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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
You're making a lot of assumptions about what the items would be here and it leads me to believe you haven't played many Zeldas outside of the most recent ones, most notably TP which was the biggest offender of situational items. 2D Zelda have tons of items that are very useful in the Overworld, many of which should have been in BotW in fact.

Off the top of my head:
-Hookshot would have been great for climbing and combat
-Pegasus Boots to help you run faster. This is especially key since late game you're gonna be warping everywhere and you have no way to call forth a steed.
-The Glider should have been locked behind a dungeon. Honestly, I felt it was given away FAR too early. Made the world feel a lot safer than it should have been once you got it, since falling from heights no longer carried a risk after the first hour, and it opened up the map way too much far too early.
-Lens of Truth could have had a lot of functionality as well, especially in helping players to find secrets and stuff.
-Gust Jar was very well missed, and would have been a great replacement for Korok Leaves, and useful in combat, allowing you to suck up opponents and spit them back out at their allies.
-Ocarina would have been useful, or at least SOME sort of spell that gave you the Song of Storms or some way to change the weather, especially with how annoying the rain was in this game. Too many times I was stuck halfway up a mountain without being able to do anything but put my controller down for 5 mins.
-Goron Gauntlets, or something that let you pick up large boulders, and the like. Bonus points if you can pick up foes as well. Yes, I know we have magnesis, but it only works on metal objects, and that makes it awfully situational.
-Bombs should not have been a spell, and should have been craftable after you get a bomb bag. I would have LOVED to be able to make my own barrel bombs I can store away and roll down cliffs. Or bombs I could use stasis on to send flying into enemy camps. Have different bombs with different strengths and even varying effects depending on what you make them with, like Bombchus again, or electric bombs, Or balloon bombs, etc... Especially given all the Chu jelly you can find. Would have given that some use.

Simple. I can upgrade my weapons durability. If it breaks, it's not gone for good, and I can take it to a blacksmith to repair it for a price. If I find other weapons of a similar type in the wild, I can dismantle them to repair my own before it breaks.

The durability is still there, but I'm able to CHOOSE what I wanna use, and I'm encouraged to try new weapons, yet can still grow attached to whatever I like.

Weapon durability made Stasis, probably the most interesting spell, completely pointless as it'd just ruin my weapons.

Have you played Oracle of Ages/Seasons? Or how about Adventure of Link? Both are smaller scale stories in contrast to the usual fair and don't feature Ganon as the main villain, yet feature a large interconnected world to explore. It doesn't stretch anyone thin, as a writer myself, all I can say is Nintendo needs to hire actual talent to write stories for them.

The Ghibli films often feature large worlds, yet tell very small and compelling narratives, for example.

Your way of thinking is too in a box, there are many ways to go about this. How about a more personal story about the people Link encounters on his journey? Or look at One Piece, arrive at place, **** is happening, learn about the people in this region, fix their problem, move onto the next area. That's actually what I thought BotW was gonna be, but it wasn't, outside of the four main regions, every other place was just kinda dull. Hell, look at the Witcher 3 and how IT handles ITS narrative. Even with a stand-in character like Link, a lot can still be done. And stand-in doesn't mean he can't have a personality anyway, look at WW Link for example.

MM began as a very small personal story of Link trying to find Navi, and being transported to a parallel world. It began with him trying to return to his original form, and getting back Majora's Mask for the Mask Salesman. It was a very personal story, Hyrule wasn't in danger, he had no NEED to save these people, outside of it being his ticket out. It was Link's Quest. And the entire plot revolved around Skull Kid, and Majora, and the people of Termina. Not some big bad who is trying to conquer the world... for... some reason? Hell, Skull Kid's and Majora's motives even made sense within character, something that never ever does for Ganon outside of "I'm Evil." Even in OoT where he did it to save his people, it was still diluted into: "I'm evil."

Look at Link's Awakening, another good example. Or AoL, where he tried to resurrect one of the older princess Zelda's who'd been asleep for a long time, and trying to prevent Ganon from coming back, at the end, having to fight his own shadow as the main antagonist. That's a cool story, and open to a lot of interpretation, a lot could be done with such a premise. A lot more especially than "you are the chosen one, now collect these things, and go fight Ganon and SAAAAAAVE THE WORLD!!"
Oh, TP. . .that's cute, you think my Zelda situation isn't on par with my Metroid one, LOL. But that's definitely the general time frame, given a couple extra years maybe. I just see what people discuss that they miss about other games and get the feeling the formula runs pretty deep, which if it can successfully hit a misguess then it probably does.

That's a better approach, but I feel I would still feel more fulfilled if I felt like the items had a lore reason to be gifted to me instead of feeling like they were placed in a box by middle aged video game developers. Why do I have to get a bomb bag out of an ancient dungeon? Can't I just buy this crud off of someone? They have the bigger bag in the shop! The one time I was handed an instrument, it was just kind of shoved on me early game and then it was the songs I had to unlock, are those usually dungeon bound?

