking up whatever technical skills available and moving from place to place. Shooting + 7 Melee + 2 Constrution + 2 Medicine - 3
The big person and the biggest fighter, can build and mine efficiently as well and pound for pound the most effective in combat, the downside is they are often a grump and course in word choice possibly upsetting a lot of people and very likely to start a fight (and kill the other person givin their combat stats) quite possibly the most straight forward of the whole group that needs the least amount of explanation on what they do,, but still the best fighter all around
@redfeatherraven View attachment 150814 P-04: "Red" Feather Raven, Age: 29
Young backstory: Notebooker, Title: writer
Always one to write things down, Red always writes down whatever ideas come to mind since childhood, whether for creative purposes or stress relief.
Intellectual + 3 Artistic + 4
Adult backstory: Space explorer, Title: Explorer
Red always dreamed of the great unkown. Learning how to tinker and make their own improved rocket from scratch he took to the stars to commander the unknown, experience, and write down all he sees with his ideas.
Intellectual + 5 Construction + 4 Crafting + 4
Purely tech and sat on the home front, Red's pawn is worthless in a fight, but got a lot of technical skills to build and station not only the home front but also making useful gear, hes also another researcher besides shiny as well, which is beneficial as red is a nocturnal having a completely different schedule then any other person in the group, meaning he takes over the bench when shiny sleeps to maximize research and to be a good back up worker when hes up, also thanks to his set of perks red is basically nearly always happy or content in any environment thrown in and will usually never break
i'm not gonna tag myself lol View attachment 150816 P-05: Katt "Natz" Wolfen, Age: 21 Young backstory: Pyromaniac, Title: Pyromaniac Natz had a creepy obession with fire. To much in fact and would always prefer it over other beings interactions, and in fact found it a useful tool to use against humans. Artistic + 3 Social -2 Cooking - 3
Adult backstory: Bounty hunter, Title: Hunter Never getting over violent tendencies, Natz eventually left home in pursuit of hunting down people or anyone with a contract to their name, loving the rush of the game of violence but still holding the decency and kindness to those that aren't on the kill list. Shooting + 7 Mining + 2 Melee + 4 Medicine - 2
My own pawn made with my own thoughts~ also a main combatant with high shooting and good melee, but also a failback on manual labor to do whatever needs doing around the base to keep myself occupied and busy, hard to break and enjoys a fight, but the major downsides is at random on any random particualr day, my pawn will just go randomly light whatever is near her on fire and burn everything down to the ground, from outside to crop fields or the base itself literally stopping everything to do on the day to make sure we don't burn to death, problem child but both a fighter and labour
Starlight_Lily View attachment 150819 P-06: Lily Cure Age: 24
Young backstory: Adventurous youth, Title: Perky youth
Lily came from a prestigued family long ago, all lost to time but their spirit to still retain that linage remains resorting towards thrill seeking adventure in the wilds at a young age.
Melee + 3 Animals + 3 Crafting + 2
Adult backstory: Versatile worker, Title: Worker
Lily never did lose her adventurous spirit but she implemented into the working class community quite well becoming dedicated to her job and gaining numerous experiences.
Cooking + 3 Growing + 3 Construction + 3 Medicine + 2 Crafting + 2
A generalist, jack of all trades master of none pawn, lily good at pretty much all the wide array of fields we can use and one of our brawlers but lacks burning to become a true master in something, versatile is the key word as she can do varriety of jobs and multitude where ever we need a spare hand and she can do them all efficiently, fast and well. the big downside is that she'll hate, state fights with, and curse out anyone that is not a pure precious girl and will hate all men, doubly so if they are lazy
@Shishœ View attachment 150821 P-07: Shishoe Age: 18 Young backstory: Internet poster, Title: **** poster Shishoe was an avid visiter to online fourms during their young time. They didn't really have much to contribute so they mostly engaged in screwy demitrinal **** posting instead of anything valuable. Artistic + 3 Social + 2 Intellectual - 3
as true to a **** poster, got nothing usable pre defined skills for survival at all, also a generalist like lily where he is far from a master of anything and under skilled in literally anything, he has the second fasting learning skill being able to learn double the pace of anyone elses interests and triple of any other skill (with only shiny beating him out to ludicrous lengths) so while starting off weak should rose high in skill in time along with a good shooting trait to increase effectiveness, with the main downsides being lower work speed and he'll often be bored without internet (not joking joy deprived will be an actual problem)
