Game #1 on the Yoshi's Island board was relatively simple, the Yoshi's Island map in Fortune Street DS is sort of like a lopsided 8, with the Bank at the top, and the Suits around the bottom (one of the suits is in the bottleneck). Having played the Wii version, that one has a
much more interesting Yoshi's Island board, which is in the shape of Yoshi's Head in profile (with an "egg" off to the side which you can get trapped on)
I (ケーイフ, Green) played against Kiryl (クリフト, Red), Mario (マリオ, Blue) and Toad (キノピオ, Yellow)
The game gives you a handy graph showing the course of the game, the Target Amount was
18000, which I... met, let's just say that. I spent most of the mid-game in first place, with Mario way in the back. Eventually, I managed to get a Monopoly on the right side of the board, made them wildly expensive, and then Mario and Toad landed on one of them (which is why they went down suddenly and I rocketed up).
You may notice that at one point I actually went down suddenly while I was in first, that was when I bought out one of the shops that Kiryl owned (in order to get the Monopoly). Obviously, that was the right thing to do, since I then went on to shoot into the stratosphere.
The game lasted
66 turns.
Game #2 on the Super Mario Bros. board, on the other hand, was stressful. The Super Mario Bros. board is in the shape of an M, where you walk around the M's perimeter, the Bank is on the lower side of the M and there are cross-sections allowing you to reach the bank from the far left or right so that you don't have to go all the way around if you don't need to. The Suit Spaces are on the four corners of the M.
I (ケーイフ, Green again) played against Jessica (ゼシカ, Red), Mario (マリオ, Blue again) and Waluigi (ワルイジ, Yellow).
As you can see from the graph, I still won, but everybody was basically neck-and-neck for the entire game. The Target Amount was
22000. Nobody could hold onto their Monopolies, because someone would inevitably come along and buy-out the cheapest of their shops. Everyone was piggy-backing off of everyone else ("piggy-backing" in Fortune Street terms means you have stock in someone else's district).
By the end of the game, everyone had met the Target Amount at least once, and most of the end-game was selling stocks in sets of 10 every turn to stall the rival players and get their value below 22000 so
we could be the one to get to the bank.
On the final turn, Jessica, Mario and I all had over 22000, Jessica was
right next to the Bank, Mario had the most
(and was also close), and I... got lucky, landing on a ? Space and getting a Chance Card that allowed me to move again, I rolled
just enough to reach the Bank and win.
The game lasted
94 turns, and hoo boy was it satisfying to win.
The game ended with Jessica the only one with a complete Monopoly
(which were the properties closest to the bank, which starts as the cheapest district), Mario and Waluigi had had Monopolies, though both myself and Jessica (respectively) saw to it that neither could actually capitalize on it.
As a result of my victory, I won...