Alright, so I'm back from that geek-cultured convention I talked about in my last post here.
I was going to put a last statement about my yet-another-so-controversial post, but I lost the feeling to do it and I'll let it slide.
However, for the sake of courtesy and common sense, stop with these snarky attitudes every time I, or another user, say what I think about something even if it doesn't always please you, by giving dozens of likes to messages made to counter me.
It's not already easy to argue with several people, but it's even more disencouraging, and even disheartening, to see dozens of people punching you 10 times more.
I'm normally open to debate and to explain things quietly, but if you keep to maintain this kind of defensiveness to the point to apply the "Kamiya" method, things won't get better.