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Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
Nothing, I just had the nerd equivalent of Vietnam flashbacks and Yellow is fretting, LOL.
do ya two still need hugs though is a critical question :V

or burning people, cause i can always light uni on fire

or give red a headstart and enact predator there

or venting

or laughs

or something for entertainment :V
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Nothing, I just had the nerd equivalent of Vietnam flashbacks and Yellow is fretting, LOL.
Does that mean we are going to see a Inkling Rambo killing Smashboards mods?

I totally pay for that to be honest. Especially if the shot fire are replaced by "WOOMY".


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Nothing, I just had the nerd equivalent of Vietnam flashbacks and Yellow is fretting, LOL.
I do admit... I worry a lot, maybe even too much, and I’ve accepted the fact I’m a huge worrywart. It’s a trait i’ve grown to regret at times. But... I only worry about what you’ve had to go through because I care about you and your happiness.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Listening to the new Octo Expansion song by Dedf1sh again (pretty sure that's a Deadmau5 nod, lol)

It's just so darn weeeeeeeeiiiiirdddd. I have no idea where it would fit in the game.

Deleted member

"Metropolis" is the first film in the NTR genre.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
My take on the Pokémon thing will be listed below, but before anything else, I want to throw in a disclaimer that I tend to value different things in Pokémon games than a lot of people do.

Okay, so. Basically Kanto only at first. Yikes. Immediately upon seeing that, I knew initial reactions would be...varied, to say the least. However, mixed with the information that this takes place further down the timeline (as evidenced by older Red and Blue), I'm not COMPLETELY against it...though that heavily depends on the execution. I loved Fire Red, but not being able to get Crobat until the post game was pretty annoying (mainly due to my distaste for Golbat but love for Zubat and Crobat). That's something Omega Ruby did really well: the integration of cross-generation evolutions in the main game. Pokémon like Gallade, Roserade, and Froslass were able to be obtained prior to the post game. This is one area where I will be pretty disappointed: I would like another Kanto game a lot more if I could use Tangrowth, Crobat, and Porygon-Z.

But beyond not ignoring post-Kanto evolutions, I also don't want them to ignore other Kanto changes: namely, the Sevii Islands. Their exclusion and lack of reference whatsoever docked some points from Heart Gold in my mind, as there was no reason to ignore the biggest thing Fire Red and Leaf Green added. And hey, if they include the Sevii Islands, it would be an easy way to include post-Kanto Pokémon in the post game. Finding a Swinub or Heracross or Slugma or Natu in Fire Red was really neat to me as a kid, and I'd love to have that same reaction upon seeing, say, a Deerling on Four Island now, or a Klefki on Seven Island, or a Ribombee in the Pattern Bush. And hey, why not go even further and include Johto in the postgame?

But man, one thing I'd love to see is a geography update. Kanto and Johto easily have the least interesting geography of any region. Sinnoh and Unova still reign supreme in this regard, but Kanto definitely needs improvement, even if it doesn't surpass these two.

Also, at the very least follow up on Lillie. Seriously. One of the BIGGEST reasons I ended up not buying USUM (only time I've missed a main release since Crystal) was due to the needless storyline changes, including the absolute butchering of the Aether plot. In particular, Lillie's subplot was warped and truncated beyond recognition. Quit doing that, GameFreak, and follow up on her going to Kanto. Speaking of USUM though, it'd be really dumb if they didn't follow up on the Rainbow Rocket stuff, as that was easily the most warmly received part of USUM.

I am excited for the prospect of having the physical and special split in Kanto though. Mainly because there are a lot of Kantonian Pokémon I adore. Marowak, Snorlax, Venusaur, Arcanine, Dodrio, Gengar...they all rank high for me. Add in Kanto-related evolutions like Tangrowth, Crobat, and Porygon-Z, and that's an even healthier amount. And Bellsprout is adorable. Tell me you don't want to give him a hug.

Am I going to be sad if it's impossible to get non-Kanto Pokémon? Yeah, as in addition to not being able to evolve Golbat, Porygon, and Tangela, I also wouldn't be able to get some of my favorites. Ursaring, Qwilfish, Castform, Shiftry, Drifblim, Roserade, Samurott, Unfezant, Crustle, Sawsbuck, Beheeyem, Sigilyph, Chandelure, Whimsicott, Greninja, Talonflame, Diggersby, Florges, Klefki, Trevenant, Volcanion, Decidueye, Toucannon, Ribombee, Mudsdale, and Dhelmise are all some of my favorites I'd need to part ways with, even if several of them would make absolute sense in Kanto.

Elgyem on Mt. Moon? Pidove in Celadon City? Dhelmise in Vermillion Harbor? Lots of cool additions could be made.

