Missed the last hour or so of discussion but as far as the possibility of no Metroid at e3, it is something I am prepared for at least...though I say that I will stifle my expectations for it but yet I know I'll be quite disappointed if we don't see at least a teaser...
I won't say that chances for it happening at all are dead, but I can only be so patient without some reassurance...
It's not too impossible for it to come to Switch. Epic Games and Nintendo worked very closely to insure that Unreal Engine 4 could easily be run on the Switch. Nintendo described it as 'As easy as the push of a button' and since FFVII Remake runs on UE4 it could be easily ported.
Granted it will take quite the graphical hit but it's Final Fantasy VII Remake on the go for ****s sake. That's amazing!
The reason I'm pessimistic is mainly because the game seems about as graphically intensive as FFXV if not moreso and we know that game isn't quite as likely based on dev comments...though with Cloud being in Smash as well as the fact that FFVIIR is being split into different games does somewhat improve the possibility but I'm not holding my breath...
Honestly if both FFVIIR and Crash N-Sane Trilogy comes to the Switch, I'd be hyped without a doubt...probably my biggest wants as far as third party games go...and to think they're both remakes as well...