Only time I ever play as the male trainer is in HGSS where Ethan's design is so much better than What's-her-name.
As far as trainers go
Ethan>Kris>I legit forgot her name
Dawn>Stupid hat guy
Both defaults designs suck: a SM tale
There name's areLucas and Lyra you uncultured swine. And no, Leaf is better then Red, prove me wrong
Honestly? Didn't know the markings differed.
I just know that Sylveon specifically.
Yes, but how to you know about that Sylveon's gender red?
He swallowed an Everstone accidentally.
That's actually a pretty logical explaination Ura. :v
Of course, I'd have to be completely ignorant of WWII history not to recognize the USSR's contributions.
If the Brits yealded early, there's a chance Germany wouldn't have declared war on the USA after Pearl Harbor, so most of Europe would have been under either Nazi or Soviet control, still a bad timeline.
Eh, not really, no one really knows why Germany declared war on the USA, honestly. And I somehow doubt that the Soviet Union would have marched onto France, and take out Fanco Spain, cause all they cared about what was revenge on Germany. And well, Stalin and the Soviet leadership, didn't care about the countries West of Germany, they mainly wanted Germany gone and completely subservient. And, they did kind of stop once they got to Berlin, so it seems likely, they really didn't give a crap about France and the UK, cause well they were both busted and dying empires, on their last breathes.
Well, under Soviet control, to be honest, was better then Nazi control, Nazi's specifically hated specific People's of ethnic origin, the Soviet leaders were just paranoid ****s.
Also, Britain were pretty much the ones who got rid of Fascist Italy, we just didn't have a good enough food hold from there to attack Nazi Germany.
Also, Britain didn't yield, cause we had a ocean in between us and Europe. Plus Churchill made something pretty clear, the UK was never going to yield, and as mentioned, they had no need, we had a ocean between us and Europe, and as stated the Germans lacked the resources to have a Naval campaign and land invasion of Britain.
Also, something interesting about the war, if France and the UK, had mobilised sooner, Nazi Germany would never have tried to conquer the Soviet Union, cause France and the UK, would have been able to take Germany's Western boarder, cause Germany was concentrating on Poland at the time.
Also, something rather interesting about when France fell, it could have actually held its ground, if certain political leaders in French leadership, hadn't been Fascist sympathisers, well Germany would have found themselves dug in at France again, probably.
Also something to note, the French Resistance in France, and other Resistances in Nazi occupied countries, helped greatly in booting the Nazi's out. So its possible, even without the USA's help, Nazi Germany would have been booted out of all the countries they occupied, since they kept pouring resources into the Russia campaign, that they were never going to win, and well, with all those resources wasted, and every civilian population rebelling against their puppet regimes, its pretty clear, Nazi Germany never stood a chance.