Pegasus Boots. . .I've played. . .a few minutes of a game that has that, LOL. Actually sounds like a Speed Up buff set of pants with possibly a bonus effect like the Zora Armor and Helm rather than a key item you activate. And now I realize how much I want Speed Up buff armor that isn't a secondary effect on something much more useful for a different reason at the cost of the Speed buff only being active at night, LOL.

I feel like durability with repairs would simply retain leaning into a single weapon while adding the issue of forcing you to babysit it. When I had durability in White Knight Chronicles I never felt compelled to switch weapons, I just came crawling back to the nearest waypoint to fix them every time they got whittled down and felt nervous when it went low enough. And that game had armor durability as well, which.. .yeah Nintendo made the right call making armor unbreakable and giving armor sets balanced or outright equal stats and letting people's buff preferences make the decision instead, LOL.

. . .Why is White Knight Chronicles always the example of what not to do in a game for me? It's not even like I hated the game or anything.

Actually if they ever did go with unbreakables I would prefer they let me do something similar and buff weaker weapons until they have identical or balanced stats with stronger ones. Seems like a better solution than repairs or just jumping straight to unbreakables, but there is a concern the upgrade process would drive people off and make them collect already capped weapons instead or that one or two setups would be broken and leaned into anyway.

I would be fine with a game that focuses on the personal aspect of the world, and the connection BotW offers with it's art direction facilitates that. But having not played those games, to me that sounds more naturally like a journey of carefully written sidequest chains than a journey of dungeons. . .which is basically what Majora's Mask ends up being described to me as when people talk about it anyway, LOL.

Heck I'd enjoy a game where the main focus is sidequests fixing people's personal problems, I'd take it. Not Majora, though, time limits bother the HECK out of me and would probably sour the game for me.

Deleted member

Black people commit more crimes than white people and dilute the gene pool"
Those are both true though.

I mean, personally, I'm all for race mixing, since I personally believe that through race-mixing do you get the most ideal traits in humans (and half-asian girls are incredibly attractive). Especially since certain races ARE superior at specific things. Black people for example ARE more athletic than just about any other race, this is a fact. That's why some of the best Olympians in the worth are black, like Usain Bolt for example.

But at the same time, given that my mother was a dog breeder, I can't deny that if you want to retain certain traits in a breed, you can't have it mix with other breeds, lest you lose certain desirable traits. This is true for dogs, and it's also true for humans. Granted, such an idea does have racist undertones, and that's why I don't personally agree with it, but I can't deny that there isn't truth to it.

Hell, I mean this can even be traced back to simple evolutionary theory, and how genes replicate. Only reason blacks have better genes for fast twitch muscle fibers in the first place is because they bred in an environment that allows these sorts of genes to proliferate through survival of the fittest and isolated breeding.

On that same note, someone who's pure black genetically DOES have a higher chance of having much better genes for athleticism than someone who might be half black, and no amount of hard work from the half-black guy will ever overcome the genetic advantage of his pure black competitor in a competitive field. This is a given fact.

Again, I don't agree with the racist undertones of saying "X dilute the gene pool" but I also can't deny the scientific truth behind such a statement. In fact, primary reason I support race mixing (outside of personal tastes) is because excessive inbreeding causes genetic defects. Long story short, when it comes to genetics and all that stuff, it's a lot more nuanced, and a statement like that does carry a degree of truth to it.

As for the first bit, it's a given statistical fact that black people in the US are involved in more crime and violence than other races, especially whites. A large part of this is because of socio-economic situations, but you still can't deny what's essentially a statistical fact. While yes, this doesn't mean that all black people are bad, or whatever some racist individual might misconstrue it as, you certainly can't deny the numbers, nor you can you bash someone for throwing out such a fact.

I don't see how stating facts should not be defended by freedom of speech only because less intelligent individuals are emotionally engaged in what you're saying and can't appreciate the nuance of your statements, and instantly assume you're being racist just because they don't like what you're saying.

At the end of the day, I think all ideas and opinions should be open for discourse, as only through open discussion can you filter out all the garbage ideas some people can come up with. When you create "safe spaces" that censor out any unwanted discussion, then you're only creating environments in which bad ideas can fester and grow way out of control. Especially since when it comes to debate, you're not ever really trying to sway your opponent with your points and facts, but rather, any witnesses and onlookers who are a lot more neutral on whatever issue is being discussed. This is why freedom of speech is essential, because it allows for the discussion of ideas, and the factual destruction of BAD ideas through simple debate and discourse.

At the end of the day, you only have two things in life, SCIENCE, and opinion. And opinion can't ever hold a candle to objective truth.

