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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I am REALLY behind on writing again because procrastination and I forgot the site was down tomorrow. I best get started.

The great hall she had wandered into looked unnaturally pristine, although one couldn't necessarily say the material looked sterile. The stone walls and columns looked as though they had been carved that day, although instead of the dusty smell one would expect the air instead seem oddly devoid of any smell whatsoever. It's easy to forget that even the things we think of as "fresh" and "clean" are scents in themselves. In our daily lives we are endlessly bombarded with countless sights, sounds, and sensations. The utter absence of even one sense bombarding us, in the long run, becomes almost more of a feeling than a noticeable presence of it.

The end of the hall extended this to what she could see as well, though the rest of the room still met her eyes perfectly. It wasn't as though there was a void at the end of the room, of course. It's just that after a certain point it simply. . .ceased to appear. The sides of the room in front of it blurred or faded. . .it was difficult to even tell. There was obviously something there, but her eyes simply couldn't make it out, piecing together one desperate trick after another in order to compensate for the absence. It was this strange disorienting blot that made her all the more determined to reach the end of the room and find what she was missing, although logic screamed in her head for her to stop. And indeed, bit by bit as she walked forward the blurry mess smoothed out into the stretch of room appearing every bit as ordinary as the rest of it, inasmuch as the room could be called ordinary at all.

Thinking on it, the whole thing reminded her of a fairy tale she had read when she was younger. "Castle of the Beast," if she recalled. The story had been about a boy who had fallen asleep in the woods, and woken up in an endless sea of twisting passages, each stranger than the last. Sometimes the rooms they lead to appeared to be in a luxurious mansion; other times they took the form of a terrifying labyrinth. Gradually the horrifying portions could scare him no longer, and he began to see the place as a paradise. But in turn the joy of the paradise faded away as he remained isolated from the world and his family, and in desperation and loneliness he crumpled to his knees and broke down in tears. It was at this point that the namesake beast of the tale revealed itself. Equal parts mocking and sympathetic, yet by all appearances more curious than anything, it questioned the child why they cried even when there was paradise and stood strong when there was terror.

There was a moral to it all, of course, that a man can stand strong to anything, except to be alone. And so the beast looked him in the eyes, and stared more curious than ever before. Like most stories this one had a few endings as well, some with the boy let free to watch his true joy, others with the boy eaten to consume his thoughts. And as with most fairy tales, there were arguments aplenty as to which one came first. But the story always left a bit of an impression on her, regardless. The halls of this particular place didn't wind nearly so much, but the odd warping of the senses made her recall the odd imagery of the old story above all else.

"I wonder if someone is watching me, then. . ." She mumbled to herself quietly.

She could feel the floor shake hard beneath her feet, the walls rumbling audibly. The force of the movement made her stumble and fall for a moment, catching herself with one hand. The stagnant and scentless air now started to turn hot and smell vaguely of smoke. She stumbled and pushed herself back up, scrambling to get back her footing. She noticed that the end of the hall was finally able to be made out immediately, but it took her a moment to register what exactly she was looking at. When it did sink in, she nearly toppled back over onto the floor in shock.

Sitting on a massive throne was something that could technically fit the title of "beast," although the word seemed far too small and hollow for what it truly appeared to be. The most immediate and striking trait was that it appeared to have skin almost made of liquid fire. Not lava, mind you, it wasn't nearly chunky and uneven enough to resemble that. Rather, it appeared almost as though raw fire had solidified into a kind of slime with a film over it. That was the most immediate detail, of course, but it was far from the end of the strangeness. It appeared to have a strange mishmash of traits, a mane of fire far too wild to resemble any lion more than in passing, teeth so numerous and sharp that a shark would seem inadequate by comparison, three fingers and a thumb tipped with claws thicker and sharper than those of any bear that burned blue-hot in contrast to it's red-orange flesh. Draped beside it's reclining legs was a massive tail that probably best matched that of a salamander, the membrane replaced with that same blue burn. And there was one other place that glowed hot with that color as well: it's eyes. Sometimes one, sometimes two, sometimes three. When she blinked she could almost swear there were countless, appearing almost at random everywhere she could see.

The whole mass of it was leaning back with one clawed hand resting under it's chin, looking down at her with the biggest smirk on it's face. And it could hardly be described as anything else but looking down. The thing was massive, easily big enough to pick her up with a single finger. Most of it was pulled together into an at least humanoid form despite itself, albeit more muscular than most humans could dream of without an extreme dedication to exercise. The muscle wasn't exactly defined, really, more simply a vague puffing out in the appropriate places on it's body. But there wasn't any room for doubt that it could snap about anyone it wanted to in half regardless.

