I think I'm going to talk first about Fire Emblem rather than Smash, since there's too much to talk about in Smash. The trailer
First impression was weird. I was excited because it was actually Fire Emblem, and I was so hyped. For some reason the new artstyle threw me off, and there was so much stuff going on so fast that I ended up kinda confused, only to be disappointed by the release date of the game. Fire Emblem now has the doubtful honor of being the first Switch game that gets delayed.
I've rewatched the trailer a couple of times, and even though most of the stuff I'm going to talk now might be answered during the treehouse, I want to do it either way. So, now that I am a bit cooled down, I do think that the production values of the game are stunning. Maps looks like Radiant Dawn, which is fantastic, exactly what I wanted. I still need to get used to the new artstyle, but the game overall looks great. And the background song being vocal still sounds fricking awesome.
On more detailed stuff, the attack menu gives a couple of interesting bits
We see lots of different options. First is that you can choose between attacking and using magic, don't know if that means everyone will be able to use magic apart from the main attacks, but it's interesting nonetheless. And after that we see that Edelgard (Which seems to be the name of the girl) has both swords and axes, but no magic tomes, which leaves me to believe that magic is it's own thing similar to Shadows of Valentia. We also see that the swords and axes actually have uses, which is fantastic, one of the main features of the FE games is back, and I rather have this than the "balanced" unbreakable weapons from Fates.
Another thing we also see in the picture are combat arts, back from Shadows of Valentia too. This is interesting, I wonder if they will still cost HP points or if they will add some kind of Skill Points stats to use them. And last but not least we have the formation option. This is obviously to change the way the units are ordered on the battlefield and how are they going to gather with the main unit, but I really don't know how that will affect the combat. We do see something like this during the end of the trailer where they charge on the enemy making some kind of triangle formation. It does give another layer of complexity, so I'm fine with it.
On the trailer the characters call someone the "instructor". I'm guessing that he's our new avatar. We don't see him fighting, so maybe he's more like Mark rather than Robin and Corrin, in the sense that he's the tactician of the army but doesn't fight whatsover. We do see him giving Edelgard instructions to hone her axe skills, so he definitely is the big commander of the army.
One last thing to talk is the name of the game. Fire Emblem Three Houses does invite to a different approach of the war, having three different armies probably. Imagine if it's like Fates where you can choose one of the three houses and become the instructor of their army (But without having to pay for another damn version lol). Maybe we can have some kind of story like Genealogy, who knows.
So, I'm extremely hyped about this new Fire Emblem, it looks stunning and the wait for its release it's going to be a pain. I really want to see more, hopefully they show something on the treehouse soon.
Now to write stuff about the new Smash, don't know if I'll get it ready for today, but there's so much to talk and analyze, it's kinda insane.