Deleted member

That's a two way street. For an example, if you're an athlete you can be fined for both homophobia and not standing up for the national anthem. Should that be the case? I don't think so, but it's not an exclusive issue to either side.
And to further elaborate, why would there be no consequences for free speech? I mean, I still stand by what I said. Especially when the fines don't really even do much, natural consequences would be better such as a decrease in popularity which leads to less success.

But a private business have rights to freely do what they want to.(In fact they probably have way more rights, but that's a topic for another day.) They can choose to let you go just based upon your opinion's/behaviour, that's how it's always been regardless of which side you're on.

MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614

Another day, another new KoF XIV character confirmed. This time we got Venessa! She and Yamazaki are definitely characters I want to try out when they come along. It's looking like a great time to be a KoF fan.

Those are both true though.

I mean, personally, I'm all for race mixing, since I personally believe that through race-mixing do you get the most ideal traits in humans (and half-asian girls are incredibly attractive). Especially since certain races ARE superior at specific things. Black people for example ARE more athletic than just about any other race, this is a fact. That's why some of the best Olympians in the worth are black, like Usain Bolt for example.

But at the same time, given that my mother was a dog breeder, I can't deny that if you want to retain certain traits in a breed, you can't have it mix with other breeds, lest you lose certain desirable traits. This is true for dogs, and it's also true for humans. Granted, such an idea does have racist undertones, and that's why I don't personally agree with it, but I can't deny that there isn't truth to it.

Hell, I mean this can even be traced back to simple evolutionary theory, and how genes replicate. Only reason blacks have better genes for fast twitch muscle fibers in the first place is because they bred in an environment that allows these sorts of genes to proliferate through survival of the fittest and isolated breeding.

On that same note, someone who's pure black genetically DOES have a higher chance of having much better genes for athleticism than someone who might be half black, and no amount of hard work from the half-black guy will ever overcome the genetic advantage of his pure black competitor in a competitive field. This is a given fact.

Again, I don't agree with the racist undertones of saying "X dilute the gene pool" but I also can't deny the scientific truth behind such a statement. In fact, primary reason I support race mixing (outside of personal tastes) is because excessive inbreeding causes genetic defects. Long story short, when it comes to genetics and all that stuff, it's a lot more nuanced, and a statement like that does carry a degree of truth to it.

As for the first bit, it's a given statistical fact that black people in the US are involved in more crime and violence than other races, especially whites. A large part of this is because of socio-economic situations, but you still can't deny what's essentially a statistical fact. While yes, this doesn't mean that all black people are bad, or whatever some racist individual might misconstrue it as, you certainly can't deny the numbers, nor you can you bash someone for throwing out such a fact.

I don't see how stating facts should not be defended by freedom of speech only because less intelligent individuals are emotionally engaged in what you're saying and can't appreciate the nuance of your statements, and instantly assume you're being racist just because they don't like what you're saying.

At the end of the day, I think all ideas and opinions should be open for discourse, as only through open discussion can you filter out all the garbage ideas some people can come up with. When you create "safe spaces" that censor out any unwanted discussion, then you're only creating environments in which bad ideas can fester and grow way out of control. Especially since when it comes to debate, you're not ever really trying to sway your opponent with your points and facts, but rather, any witnesses and onlookers who are a lot more neutral on whatever issue is being discussed. This is why freedom of speech is essential, because it allows for the discussion of ideas, and the factual destruction of BAD ideas through simple debate and discourse.

At the end of the day, you only have two things in life, SCIENCE, and opinion. And opinion can't ever hold a candle to objective truth.
Oh dear. Are we really going to start this right here? Can we back off before things can explode?

Deleted member


Another day, another new KoF XIV character confirmed. This time we got Venessa! She and Yamazaki are definitely characters I want to try out when they come along. It's looking like a great time to be a KoF fan.

Oh dear. Are we really going to start this right here? Can we back off before things can explode?
I'm just saying, free speech and open discourse are good, and should always be protected, as they allow bad ideas to be destroyed with simple facts and evidence.

Nothing should ever be off the cards.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Those are both true though.

I mean, personally, I'm all for race mixing, since I personally believe that through race-mixing do you get the most ideal traits in humans (and half-asian girls are incredibly attractive). Especially since certain races ARE superior at specific things. Black people for example ARE more athletic than just about any other race, this is a fact. That's why some of the best Olympians in the worth are black, like Usain Bolt for example.

But at the same time, given that my mother was a dog breeder, I can't deny that if you want to retain certain traits in a breed, you can't have it mix with other breeds, lest you lose certain desirable traits. This is true for dogs, and it's also true for humans. Granted, such an idea does have racist undertones, and that's why I don't personally agree with it, but I can't deny that there isn't truth to it.

Hell, I mean this can even be traced back to simple evolutionary theory, and how genes replicate. Only reason blacks have better genes for fast twitch muscle fibers in the first place is because they bred in an environment that allows these sorts of genes to proliferate through survival of the fittest and isolated breeding.

