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In hindsight, 99% of the arguing and debating we all did was pretty pointless overall, haha. It's not like we changed or affected anything. We just spent most of our free time bickering over videogame sales, and "iconicness" and "representation." The sort of stuff that if I were to seriously retell to anyone irl, they'd probably raise a brow and laugh, lol. But I still had fun tbh. They were good times. Plus, it sowed the seeds for greater things to come down the line at least.I certainly remember those days and those arguments. They always seemed relatively pointless considering it was long after Ike had already made it in and Lyn hadn't, lol. But I really don't know if they were any worse than arguing over who the Awakening rep was bound to be, if anyone. Or if Roy would return. Or if Chrom could be unique. It was all pretty horribly cyclical. xP
As for Lyn, I think she's just the lucky character who, unlike Micaiah or Hector or Sigurd, has had their popularity remain relatively intact. And I do think some of that is Smash, and I do think some of that is her being waifu fodder, and I do think some of that is due to the game she hails from. Overall it's probably a mix of things. Because Project M is a relatively small drop in the pond all things considered. Especially considered she was never even officially released.
Haha, I have very serious doubts they'll get anything done. They're just a bunch of rookie kids biting off more than they can chew. I visit their discord chat from time to time to see what they're up to, and encourage them, but that's pretty much it.Lemme know when Isaac is ready and I'll be there.![]()
I've pretty much formally given up on the idea of a proper competitive Smash game, or a successor to PM to ever get properly made. Instead I look toward what could be done under a new IP. What those Wavedash guys have going on kind of interesting, but they lack the brand recognition, and their art style is.... pretty bad.
If you wanna see Isaac get done however, or rather, someone who'd play like Isaac would in a Smash-like game, there's actually a chance I might be able to get a project done in the future. It all hinges on the success of this Trump comic, but recently, me and my friend were contacted by a big-shot publisher, and they wanna turn our thing into something huge that could sell millions. No promises yet, but fingers crossed, as it's pretty exciting. The plan is to then use that and the fame that comes with it to platform our next projects, the first of which is a comic/manga geared toward gamers, which we feel will be pretty hot as the idea hasn't been done before (no details, sorry). It something really original all around, and has a lot of potential for mass appeal as well, with the right marketing, it definitely can catch on too.
And if THAT catches on, then use that IP to build a game out of it. I know the demand for a competitive Smash-like is out there, no one's been able to properly do it though. The way I see it, if you have a strong brand, and you build a solid game out of it, then you've got something good. So, I'm focusing on building the brand first, as, that's what I can do best as an artist.
We'll see, fingers crossed. Keep your ear on the ground for something called "Tiger Square" a couple years down the line. I think you'll like it.
Either way, I have high hopes for the future, me and Che make an awesome team, so success is bound to happen sooner or later. And I know I totally just went off tangent, and almost sound like I'm bragging, but I'm just really excited, as this literally happened last week. So I'm just really giddy about it all, as all this was more of a pipe dream before. We'll see though, can't count those chickens till they hatch.