But in the end, I'll wait and see. I've been a Pokémon fan for quite literally longer than I can remember. I had little toys of Poliwhirl and Pikachu and Snorlax and Psyduck and Bulbasaur since I was a toddler. Pokémon, alongside Toy Story, was the first franchise I'd ever considered myself a fan of. So I don't hate Kanto or anything. Far from it. I love Kanto dearly. But I definitely want more than just a rehash. I think Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon left me feeling kind of jaded in that regard. I don't have as much time or money to play games as I used to either, so I want to make sure the few purchases I DO make are ones worth making.

So that was a pretty long winded way to say essentially nothing, but hey. Figured I'd give some thoughts.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Does that mean we are going to see a Inkling Rambo killing Smashboards mods?

I totally pay for that to be honest. Especially if the shot fire are replaced by "WOOMY".
I think I saw a clip of Inkling tentacles photoshopped onto Rambo somewhere, but I'm not digging through every GG Gabriel video in existence trying to find it.

That did remind me of something else, though.


Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Metropolis was literally a word before the Superman city.

It's actually the laziest named city in comics probably.

Because metropolis literally just means ''a very large city."


Sep 12, 2014
Aaron Webber doing the teasin'.
"“A lot of you have been waiting for news and information, and you’re very curious about what that title was that we teased back at South by Southwest, and at least in the near future, you might be hearing some more news and information about that. So hey, that’s coming up. Get ready. It’s on the horizon.”"


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Damn, this thread is going at mach speed.

I can't catch up. X_x
No, we need to go Ludicrous speed

How to make Kanto revisited sick af:

-Rematch Trainers and Gym Leaders
-Your avatar's age is 18; bikinis allowed.
-No HMs again
-Make Misty older and hotter.
-Sevii Islands
-Difficulty modes
-M E G A S
-Make Onix evolve without trading.
-Give Mewtwo a full storyline
-Give Sabrina her old costume because she looks hotter with it.
-Remove bloody Minimize from Koga's Muk
-Have the dude with 6 Magikarp have 6 Gyarados in post-game
-Add a dude with a full kamikaze team
-More full teams in general
-Hot Uniform Sabrina
-Add more spinning tiles at the Rocket Hideout
-Pokémon Generations Lorelei
-Tell the Europan Union to eat **** and get back the Game Corner
-Team Rocket Trio
-Make Seafoam Islands mandatory
-Johto post-game with Lv. +60 Gym Leaders
-Have Porygon spawn at the east coast of Cinnabar
-Traveling to another post-apocaliptic dimension
-Urutra Beastos
-Mew actually under the truck
-White Hand
-A Goddamn National Pokédex
-Hot Uniform Sabrina
Nah, forget all that fancy stuff, let's just have Johto and have it completely dunk on Kanto. :smirk:
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
If the new Sonic racing game really does truly all take place on foot like some rumors. I hope Amy Rose runs with her Piko Piko Hammer out just bashing skulls along the way with a typical cheery Amy disposition.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Metropolis was literally a word before the Superman city.

It's actually the laziest named city in comics probably.

Because metropolis literally just means ''a very large city."
I also think Metropolis is also just the word City in a different language to.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
If the new Sonic racing game really does truly all take place on foot like some rumors. I hope Amy Rose runs with her Piko Piko Hammer out just bashing skulls along the way with a typical cheery Amy disposition.
Is that seriously what's rumoured? When I hear that, this is all that I can think of:



Sep 12, 2014
If the new Sonic racing game really does truly all take place on foot like some rumors. I hope Amy Rose runs with her Piko Piko Hammer out just bashing skulls along the way with a typical cheery Amy disposition.
That rumor doesn't make sense.

The teaser showed a car and engine sounds.


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
I... hope I’ve all left an impact on you guys in some form... if anything, this place is basically a second home for me after being back here for 2 and a half months...

I also hope... I never have to leave here for any reason. I’m not sure I could bare the pain of doing it if there was ever a reason for me to do so.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
redfeatherraven redfeatherraven

I think you mostly missed my point.

When I say Pokémon hasn't really evolved much, I don't just mean the battle system. I mean...everything. Aside from the aesthetic stuff, the series hasn't changed much in it's 20 year run. It never needed to. It arguably still doesn't need to. Because it will always sell no matter what. The Pokémon brand is quite simply a pop culture juggernaut and has been since it's inception.

