So today my buddy and I have basically experienced everything we could while playing Snipperclips as two players...
We completed the World mode (1-2 players), very disappointed that it was only 3 worlds long...though I suppose 3 worlds at 15 puzzles each is a fair number...
Party mode (2-4 players) was alright, I'm not sure if it'll differ depending on the amount of players but it was an additional 21 puzzles....most of which didn't even need 4 players as we both were able to solve some of the puzzles without even using our spare...whatever those dudes are called....Snippers? Yeah I'll call them Snippers...
Blitz mode (2-4 players) is pretty neat as it's sort of a versus mode, one was a basketball match as you try to get the ball in other's hoop, another was frikkin Air Hockey! was pretty fun, and the other was a dojo which is basically snipping the crap out of
Once again I'm not sure if they'll have different games depending on the amount of players...but this seems like it's be a cool alternative to Smash or something if there's a couple other people with another set of Joy-cons...
Overall, the game was pretty fun, we had a few good laughs and some of the puzzles were really fun, I do wish it was a little bit meatier, mainly in the World mode as it's a lot better if you haven't already experienced these puzzles beforehand, and it's fairly short after going through all the puzzles once...but it's still a fair price for what it is...and was a really fun game...
but seriously **** the single joy-cons...For one session I decided we'd switch the left and right joy-con to see if there was a difference but I still had a similar discomfort in my hand as before...there's not enough for my larger than average hands to hold onto with those tiny things, with that said however it's really cool that a single portable unit has the capability to have two players without additional I can't be too mad...