@Coricus View attachment 150823 P-08: Cori "Coricus" Squid Age: 21 Young backstory: Fandom Writer, Title: writer A fan of many fandoms, Coricus wrote many fanfictions based off her fandoms and later made own original stories along with her creations. Numerous and quality they were, there was always a weirdness factor to them. Artistic + 4 Intellectual + 3
Adult backstory: Eccentric artist, Title: Artist Coricus eventually became an artist never losing her conceptual ideas she gained as a writer, fast and numourous yet striking made people have no idea what was going on in her creations but still sought out and used all the time on the web. Artistic + 8 Crafting + 2
Has a damn natural 15 in a skill (its artistic which is considered the least useful of them all but still damn) and being a nimble jogger gives a major advantage in any combat situation making it equal opportunity for both shooting and melee, or just simply be useful for being first one in and last one out of any nasty situation and when no danger sitting at home making sculpures or putting art on walls or something. main downside its a coinflip whether or not cori's pawn breaks every day dued to have so low nerves naturally
@Yellowlord View attachment 150824 P-09 Yellow Lord Age: 20 Young backstory: Lost lordling, Title: lordling Yellow was a minor lord from a kingdom he had own and all. Despite that he dreams of things far away that he can never attain within his kingdoms walls. Social + 4 Melee + 2 Construction -1 Growing - 1 Mining - 1
Adult backstory: Dreamer, Title: Dreamer Yellow dreams finally got to him. He went on a journey towards the stars far away from all that he knew never to return again and instead seek out what he yearns for those who he can welcome him. And the color yellow apparenlty. Animals + 3 Social + 3 Melee + 2 Shooting - 2
backup negotiator for when uni is busy, eventually become the main animal handler, and a character who can only use melee as they will refuse to fire a gun dued to being a brawler, also lack home skills of building and growing and such but should still be keeping busy enough and the only person in the whole group who is actually nice and will raise peoples spirits by communicating, add in low nerves with his skill weaknesses and hes all set on up
whew and hour spent typing that, i don't got a life :V
anyway if any of ya 9 want anything changed at the last minute just let me know and i'll dig through the files and edit something or change the pawns of what you want different, feel free to speak up if ya don't like something~ either way will start this up soon when it is most convenient -3- hope this large post doesn't bug anyone~
I started Kirby Squeak Squad yesterday and I'm already at world 8 and I've collected every treasure chest so far.
Not gonna lie, while I really enjoyed the game at first and thought it could become one of my favorite Kirby games, at some point it got super repetitive. It's also really easy, even for a Kirby game, but at times it also feels cheap and frustrating when you're trying to collect every chest - especially when you're fighting the squeaks. Also, this is an early DS game so obviously they had to force the touchscreen into it... and added the terrible bubble mechanic.
I do think it's a pretty good game but man it really is one of the weakest Kirby games out there...
Hat N' Clogs
No wonder Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is your favorite show, because I watched eight episodes in the first season and now I am hooked.
I will watch more tonight.
As I said earlier, I do not know if I like Fullmetal or One Punch better despite me completing One Punch and not Full Metal, but both are really good.
Hat N' Clogs
No wonder Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is your favorite show, because I watched eight episodes in the first season and now I am hooked.
I will watch more tonight.
As I said earlier, I do not know if I like Fullmetal or One Punch better despite me completing One Punch and not Full Metal, but both are really good.
I havent seen much of OPM yet. It's been a long time since Ive seen clips of the show, so I dont remember it well.
FmaB though is a masterpiece. Fav show of all time, for sure. My favorite cast of characters ever, an engaging and well-written story, deep themes, great humor, great voice acting, great animation, and the plot pacing is balanced enough to make it very bingeable. There's no filler either, as every episode serves a specific purpose, subtle or not.
FmaB though is a masterpiece. Fav show of all time, for sure. My favorite cast of characters ever, an engaging and well-written story, deep themes, great humor, great voice acting, great animation, and the plot pacing is balanced enough to make it very bingeable. There's no filler either, as every episode serves a specific purpose, subtle or not.
so hey guys, remember my little rimworld nintenzone project i was doing like over a week ago? and just been completley quiet about it since?