On that same note, someone who's pure black genetically DOES have a higher chance of having much better genes for athleticism than someone who might be half black, and no amount of hard work from the half-black guy will ever overcome the genetic advantage of his pure black competitor in a competitive field. This is a given fact.

Again, I don't agree with the racist undertones of saying "X dilute the gene pool" but I also can't deny the scientific truth behind such a statement. In fact, primary reason I support race mixing (outside of personal tastes) is because excessive inbreeding causes genetic defects. Long story short, when it comes to genetics and all that stuff, it's a lot more nuanced, and a statement like that does carry a degree of truth to it.

As for the first bit, it's a given statistical fact that black people in the US are involved in more crime and violence than other races, especially whites. A large part of this is because of socio-economic situations, but you still can't deny what's essentially a statistical fact. While yes, this doesn't mean that all black people are bad, or whatever some racist individual might misconstrue it as, you certainly can't deny the numbers, nor you can you bash someone for throwing out such a fact.

I don't see how stating facts should not be defended by freedom of speech only because less intelligent individuals are emotionally engaged in what you're saying and can't appreciate the nuance of your statements, and instantly assume you're being racist just because they don't like what you're saying.

At the end of the day, I think all ideas and opinions should be open for discourse, as only through open discussion can you filter out all the garbage ideas some people can come up with. When you create "safe spaces" that censor out any unwanted discussion, then you're only creating environments in which bad ideas can fester and grow way out of control. Especially since when it comes to debate, you're not ever really trying to sway your opponent with your points and facts, but rather, any witnesses and onlookers who are a lot more neutral on whatever issue is being discussed. This is why freedom of speech is essential, because it allows for the discussion of ideas, and the factual destruction of BAD ideas through simple debate and discourse.

At the end of the day, you only have two things in life, SCIENCE, and opinion. And opinion can't ever hold a candle to objective truth.
The study Jontron mentioned I used as an example contradicts the scientific studies that show immigrants commit significantly less crimes than white people. Jontron, a guy who's half Iranian, said that refugees should go back to where they're from, AKA leave wherever they are. About the gene pool thing, it was said as, again, a reason to say it's bad to have non whites in America. Context sensitive. Jontron said white culture is "being destroyed" and if you remember, said tribalism is good, there's no such thing as racism, said Destiny, the guy who was on stream with, wants to kill black people, claimed Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics, that America is going to be Mexico, the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man, supports DAVID DUKE, A KNOWN NEONAZI, and more. That's a LOT of **** that he said that's controversial, fans of his who aren't white feel uncomfortable with how he's pretty much saying that they're terrible. He didn't even apologies for those remarks and said "Nah fam, you misinterpretted me, I didn't know what I was saying as I didn't prep myself well enough"
How does freedom of speech mean he SHOULDN'T get criticized? "I think that every Trump fan has an IQ of 50." You're not allowed to say anything to counter or criticize that according to your definition of freedom of speech

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
ffs. The site deleted 'denying'
Rebellious Treecko Rebellious Treecko I expect genuine answers from these. Please answer them
I want all churches to be bombed by ISIS because Christians shouldn't be allowed to breath", would you say "Well, she's allowed to express her believes"? If I say "I will eat your leg" alongside your address, should that be allowed?
They're pretty rude sounding, but I'd allow them.

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Apr 9, 2014
User was warned for this post
<content redacted>

This is 100% perfect
Last edited by a moderator:

Deleted member

Note to self: don't hit the "Show Ignored Content" button. There's a very good reason it's there in the first place
The study Jontron mentioned I used as an example contradicts the scientific studies that show immigrants commit significantly less crimes than white people. Jontron, a guy who's half Iranian, said that refugees should go back to where they're from, AKA leave wherever they are. About the gene pool thing, it was said as, again, a reason to say it's bad to have non whites in America. Context sensitive. Jontron said white culture is "being destroyed" and if you remember, said tribalism is good, there's no such thing as racism, said Destiny, the guy who was on stream with, wants to kill black people, claimed Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics, that America is going to be Mexico, the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man, supports DAVID DUKE, A KNOWN NEONAZI, and more. That's a LOT of **** that he said that's controversial, fans of his who aren't white feel uncomfortable with how he's pretty much saying that they're terrible. He didn't even apologies for those remarks and said "Nah fam, you misinterpretted me, I didn't know what I was saying as I didn't prep myself well enough"
How does freedom of speech mean he SHOULDN'T get criticized? "I think that every Trump fan has an IQ of 50." You're not allowed to say anything to counter or criticize that according to your definition of freedom of speech
I think the funniest part of the whole Jontron thing was his video trying to do damage control...
And clearlt only making things worse by playing the victim and blaming it on "being tired"

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
They're pretty rude sounding, but I'd allow them.