But as someone who used to love the series and basically was a super fan growing up (for reference, I was a hardcore Pokémon fan before I truly considered myself a hardcore Sonic fan, anyone who knows anything about me would probably find that a shock), I once did some reflection into why I just can't get into new Pokémon games. And while there are a few factors, the main thing for me is that 20 years later, Pokémon still feels like the same "my first RPG" experience it was for me when I played Pokémon Red. I know people disagree with that, and the last time I brought it up here, I basically got screamed at with people saying something to the effect of "POKÉMON IS MY FAVOURITE GAME AND I DON'T WANT IT TO CHANGE, HOW DARE YOU" . But it's just how I feel. I am aware of all of the "deeper" mechanics like IVs and the like, but even those feel superfluous (also I actively think IVs are a bad design choice if Pokémon intends to be a competitive game - and the games CLEARLY are not designed to be seriously competitive, they just hold tournaments for exposure and to keep people hyped about Pokémon in general).

So basically I still feel like I'm playing a primitive Game Boy game even on the 3DS. And that bothers me because there is so much more they could do with the main series games to evolve it.

My absolute dream Pokémon game would be an Action-RPG as there is so much you could do with the Pokémon characters there, but that's a pipe dream and likely wouldn't be a main series game or even developed by Game Freak if it happened. But even without that, they could do a lot more with say, the exploration aspect of Pokémon. They could literally keep the exact same battle system, but elevate the exploration to a new level, and I'd consider that a huge improvement alone and would probably buy whatever Pokémon game does that. But Pokémon hasn't done that in it's entire 20 year run. It has made the jump to 3D rather recently, but IMO it's superfluous because they really didn't use the 3D space. You still explore top-down caves and towns, you still just use walking, biking, surfing, and fly/teleport to get around. Why aren't the environments more varied in the way they are constructed instead of using the same maze cave design practices for the past 20 years? Why can't I ride on larger Pokémon whenever I want? Why can't I use their unique abilities to solve puzzles or using the more athletic Pokémon to do a little bit of platforming? On that note, why don't I have a jump button? Or hell, why don't they try an open world Pokémon game? That alone would be a really interesting change and would really help sell the idea that you, the player, as a Pokémon Trainer, are going on your very own unique journey. Also, I kinda want to actually see Pokémon roaming the wild rather than walking in the grass for 5 hours to make the Pokémon I want to appear. I want to have to do very specific things to get those rare Pokémon, like maybe deducing that this Pokémon shows up in this particular area, and that this Pokémon likes berries or something a whole lot. So I drop some berries to use as a lure, and then it shows up, I sneak up close enough, and get two of my Pokémon to surround it, forcing it into a battle where I attempt to catch it. Pokémon has so much crazy potential for exploration and enhancing the experience of catching 'mons, but we're still just walking up and down bushes, and walking around pretty static and tired cave and town environments with little variety in how we can explore them.

On the note of the battle system, there are still things they could try without deviating too much from what has been established. Another monster collecting game I really enjoyed recently, World of Final Fantasy, not only uses the ATB system of a Final Fantasy game (though it's optional to play that way), but also has the concept of "stacking", where smaller monsters sit on top of larger monsters, allowing them to offer each other stat boosts and to combine their HP and MP pools, while also effectively bundling their move pools into one party slot. Something like that would be really interesting with the vast array of Pokémon and Pokémon abilities that have already been established. Pokémon is also still pretty basic in terms of having customisation for your Pokémon. I'd love to give my Charizard some cool gear that looks snazzy but also provides a stat buff of some kind, like a metal helmet for his head that offers more Defense, as a basic example. Some degree of grid positioning mechanics (I'm not talking something like Fire Emblem, more like Mega Man: Battle Network and even the recent South Park: The Fractured But Whole) is a simple addition that would be easy to understand and would fit in with established mechanics, and this could pave the way for the environment to play a role in battle (something I've noticed the TV shows use a lot, but the games NEVER have toyed with for some reason).

Zelda had a similar problem to a lesser extent, yet here comes Breath of the Wild, shaking up the entire formula, and it is not just one of the best received Zelda games of all time, but one of the best received games in general. I sincerely believe Pokémon has a similar kind of potential, and while the franchise can do just fine as it always has because it's so good at selling toys and it's a juggernaut brand name and what not, I seriously want to see a truly ambitious Pokémon game that actually uses the power of modern hardware for more than just graphical and music updates.
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Gah. I... think I need some time to destress, honestly. This... isn’t really normal of me.
Meditate, maybe.

Feeling a bit emotionally out of sorts myself, planned to meditate a bit.

Couldn't hurt to try, right?


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I'm of the opinion that doing an all-Sonic racing game should be more like Sonic R than All-Stars Racing.

Sonic driving a car only made sense because he was racing against SEGA characters who don't go fast on their feet.

Remove the SEGA characters and it's just silly. That's why Sonic and Shadow should run, Tails and Eggman could pilot their SA2 mechs, etc. Divide characters into similar classes, some on foot, some in vehicles. Sonic R also had really interesting track design because of how it handled it's characters.
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