I posted these ideas in another thread and thought it couldn't hurt to post them here as well to get some feedback from you guys. It's my ideas on how I would perceive moment movies happening.
I don't want a Cinematic Universe. As an aspiring director I've thought up the scenario of a Nintendo Cinematic Experience. Which is basically a Universe but each movie or show doesn't have to strictly exist in each other's universe. Like they don't have to acknowledge in a Fire Emblem movie that a near-catastrophic event occurred in a previous Zelda movie's Hyrule because, y'know, it doesn't exist in Fire Emblem.
This also allows movies and shows like Fire Emblem, Mario, and Zelda to be fully animated while others like Metroid and Metal Gear are allowed to flourish I'm live action and even allow series like Castlevania to dabble in both. This might seem jarring in some instances but it's just a way of saying "You can be a Metroid fan without liking Mario" if you catch my drift.
The characters would then obviously crossover in a fully animated Super Smash Bros. It's a big personal goal for me to try and get these game series into cinema if I ever make it to the big leagues. I even have a fully written script for an F-Zero movie! Of course, these are just ideas from an
aspiring director. I'm in no way capable of it yet but I hope I will someday soon. Gotta get through film school first though. Wish me luck!
And if you ever want to ask about my personal ideas, you're always free to do so. Preferable through PM, of course.