well...theres reason for that...shishoe broke my game :V
i still don't fully know what happened, but after implementing shishoe into the game his character more or less corrupted not only the saves and temproary data of the game, but he just straight on up corrupted the games internal database completley and utterly ruining everythign and making the game somewhat unplayable to the point i had to uninstall and reinstall entirely, he didn't do this on sure whim alone as i did do some slight experiment in order to make him a ****poster in the game files, and i think i messed with somethign cruical, but i'm gonna blame shishoe anyway
so in short, shish ruined everything :V
on the plus side, this actually gave me a throughal understanding of extracting the games database for my own meddling, so where one destruction happened, i gained a crap ton more freedom to use in another, so i basicallly have free reign to edit and make anything in backstory, character, and details about a pawn other than just their skills and traits, so i was able to flavor mod the **** out of my game thanks to shishoe :V
main consequence, literally had to remake everyone sans woomy and yellow cause they were before the incident, but i saved previuos pictures i uploaded so i had pretty easy basis to go off of
without further ado, its time to finally start this game thats been delayed
meet the crew
@ShinyLegendary View attachment 150809 P-01: Shiny Legendary: Age 15, Young Backstory: Child prodigy, Title: Prodigy Shiny Always dreamed of being a genius, so they studied long and hard best they could to achieve it, resulting in amazing studies but a frail nerves. Medicine + 5, Intellectual + 5, Construction + 1, Crafting + 1
Game use: shiny is basically the fastest learner possible in the game, being able to learn double speed of others passions skills and quinta times any other skill, also being the main doctor and research to which he'll be the main ticket on the way to getting off the planet and making sure everyone else doesn't die, not suited for combat but can eventually be outfited for heavy melee combat in end game dued to his traits, teh down side its literally a coin flip every day shiny doesn't have a mental break in game dued to his very lose nerves causing him to break at neutral mood and having a near pernament -12 mood naturally, and tries to ruin things by being comatose or eating all of our food or just refusing to do anything, risk keeping around but very useful on the support and technical side
The Stoopid Unikorn View attachment 150811 P-02: Mathew "Unikorn" Stoopid, age 21 Young backstory: Immortal Unicorn, Title: Immortal What? you have never heard of Unikorn before? This is the destructor of mankind this mythical beast who has formed and created improbable meanings before and intends to destroy all mankind! What do you mean hes human? Shooting +3 Social + 3 Melee + 3 Intellectual - 5
Adult backstory: Villain, Title: Villain Following the erratic thoughts of his mind, Unikorn sought to do vile deeds of devilry to accomplish his own plans and doom others of possible global domination. Sadly most of the time they blow up in his face dued to unaccount bumbling stoopid foundry. Shooting +3 Social + 6 Artistic + 3 Intellectual -5
basically the defacto leader of the whole group, considering rimworld likes to parly those with the highest social as the leader, combat ready, little to none tech skills, basically arround to shoot, warden, and trade and talk with other people, pretty straight forward really what else will a community leader do? bloodlust and careful makes him really good with a gun, but likely to start fights and has lower nerves for increase work speed, also given the flavor hes probably insane in game which is always a nifty bonus lol
praline View attachment 150812 P-03: Ikael "Praline" Thejar, Age: 29 Young backstory: Vengeful, Title: Tsundere Praline has always been quick to pummel and objective to their true actions. Making them good at at combat but can never get those proper feelings out...baka. Shooting +2 Social - 3 Melee + 5
Adult backstory: Veteran, Title: Grumpy goose Praline fought in a long war that lasted several years and lost. Been on the run since then picking up whatever technical skills available and moving from place to place. Shooting + 7 Melee + 2 Constrution + 2 Medicine - 3
The big person and the biggest fighter, can build and mine efficiently as well and pound for pound the most effective in combat, the downside is they are often a grump and course in word choice possibly upsetting a lot of people and very likely to start a fight (and kill the other person givin their combat stats) quite possibly the most straight forward of the whole group that needs the least amount of explanation on what they do,, but still the best fighter all around
@redfeatherraven View attachment 150814 P-04: "Red" Feather Raven, Age: 29
Young backstory: Notebooker, Title: writer
Always one to write things down, Red always writes down whatever ideas come to mind since childhood, whether for creative purposes or stress relief.
Intellectual + 3 Artistic + 4
Adult backstory: Space explorer, Title: Explorer
Red always dreamed of the great unkown. Learning how to tinker and make their own improved rocket from scratch he took to the stars to commander the unknown, experience, and write down all he sees with his ideas.
Intellectual + 5 Construction + 4 Crafting + 4
Purely tech and sat on the home front, Red's pawn is worthless in a fight, but got a lot of technical skills to build and station not only the home front but also making useful gear, hes also another researcher besides shiny as well, which is beneficial as red is a nocturnal having a completely different schedule then any other person in the group, meaning he takes over the bench when shiny sleeps to maximize research and to be a good back up worker when hes up, also thanks to his set of perks red is basically nearly always happy or content in any environment thrown in and will usually never break
i'm not gonna tag myself lol View attachment 150816 P-05: Katt "Natz" Wolfen, Age: 21 Young backstory: Pyromaniac, Title: Pyromaniac Natz had a creepy obession with fire. To much in fact and would always prefer it over other beings interactions, and in fact found it a useful tool to use against humans. Artistic + 3 Social -2 Cooking - 3
Adult backstory: Bounty hunter, Title: Hunter Never getting over violent tendencies, Natz eventually left home in pursuit of hunting down people or anyone with a contract to their name, loving the rush of the game of violence but still holding the decency and kindness to those that aren't on the kill list. Shooting + 7 Mining + 2 Melee + 4 Medicine - 2
My own pawn made with my own thoughts~ also a main combatant with high shooting and good melee, but also a failback on manual labor to do whatever needs doing around the base to keep myself occupied and busy, hard to break and enjoys a fight, but the major downsides is at random on any random particualr day, my pawn will just go randomly light whatever is near her on fire and burn everything down to the ground, from outside to crop fields or the base itself literally stopping everything to do on the day to make sure we don't burn to death, problem child but both a fighter and labour
Starlight_Lily View attachment 150819 P-06: Lily Cure Age: 24
Young backstory: Adventurous youth, Title: Perky youth
Lily came from a prestigued family long ago, all lost to time but their spirit to still retain that linage remains resorting towards thrill seeking adventure in the wilds at a young age.