...You just said it's okay if someone sent you a message saying they want to eat your arm alongside the address of where you live...I'm sorry, but that is braindead moronic. By being okay with this, you're okay with someone loading a gun, pressing it right in your face and saying they want to pull the trigger. Because that's a threat like the cannibal


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Why is it that every time someone complains about the enemy variety in Zelda, it always boils down to "Where's my nostalgia?!" There is a need for additional enemies the next time a game is made, yes, but BotW tries for physics interactions and complex, unique situations. Most classic Zelda enemies. . .just kinda do one attack and that's it. Not very good at contributing to that. That's not even getting into people complaining about not getting enemies we already functionally have because "The name's not the same!" or because resource recycling was involved. Let's . . .not waste resources adding something that doesn't do anything different just because a unique model and name feels more special and nostalgic, that effort can go into a better enemy.

I think with my early examination of Zelda enemies so far there's one enemy commonly brought up that I actually do think could add quite a bit to a BotW type game and fit it's standards very well, but I think people are perhaps narrow minded about their use, thinking they should be shoved into one corner of the map with I dunno a single weapon to pull off of them and *shrug*. The particularly good enemies in BotW have a dozen or more weapons tied to their class, three body drops, multiple unique unarmed attacks, mundane interactions via hats and sometimes feeding, and any number of other things, with each one having a reason to exist as a unique entity. I would expect no less out of any other high quality enemy, although the tradeoff would obviously be far less newcomers.

Every enemy in BotW has a role, often blending into the environment, unique combat, or both. What role would a new enemy have that a current one doesn't cover? I feel like for a breathing world that's a question that should be contemplated.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Elma won. In other words, things were expected and too one sided. But this next one should be good.

These are the other main characters you can get on your team, one more important than the others. Your choices are Lao, Lin, Irina, and L'cirufe (Or L in the light of the controversial Netflix Death Note news).

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Pick well. It won't be long until I'm completely done with the full Xenoblade X cast.
Last edited:

Deleted member

...You just said it's okay if someone sent you a message saying they want to eat your arm alongside the address of where you live...I'm sorry, but that is braindead moronic. By being okay with this, you're okay with someone loading a gun, pressing it right in your face and saying they want to pull the trigger. Because that's a threat like the cannibal
What do you mean? Let the armed dude point his gun at you, it's his right and you can't take it from him!


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Elma won. In other words, things were expected and too one sided. But this next one should be good.

These are the other main characters you can get on your team, one more important than the others. Your choices are Lao, Lin, Irina, and L'cirufe (Or L in the light of the controversial Netflix Death Note news).

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Pick well. It won't be long until I'm completely done with the full Xenoblade X cast.
Lin is the correct answer.

Deleted member

The study Jontron mentioned I used as an example contradicts the scientific studies that show immigrants commit significantly less crimes than white people. Jontron, a guy who's half Iranian, said that refugees should go back to where they're from, AKA leave wherever they are. About the gene pool thing, it was said as, again, a reason to say it's bad to have non whites in America. Context sensitive. Jontron said white culture is "being destroyed" and if you remember, said tribalism is good, there's no such thing as racism, said Destiny, the guy who was on stream with, wants to kill black people, claimed Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics, that America is going to be Mexico, the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man, supports DAVID DUKE, A KNOWN NEONAZI, and more. That's a LOT of **** that he said that's controversial, fans of his who aren't white feel uncomfortable with how he's pretty much saying that they're terrible. He didn't even apologies for those remarks and said "Nah fam, you misinterpretted me, I didn't know what I was saying as I didn't prep myself well enough"
How does freedom of speech mean he SHOULDN'T get criticized? "I think that every Trump fan has an IQ of 50." You're not allowed to say anything to counter or criticize that according to your definition of freedom of speech
I honestly have not even bothered to look into what JonTron said, but what I understand based on what people have said, none of what he said was factually wrong, it just came across as incredibly racist as Jon is not very articulate (and if I remember the Game Grumps, yeah, this is 100% true, Jon has never been articulate when expressing himself). So with that in mind, I honestly can't speak about what Jon may or may have not said specifically as I really haven't even bothered with any of that. All I think is the usual, people are overreacting to his words, and need to chill out. As even if they WERE racist views, he's still entitled to hold them. Just the same as I still respect many people who I might politically disagree with, and I can still enjoy their content despite our political differences.

That said, I fully agree with refugees going back, and for a variety of reasons too (not just the terrorism, and increased crime and violence, but also the simple fact that we economically CAN'T help them all, and even taking in 10 million people a year barely puts a dent on BILLIONS living in destitute poverty, who are growing by the HUNDREDS of millions each year, AND by taking in their best and brightest, we're further worsening the situation in those countries). I won't get into that though, as that's a long debate that will likely displease many, and really won't lead anywhere.

Anyway, agree to disagree and all that. And I don't mean to say Jon shouldn't be criticized, but people shouldn't also overreact. I think they're going WAYYYY too far with all this. I mean, would you react this same way to your old racist grandpa? I mean, I'm sure we've all had one of those. 1950s were a different era. Is it really so hard for people to accept that someone has different views to theirs? Or must we live in a society where there's a Right way of thinking and a Wrong way of thinking, and anything that doesn't agree with one's personalized set of ideals is instantly wrong? Food for thought.

