All this penis talk reminds me how that word isn't snapped up by the profanity filter.
A fact that warms me heart and soul. Penis penis penis.
The lion is noble. How dare you.
Also my bed wants to join in on the eating discussion. It has a complaint or something.
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IDK what anything is anymore.
I chortled.
F/SN Would have been very different if Archer was replaced with Archer

Real talk.
I would play that game.
I've eaten gator on several occasions, basically any time I see it on a menu I buy it. At one point a restaurant opened up in my university food court that served popcorn chicken but made with gator meat. The best was a deep fried Cajun place in New Orleans, though.
Damn, popcorn croc and cajun croc both sound amazing.
That is a hell of a lot more interesting than my story. Had it twice so far, availability's been minimal.
Once I was down on some tiny island off the coast of Florida. All I remember about it was that it was delightful. Sadly it's been three or four years and the memories are blurred, but I do plan on going back when I can. I'll get pics if I do.
Second time was at a fried fish joint up here called Mike Linnig's. They serve nearly everything you can pull out of the water, so alligator was available. However when I got it, it was nearly the end of their season - as such, the quality had degraded, and, big shock, it was nowhere near the level of stuff I got in Florida. Hoping to try again somewhere mid-summer and see how that goes, but I've lost my primary point of reference by now so it'll probably be moot point.
That said they're still probably my favorite seafood restaurant. If any of you happen to drop by Louisville, it comes highly recommended.
The most exotic thing I've tried recently was having a couple pieces of calamari at Olive Garden just so I could assimilate the woomy.
I chortled again.
Impressed though. Even with my seafood affinity calamari's one I've still been hesitant on.
Anyway we talking food, how is Mexican food, the real stuff not that Taco Bell crap, to all you Americans who have eaten, I never got a chance to, was to young to experience it at the time.
Closest I've ever come is fajitas and margaritas.
That's good **** and all but it's basically Tex-Mex. We hardly scratch the surface up here.
No. You are not looking hard enough.
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Hard enough.