I finished Metal Gear Solid 1.
So, what do I think about the game that started it and all? (Yes, I know about the first Metal Gear, but who care honestly?)
Well, I played the game on Easy, since it was my first game in the franchise. And I am glad I did because of how the game is unbalanced when it come to it's difficulty. The beginning is hard and have alot of mechanic that are never seen again later in the game. Plus, you start with a life bar so low that being seen is dead 99% of the time.
Nonethless, when you begin to understand the control and after some time, the game begin to be really fun beside some moment here and there. The music was godlike, the story was great, the character were great and the only thing that was bad was the French voice acting. Seriously, aside from some voice, they are horrible or hard to take seriously most of the time. So it ruined some moment for me. But it's not a fault of the story, so I am OK with it.
In all, while this game isn't in my eyes the masterpiece that alot of peoples claim. I really enjoyed this game and I give it a 7.5/10. Bravo Kojima.
But The Best Has Yet To Come...