Anyway, I won't really get into it. On personal note, it benefits me that a guy with 3 million subscribers and followers has adopted right wing views, like Pew Die Pie, I'll be sending him a copy of my Trump comic when it's ready. That's guaranteed to lead to a lot of cash and fame for yours truly, as Jon is definitely the sort of guy who'd talk about it, and honestly, while all this polarized nonsense is going on, it's all I really care about tbh.

I just wanna get to the point where I'm rich and famous so I can make Tiger Square really, that's gonna be dope as ****.

On that note, you're gonna like this btw:

Still working on it, but it's the idea you tossed my way. ;)


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008

This is 100% perfect
This is true, and yet it remains pretty sad that people do want to silence each other on the basis of disagreeing with the content of what is being said.

No one is truly infringing on another's right to free speech, but people should be able to extend to each other the courtesy of acknowledging differences and not trying to silence voices that stand opposed to your own.

It seems to me that people nowadays fight more for censorship and an overarching echo chamber than they do for embracing expression. To relate to this comic, it seems many people now believe anyone voicing a contrasting opinion should be shown the door instead of you simply excusing yourself as you acknowledge your opinion may not be the only one which is entitled to be present. Although, of course, there are individual situational elements for each case. However, sometimes I question how many people do actually "listen" before they judge, or before they decide you're an asshole, as the fifth panel states.

Also, for what it's worth, being "shown the door" does not typically happen with as much civility as this comic suggests. In reality it tends to make all parties involved look worse for it, and only extends polarization.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Alright enough. FFXV is good, but that post game is garbage.

Haven't played Fallout 4 in awhile. Guess I'll jump on the boat again.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I honestly have not even bothered to look into what JonTron said, but what I understand based on what people have said, none of what he said was factually wrong, it just came across as incredibly racist as Jon is not very articulate (and if I remember the Game Grumps, yeah, this is 100% true, Jon has never been articulate when expressing himself). So with that in mind, I honestly can't speak about what Jon may or may have not said specifically as I really haven't even bothered with any of that. All I think is the usual, people are overreacting to his words, and need to chill out. As even if they WERE racist views, he's still entitled to hold them. Just the same as I still respect many people who I might politically disagree with, and I can still enjoy their content despite our political differences.

That said, I fully agree with refugees going back, and for a variety of reasons too (not just the terrorism, and increased crime and violence, but also the simple fact that we economically CAN'T help them all, and even taking in 10 million people a year barely puts a dent on BILLIONS living in destitute poverty, who are growing by the HUNDREDS of millions each year, AND by taking in their best and brightest, we're further worsening the situation in those countries). I won't get into that though, as that's a long debate that will likely displease many, and really won't lead anywhere.

Anyway, agree to disagree and all that. And I don't mean to say Jon shouldn't be criticized, but people shouldn't also overreact. I think they're going WAYYYY too far with all this. I mean, would you react this same way to your old racist grandpa? I mean, I'm sure we've all had one of those. 1950s were a different era. Is it really so hard for people to accept that someone has different views to theirs? Or must we live in a society where there's a Right way of thinking and a Wrong way of thinking, and anything that doesn't agree with one's personalized set of ideals is instantly wrong? Food for thought.

Anyway, I won't really get into it. On personal note, it benefits me that a guy with 3 million subscribers and followers has adopted right wing views, like Pew Die Pie, I'll be sending him a copy of my Trump comic when it's ready. That's guaranteed to lead to a lot of cash and fame for yours truly, as Jon is definitely the sort of guy who'd talk about it, and honestly, while all this polarized nonsense is going on, it's all I really care about tbh.

I just wanna get to the point where I'm rich and famous so I can make Tiger Square really, that's gonna be dope as ****.

On that note, you're gonna like this btw:
View attachment 127215
Still working on it, but it's the idea you tossed my way. ;)


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Im trying to save for the Switch but my feed keeps getting filled with brand new Turn Left diecast.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Oh and just as a pleasant little suggestion. Don't quote an image that breaks the rules

It makes things more annoying to mods if they have to clean it up afterwords :p

Unrelated,i'm glad it's spring. Best season, followed by second best season :)


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Im trying to save for the Switch but my feed keeps getting filled with brand new Turn Left diecast.
At least I'm past the dilemma of getting a Switch.

Now I've milked 225+ hrs out of BotW and I want to save for the deluge of games I want later in the year but I kind of want to have another Switch game to play right now after all that.

