Here's a question for all the Fire Emblem fans here:
Which Fire Emblem game do you think had the best cast in terms of personality and characterization?
Which Fire Emblem game do you think had the worst cast in those same two categories I listed?
Note that you should make your answer based on the Fire Emblem games that you played.
If you had to ask me, my pick for best cast in those two categories is a tie between Shadows of Valentia and Sacred Stones.
For Shadows of Valentia, the complete voice-acting really helps bring the characters to life. Almost all of its playable also felt very grounded and had some nice characterizations to them. The only playable characters that don't do much for me are the two Lords, Palla, Kamui, and Deen, while the only one I strongly dislike in the characterization/personality-department is Faye. Additionally, the cast of villains also felt lackluster. Berkut and Fernand are disappointing and not good villains in my eyes, Jedah, Slayde, and Desaix felt like they came straight out of a Saturday morning cartoon, while Nuibaba and Rudolph were meh. The only villain that stuck out to me in a good and enjoyable way was Grieth, even though he wasn't as significant as most of the ones I listed.
Although it doesn't have the voice-acting to bring its cast to life the way SoV does, Sacred Stones also had a cast that was just as equally enjoyable as the one I previously listed. Yet again, most of its characters felt quite enjoyable and realistic and had some nice interactions with each other. I also think it had the superior villain cast compared to SoV. Lyon is easily my favorite villain in Fire Emblem and one of my favorite villains, being a well-done tragic villain with fleshed out and understandable motivations along with a great backstory with our main heroes. Valter and Caellach were good love-to-hate villains, Glen, Cormag, and Duessel were enjoyable too, and Selena was okay. The only villains that strike me as meh are Formortiis and Vigarde, while the only one I disliked was Riev (though all three were quite generic in the roles they were given, so that's probably why). In all, I feel like Sacred Stones ties with Shadows of Valentia for me in terms of its cast because there are more characters I feel indifferent to (the lords in being among them) compared to Shadows of Valentia, though there really isn't a single heroic character that I truly dislike in Sacred Stones.
For the worst cast, my pick goes to the Conquest cast from Fire Emblem Fates. There's only a very few number of characters from that route I genuinely like. Support!Xander is the only Nohrian royal I'm truly fond of, while the only Nohrians I like are Laslow, Niles, Arthur, Benny, Charlotte, and Ignatius. The rest of its cast are characters that I'm indifferent to or they are characters I don't like at all. In fact, two of my least favorite characters in the franchise are from Conquest (Peri and Camilla). Being part of the Fates trilogy, Conquest is also held back by an awful cast of villains (Garon, Hans, and Iago being the obvious ones).