"Well I suppose it would be fair enough to say that I've been keeping an eye on you." It said. It's voice was unlike any sound she had heard in her life, at once seemingly one voice and a thousand, faintly crackling and snapping like fire with a vague yet deeply unsettling background noise of some kind of gurgling and churning. "It's quite interesting, really. You're the first human I've seen in. . .quite some time. Easily a few hundred years now, at least on my end. Who knows if time has passed the same or not for your kind after the disruption. Never mind the face that usually humans that approach my resting points typically have some kind of grudge or score to settle or whatever. You just seem, well, lost. And curious more than anything. Just calling out into the air for the sake of making a sound, faintly wondering if anything will answer back but not giving it a second though. That kind of naivete is kind of hard to come by. Or at least it was. Has your species mellowed out a bit nowadays? I'm sure not all the way. It's not in the blood of a bunch of hunters to do that, not this fast. But perhaps things can be managed more. . .amicably, this time around. At least assuming most of you haven't bothered to hold a grudge. Heh."
Welcome to the Procrastination Station, here's 1250 words.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
I mean, if Zeb and I are the same person, then there's also every reason people ship us for :V

We don't ship trash tier wafus, with God tier waifus. :troll:

And just so you don't get any ideas, your the trash tier waifu Uni. :p

Yeah, evil corporations indeed! :evil:

Although in this case, it's more trying to get me in hot **** by doing some shady money dealings.
Well, sadly companies have decided to be more shady these days.

So Stoopid x Zeb is now canon? Alright then.

<gets this down in my totally not so secret shipping notebook>
I swear I better not be in that book.

Cause if I am I will cross out all ships that have me in them. :v
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Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
I am REALLY behind on writing again because procrastination and I forgot the site was down tomorrow. I best get started.

Welcome to the Procrastination Station, here's 1250 words.
....woomy you do realize you are the one who is doing the best right?
you are the one who can pretty much laugh and point at everybody for how well your doing lol
i still don't understand how ya can write so many different things so quickly :V and be on top without issue, like complete genre and topic shifts, seriously impressive on ya ability
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
I am REALLY behind on writing again because procrastination and I forgot the site was down tomorrow.
Hey, still beats my ~700 words-ish of random stu-

I forgot the site was down tomorrow.
Oh. Oh **** that's right. Nobody'll be able to submit.

...free mercies all-round, I guess?


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
caue they can get away with it :V

one voice vs a whole company can't do much, espeically in terms of money and power
Actually we could have.

I got let go of that job and my mother was super pissed about the way the place was being run because she works in HR, so she made me go down to discuss my grievances with the place after being let go. I was originally gonna just leave it, but she insisted.

It was a long discussion, but at one point, he said in a pretty condescending tone that he has never offered someone back a job in all of his eight years being a manager, so there was no point to the discussion (even though that wasn't my intention, I had some things I just wanted to clarify). After that though, I told him about the incident with the litter picking, and he immediately started gritting his teeth and his entire tone changed. The assistant manager never told him about it and he knew how bad it was for something like that to happen.

Then he actually tried to offer me back the job, but I refused, as he was trying to offer me it under a week long "trial" period, basically with the clear intention of making my life especially difficult, and he was also clearly trying to "keep me quiet". I could have taken things further as I would have had a strong case in court due to the litter picking incident. But I didn't want to go through that hassle at the time and I saved the money I needed for my new PC, which was my main objective for that job anyway.

Still, goes to show that employees do have more power than they realise.


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
Actually we could have.

I got let go of that job and my mother was super pissed about the way the place was being run because she works in HR, so she made me go down to discuss my grievances with the place after being let go. I was originally gonna just leave it, but she insisted.

It was a long discussion, but at one point, he said in a pretty condescending tone that he has never offered someone back a job in all of his eight years being a manager, so there was no point to the discussion (even though that wasn't my intention, I had some things I just wanted to clarify). After that though, I told him about the incident with the litter picking, and he immediately started gritting his teeth and his entire tone changed. The assistant manager never told him about it and he knew how bad it was for something like that to happen.

Then he actually tried to offer me back the job, but I refused, as he was trying to offer me it under a week long "trial" period, basically with the clear intention of making my life especially difficult, and he was also clearly trying to "keep me quiet". I could have taken things further as I would have had a strong case in court due to the litter picking incident. But I didn't want to go through that hassle at the time and I saved the money I needed for my new PC, which was my main objective for that job anyway.