Oh, and BotW is the kind of game that makes Amiibo look tempting on top of that, but I haven't even looked at the prices on those because I heard they exploded.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
There must be some unrecognized dissonance between a game series where half the games are rated T and a site dedicated to those games where swearing isn't allowed. :/

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
god ****ing dammit. I spent nearly 10 minutes typing what was there, and this site ate all my goddamn text. It's ****ing infuriating
@ManlySpirit, I'm not typing all that ******** again, but your attachment didn't load, so I'll critique it now
It reminds me a LOT of Kamen Rider Blade, who's based off of a Hercules beetle and the chest matches up significantly imo (though I've got the more organic looking S.I.C Blade Jack figure next to me so I can compare it by looking at my right). What ESPECIALLY reminds me of Blade are those lines next to the arm, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be X-23 claws or something, but they remind of Blade Jack's wings when down. The helmet also reminds me of Faiz's subtle shark fins on the top of his helmet. The belt looks very generic but being a merchandised show with Bandai as a sponsor modern belts have a lot of pizazz, so if you're going for a Showa era look with the belt, it works, but clashes with the Heisei-esque design of the guy as a whole, though that isn't a bad thing. I can send it to a Toku forum for critique too if you like. Overall, neat design. Any colours planned? I see green or blue fitting this guy a lot personally


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
There must be some unrecognized dissonance between a game series where half the games are rated T and a site dedicated to those games where swearing isn't allowed. :/
Well to be fair it's a series that censors swear words at every opportunity if you're making that comparison. :p

Deleted member

Those are both true though.

I mean, personally, I'm all for race mixing, since I personally believe that through race-mixing do you get the most ideal traits in humans (and half-asian girls are incredibly attractive). Especially since certain races ARE superior at specific things. Black people for example ARE more athletic than just about any other race, this is a fact. That's why some of the best Olympians in the worth are black, like Usain Bolt for example.

But at the same time, given that my mother was a dog breeder, I can't deny that if you want to retain certain traits in a breed, you can't have it mix with other breeds, lest you lose certain desirable traits. This is true for dogs, and it's also true for humans. Granted, such an idea does have racist undertones, and that's why I don't personally agree with it, but I can't deny that there isn't truth to it.

Hell, I mean this can even be traced back to simple evolutionary theory, and how genes replicate. Only reason blacks have better genes for fast twitch muscle fibers in the first place is because they bred in an environment that allows these sorts of genes to proliferate through survival of the fittest and isolated breeding.

On that same note, someone who's pure black genetically DOES have a higher chance of having much better genes for athleticism than someone who might be half black, and no amount of hard work from the half-black guy will ever overcome the genetic advantage of his pure black competitor in a competitive field. This is a given fact.

Again, I don't agree with the racist undertones of saying "X dilute the gene pool" but I also can't deny the scientific truth behind such a statement. In fact, primary reason I support race mixing (outside of personal tastes) is because excessive inbreeding causes genetic defects. Long story short, when it comes to genetics and all that stuff, it's a lot more nuanced, and a statement like that does carry a degree of truth to it.

As for the first bit, it's a given statistical fact that black people in the US are involved in more crime and violence than other races, especially whites. A large part of this is because of socio-economic situations, but you still can't deny what's essentially a statistical fact. While yes, this doesn't mean that all black people are bad, or whatever some racist individual might misconstrue it as, you certainly can't deny the numbers, nor you can you bash someone for throwing out such a fact.

I don't see how stating facts should not be defended by freedom of speech only because less intelligent individuals are emotionally engaged in what you're saying and can't appreciate the nuance of your statements, and instantly assume you're being racist just because they don't like what you're saying.

At the end of the day, I think all ideas and opinions should be open for discourse, as only through open discussion can you filter out all the garbage ideas some people can come up with. When you create "safe spaces" that censor out any unwanted discussion, then you're only creating environments in which bad ideas can fester and grow way out of control. Especially since when it comes to debate, you're not ever really trying to sway your opponent with your points and facts, but rather, any witnesses and onlookers who are a lot more neutral on whatever issue is being discussed. This is why freedom of speech is essential, because it allows for the discussion of ideas, and the factual destruction of BAD ideas through simple debate and discourse.

At the end of the day, you only have two things in life, SCIENCE, and opinion. And opinion can't ever hold a candle to objective truth.
For someone who claims to have science on their side, you sure don't use the full picture.

First of all, the genetics in the "white" race alone are so mixed up that there's little point in "purifying" it, since one of the reasons why white people appear so diverse is because they're a mixture of different pigmentation which ranged from all over.(Most middle easterners are genetically more so "white" than "brown".) The pure blonde hair hair shenanigans thing itself doesn't even make much sense.

An ironic example would be that many of the pure blondies Hitler used were, in fact, genetically jewish.(Yes, I know using Natzis as an example is usually a dumb comparison, but it's relevant here.)

Are there different characteristics between races, I won't deny that. But the genetic differences are never even consistent even among the same race.(For instance there are Africans that are genetically better at running, but that isn't true for all of Africans, you have to consider that they also have genetic diversity(Remember that Africa is an entire continent which can be vastly different depending on where you go, not to mention there are many different african cultures.), they just don't have as much pigmentation. Heck, Mexicans are genetically have a lot of Caucasian genetics since the colonization.