Melee + 3 Animals + 3 Crafting + 2
Adult backstory: Versatile worker, Title: Worker
Lily never did lose her adventurous spirit but she implemented into the working class community quite well becoming dedicated to her job and gaining numerous experiences.
Cooking + 3 Growing + 3 Construction + 3 Medicine + 2 Crafting + 2
A generalist, jack of all trades master of none pawn, lily good at pretty much all the wide array of fields we can use and one of our brawlers but lacks burning to become a true master in something, versatile is the key word as she can do varriety of jobs and multitude where ever we need a spare hand and she can do them all efficiently, fast and well. the big downside is that she'll hate, state fights with, and curse out anyone that is not a pure precious girl and will hate all men, doubly so if they are lazy
@Shishœ View attachment 150821 P-07: Shishoe Age: 18 Young backstory: Internet poster, Title: **** poster Shishoe was an avid visiter to online fourms during their young time. They didn't really have much to contribute so they mostly engaged in screwy demitrinal **** posting instead of anything valuable. Artistic + 3 Social + 2 Intellectual - 3
as true to a **** poster, got nothing usable pre defined skills for survival at all, also a generalist like lily where he is far from a master of anything and under skilled in literally anything, he has the second fasting learning skill being able to learn double the pace of anyone elses interests and triple of any other skill (with only shiny beating him out to ludicrous lengths) so while starting off weak should rose high in skill in time along with a good shooting trait to increase effectiveness, with the main downsides being lower work speed and he'll often be bored without internet (not joking joy deprived will be an actual problem)
@Coricus View attachment 150823 P-08: Cori "Coricus" Squid Age: 21 Young backstory: Fandom Writer, Title: writer A fan of many fandoms, Coricus wrote many fanfictions based off her fandoms and later made own original stories along with her creations. Numerous and quality they were, there was always a weirdness factor to them. Artistic + 4 Intellectual + 3
Adult backstory: Eccentric artist, Title: Artist Coricus eventually became an artist never losing her conceptual ideas she gained as a writer, fast and numourous yet striking made people have no idea what was going on in her creations but still sought out and used all the time on the web. Artistic + 8 Crafting + 2
Has a damn natural 15 in a skill (its artistic which is considered the least useful of them all but still damn) and being a nimble jogger gives a major advantage in any combat situation making it equal opportunity for both shooting and melee, or just simply be useful for being first one in and last one out of any nasty situation and when no danger sitting at home making sculpures or putting art on walls or something. main downside its a coinflip whether or not cori's pawn breaks every day dued to have so low nerves naturally
@Yellowlord View attachment 150824 P-09 Yellow Lord Age: 20 Young backstory: Lost lordling, Title: lordling Yellow was a minor lord from a kingdom he had own and all. Despite that he dreams of things far away that he can never attain within his kingdoms walls. Social + 4 Melee + 2 Construction -1 Growing - 1 Mining - 1
Adult backstory: Dreamer, Title: Dreamer Yellow dreams finally got to him. He went on a journey towards the stars far away from all that he knew never to return again and instead seek out what he yearns for those who he can welcome him. And the color yellow apparenlty. Animals + 3 Social + 3 Melee + 2 Shooting - 2
backup negotiator for when uni is busy, eventually become the main animal handler, and a character who can only use melee as they will refuse to fire a gun dued to being a brawler, also lack home skills of building and growing and such but should still be keeping busy enough and the only person in the whole group who is actually nice and will raise peoples spirits by communicating, add in low nerves with his skill weaknesses and hes all set on up
whew and hour spent typing that, i don't got a life :V
anyway if any of ya 9 want anything changed at the last minute just let me know and i'll dig through the files and edit something or change the pawns of what you want different, feel free to speak up if ya don't like something~ either way will start this up soon when it is most convenient -3- hope this large post doesn't bug anyone~
The first Spongebob movie is also fantastic.
GF is amazing.
MHA I havent seen yet. Will probably try it once Im done with Arrested development and/or Mad Men.
I've watched every MCU movie to date, though there are some that I don't remember as much as others.
I plan on rewatching all of them in chronoligical order before Avengers 4 comes out, though.
Help me, I can not even paste images in this place anymore.
This place is on fire. Sorry for mass tagging you, but I just want you to know you are my hero.