Still, goes to show that employees do have more power than they realise.
huh....neat :V never knew employees did


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
well i don't really recall him ever sayiing it...and it is me :V

i don't have the best memory in the world
Well, its all there in the DMs if you wsnt check. :v

lots of images :V its a widely spread and edited joke

plus a lotta memes edit out parts to fit themselves at the point of humor
What are those parts edited out for the humour? :v

i have no idea, i don't remember much of it and i think it lasted like a minute
So much for awedome dream cupcakes hey. Guess we'll need cake to have it work on you. :v

thank ya :V

not that hard, posts and messenging sites can easily host tabletop without ever speaking a word

and thats not even going to third party sites that offer tools, just messages and imagination
Your welcome. And that's all good.

Yeah it is true we don't need faces to do a Tabletop RPG.

Praline harem anime let's go! :troll:
Already an improvement from the Uni harem anime. :v

Oh. Oh **** that's right. Nobody'll be able to submit.

...free mercies all-round, I guess?
But red, its tomorrow here, doesn't that mean they are all late, already. :v


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Bought a bunch of veggies the other day, today I decided to make myself a quick stir-fry with some leftover beef that I had.

Heated up a pan with vegetable oil
Chucked in the leftover beef as well as some bacon cuz wyanut?
Added onions, cucumber, mushrooms, and brocolli
Salt n Pepper, Soya Sauce
after adding some water, covered it to let it steam for a few minutes
After it was done I squeezed in some lemon and added some crushed peanuts

Was delish...

Only thing that was missing was some rice or noodles to add to it, but I had none prepared and I was in somewhat of a rush so just a veggie and meat stir fry.

Should ideally get some green onions, cilantro, bean sprouts, peppers, and perhaps some hot chillis to add to it as well. Could also throw in some ginger. Ginger always makes things more yummy.

Trying to make an effort to eat healthier...considering I love a good stir fry I might as well make some for myself more often.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Bought a bunch of veggies the other day, today I decided to make myself a quick stir-fry with some leftover beef that I had.

Heated up a pan with vegetable oil
Chucked in the leftover beef as well as some bacon cuz wyanut?
Added onions, cucumber, mushrooms, and brocolli
Salt n Pepper, Soya Sauce
after adding some water, covered it to let it steam for a few minutes
After it was done I squeezed in some lemon and added some crushed peanuts

Was delish...

Only thing that was missing was some rice or noodles to add to it, but I had none prepared and I was in somewhat of a rush so just a veggie and meat stir fry.

Should ideally get some green onions, cilantro, bean sprouts, peppers, and perhaps some hot chillis to add to it as well. Could also throw in some ginger. Ginger always makes things more yummy.

Trying to make an effort to eat healthier...considering I love a good stir fry I might as well make some for myself more often.
That sounds really good!
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
"if we're the same person then ship us"

TIL this is a pro slef-cest board

I went from never being shipped with anyone, to two ships in a week. Y'all are making me out to be a deviant


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
Pah... chains are too overused. Ropes are better... more rustic.
...girl you claim chains are too overused and you suggest rope? something tells me you need a quick refresher on what overused means
Well, its all there in the DMs if you wsnt check. :v
eventually :V katt is lazy
What are those parts edited out for the humour? :v
mainly titles or whatever signifies who their talking to
So much for awedome dream cupcakes hey. Guess we'll need cake to have it work on you. :v

Your welcome. And that's all good.

Yeah it is true we don't need faces to do a Tabletop RPG.
mhm, but you are also running the game, its up to ya how ya wanna run your game :V
Already an improvement from the Uni harem anime. :v
but it lacks me :V


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
"if we're the same person then ship us"

TIL this is a pro slef-cest board

I went from never being shipped with anyone, to two ships in a week. Y'all are making me out to be a deviant
if ya would actually read more, only yellow is shipping that

everyone else is shipping me and you

so jump that up to three :V


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
n-nothing~ no reason at all ;)

-secretively hides bag of chains-
Planning to use some chain combos on him, Katt? :v

"I have made a terrible mistake." -Yellowlord 2018
Don't worry no shipping involing me and you will ever emerge. :v


Hey brah.

You need to go to space?
Only you can breath in space though, red. :v

Pah... chains are too overused. Ropes are better... more rustic.
I think the chain is more to stop Uni from running again. :v
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