I think that racial problems differences are due to Socio-economic(in case of minorities of the united states, if you start low of course you are going to stay low, and you fail to mention that most crime is due to your economic status, culture(this is the major reason.) and education statistically. Not only that, but white collar crime is not taken as seriously as it should, since that's what effects us the most.

The problem is that genetically you speak of pigmentation, which is only one factor of genetics, your pigmentation doesn't decide everything about you. For instance, despite being mostly Caucasian genetically, I don't appear Caucasian, I appear to be Native American, which is strange considering it plays into my genetic the least. Yet one of my little brothers is clearly white, while the other looks Indonesian.(Also part of my heritage.)

We're not different enough to the point where you need to worry about mix racing. Like I said, there's differences on average in race, but its not so huge of a difference. We're all homo sapiens, there's no other subspecies of human. There's no more homo erectus, for an example.(Though homo erectus genes still exists within the human bloodline, they're vastly spread.) We're less like different breeds of dog and more so like the equivalent of panthers and jaguars.(Panthers are dark pigmented Jaguars/Leopards BTW. Though Jaguars and Leopards themselves are different species, so there's both the melanistic leopard and melanistic jaguar.)

I'm for free speech, but there seems to be no scientific reason why race mixing should be seen as such a bad thing other than bigotry. Sorry for ranting on, but I could just list off so many reasons why.
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Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
I think they're going WAYYYY too far with all this. I mean, would you react this same way to your old racist grandpa? I mean, I'm sure we've all had one of those. 1950s were a different era. Is it really so hard for people to accept that someone has different views to theirs? Or must we live in a society where there's a Right way of thinking and a Wrong way of thinking, and anything that doesn't agree with one's personalized set of ideals is instantly wrong? Food for thought.
What's funny is our generation claims to be accepting, but we could very well end up being the "old bigoted relative" in the future ourselves. Society is going to keep changing. Acceptance and diversity are seen as an absolute good, while exclusion and hate are seen as innately bad. What's seen as immoral today might be portrayed as normal tomorrow. Intolerant attitudes that are acceptable and seen as "promoting decency" today could be seen as "hateful and backward" tomorrow.
We're all bigoted and intolerant of one thing or another, whether we like it or not. (For example, I hold inegalitarian views toward incest and think that's it's unhealthier and inferior to non-related marriage.) It's just that many people are too proud to admit it and so insist that "that's not bigotry" or that's "it's different"


Deleted member

There must be some unrecognized dissonance between a game series where half the games are rated T and a site dedicated to those games where swearing isn't allowed. :/
Blame the sponsors.

Also, check your PMs.

god ****ing dammit. I spent nearly 10 minutes typing what was there, and this site ate all my goddamn text. It's ****ing infuriating
@ManlySpirit, I'm not typing all that ******** again, but your attachment didn't load, so I'll critique it now
It reminds me a LOT of Kamen Rider Blade, who's based off of a Hercules beetle and the chest matches up significantly imo (though I've got the more organic looking S.I.C Blade Jack figure next to me so I can compare it by looking at my right). What ESPECIALLY reminds me of Blade are those lines next to the arm, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be X-23 claws or something, but they remind of Blade Jack's wings when down. The helmet also reminds me of Faiz's subtle shark fins on the top of his helmet. The belt looks very generic but being a merchandised show with Bandai as a sponsor modern belts have a lot of pizazz, so if you're going for a Showa era look with the belt, it works, but clashes with the Heisei-esque design of the guy as a whole, though that isn't a bad thing. I can send it to a Toku forum for critique too if you like. Overall, neat design. Any colours planned? I see green or blue fitting this guy a lot personally
4chan suggested the Pokemon's color scheme, I forget the name of it. But the Kamen Rider inspired mon from Gen V.

Overall, I'm going for a "feels like Kamen Rider but isn't" sorta deal. At the end of the day, this WILL be in the comic (and in the promotional animation I'll be making in a couple months, and it'll be in the game itself (should it be made), so I don't want it to feel like a ripoff, but more like a homage. Still messing around with the general bits. Lorewise, it's not ACTUALLY a Rider btw, it's more of a Cyborg Assassin type deal like Raiden from MGR, though the powers are like what you suggested, being based around time control and such. Movesetwise, he's mostly like Fox/Falco, with elements of C.Falcon thrown in (duh). But he defenitely FEELS like Fox when handling (or that's the idea at least - if you've seen Con Revo, there's a character in there that's Rider based as well, and that's sorta what I envision in terms of fighting style - very fast). That side, I have talked to my friend about it, and he's gonna write it where it might be implied he COULD be a Rider (given the setting we've set up for the fighting game allows for that inference). But still, mostly homage, so more different visually is always better.
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