I dunno.
I kind of disagree. I think several Wii U titles could make it.
Any in particular? I'm open to the idea I've overlooked some, but really with most series it seems like a case of "more of the same", which doesn't preclude them from being very quality titles in some instances, but also (imo) doesn't really make them stand out. There's little new ground being tread.
Well, there's always Devil's 3rd for when AVGN style retro reviews come back.
I'd add Xenoblade Chronicles X to the standout (fortherightreasons) list but YMMV if it shook things up enough.
Sure, perhaps I should've clarified titles that would stand out in a good way... because as far as Nintendo's offerings go, there seem to be almost a disproportionate amount that stand out as questionable on the Wii U (Ultra Smash, SF0, Amiibo festival, Devil's Third, Color Splash...)
And I'm not saying XCX isn't a good title, but hypothetically in ten years, we have Xenoblade 2, maybe one or two more past that (because despite my predictions Nintendo really does seem to be doubling down on Xenoblade). In the series it won't be the biggest game, it won't be the most successful game, it won't be the highest reviewed game, it won't be the prettiest game, it probably won't have a character in Smash, it won't be the original that carved out the series... is it really going to stand out?
I think there's a couple that can make a "Greatest Hits" list even if I don't particularly care much for them.
Bayonetta 2
Maybe Super Mario 3D World
If it actually is good, BotW. Although, that may be treated more like a Switch game, like how Twilight Princess was seen more as a Wii game.
But, I feel like, that's it. Maybe a couple others, but for the most part it's just a small handful.
Maybe Bayo2, but I feel that'd be mostly due to the furor and fervour regarding its Nintendo exclusivity. From what I've seen, it reviewed pretty similarly to the first, was not as successful commercially, and was quite derivative. It's just that it was a new experience for many players given there wasn't a ton of overlap between audiences of the first and second previously. Again, I'm not saying it was bad.
I really don't know about SM3DW. Impressions I get is that it's a very good and very cookie-cutter and forgettable title. It's hardly held in the same caliber as 64, Sunshine, Galaxies, or probably Odyssey, which makes it seem unlikely to me.
I do agree with the last two. Though I think Splatoon is more important for what it did and what it meant than being a "quality title", because good though it was, honestly I think there were better games on the system. It was just infinitely fresher. Pun intended.
Lastly and imo I do think BotW will be treated more as a Switch game, like TP was with the Wii, as you said. That's how Nintendo is pushing it, and it's probably going to sell more copies on the Switch. But yeah, fwiw, I believe BotW will be looked back on with some degree of reverence. Unless somehow it all goes to ****...
Sure you have to give it time before you can really be sure.
But if you look at a lot of the games we consider to be "Greatest Hits" or "Classics" or whatever, they all do something, innovative, or different, or just better than everyone else. Something about them was different.
I don't really think there's a lot of Wii U games like that. A lot of them just feel, safe.
^good way of putting it. I agree.
Ah but we can't tell for sure at this point.
For example..
It wasn't seen as charming until like NGC era.
It was just weird.
Our perceptions of things change over time.
But it was a new IP for us. It was more than weird and charming (which it was also called back in the day), it was very different from normal RPG affair. This time around, past Splatoon, was else is going to qualify? W101? That game for sure has a cult, and may one day be looked upon more favourably... but relying on hypotheticals for the sake of what? One game? Maybe two?? Kind of proves the point.
I think many Taiwanese are way more obsessed with their own smartphones thanks to apps like LINE.
Oh I don't doubt that, I'm just saying whenever I use public transport everybody is also on their phones. I think the same can be said for many places all over the world.
By not being able to afford one or not wanting one, or losing one, or etc.
Or maybe your phone isn't supported by Nintendo.
I have a Smartphone, I have nothing to worry about personally. But that doesn't mean it's not an issue.
Unless you're a little kid I would think if you're able to get a Switch you'd be able to, or at least prioritize, procuring a smartphone. Not that I disagree with you about the service being stupid. Just speaking practicalities.
Glad I didn't have to be the one to say it. Barring Smash Bros, the only games I truly enjoyed on WiiU were 3rd Party. Deus Ex Directors Cut, Bayonetta 2, and MonHun 3 Ultimate.
A lot of the other 1st party felt very underwhelming for one reason or another. They were good. But they weren't WOW. WiiU in general just had a very underwhelming library, which is why I'm so salty about it being taken out back and shot in the head. Yeah yeah, "4 year cycles," but with a **** library.
To be clear, I enjoyed games on the Wii U. Some of them I currently believe to be the best in the series, like Smash. And probably MK8 (though not my fav MK). I definitely got my money's worth and don't for a second regret buying the system.
But those are the kind of games that are going to be supplanted by their sequels which just add more content and keep the rest relatively similar. It's already happening with MK8... and it'll probably happen with Smash too. And this is even before we get to MK9 and Smash 5...
And as for the rest, there were many good games. Some great games. But very little new. Or original, or different. And that's why it comes off boring to some. And why it may come off as forgettable down the road. Which also, btw, does no favours to Nintendo in attempting to increase their audience. In any case, I agree the Nintendo games, although not bad... were a bit underwhelming this time around. Though the library is not devoid of exception.