This is a long overdue, but I've been so busy with classes these past few days that I didn't have time to make a post like this until now. That said...
Remember that FE: Fates themed favorite 2nd-generation Hoshidan & Nohrian polls? Well, these are the final results. Each poll didn't have as many votes as the past Fates polls here (this time, there were 14 votes total for each), but there were enough to pinpoint which children units are more liked.
Here are the results for the favorite 2nd-generation Hoshidan poll:
3rd place: Selkie, Caeldori, and Rhajat (1 vote each)
I was actually surprised a few of the Awakening copies managed to get a vote considering how unpopular they are compared to the characters they are based on (although Rhajat is better than Tharja because the game focuses more on the creepy hex side of her in her supports rather than her Avatar obsession). Not surprised Selkie managed to get the bronze as well; she is one of the more popular Hoshidan children from what I've seen.
2nd Place: Shiro, Kiragi, and Shigure (2 votes each)
All the royals in this poll took 2nd place; not too surprising since all three are generally the more popular children. Really glad to see my boy Shiro pulled through with that silver medal! Kiragi and Shigure doing this well was a nice surprise too.
1st Place: Midori (5 votes)
And we have a clear winner. Kaze's daughter, Midori, won the gold for being the most popular Hoshidan child here in Nintenzone! Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of Midori (mainly because I find her really bland minus that one C support with Shigure, though I will admit she's a pretty good unit when given the right mother), but to all the Midori fans here, congrats to you all for having your favorite Hoshidan child win the poll!
And now here are the results for the favorite 2nd-generation Nohrian poll:
3rd Place: Percy, Ignatius, Nina, Soleil, and Dwyer (1 vote each)
Not surprising to see most of these characters pulling through for the bronze. It looks like I was the only one that voted for Ignatius. Ah well, I know he's one of the more unpopular characters in Fates.
2nd Place: Forrest and Velouria (2 votes each)
Leo's son and the wolfskin daughter snagged the silver medal. Also not surprising to see both characters do this well considering they are both among the more popular children in Fates.
1st Place: Ophelia (5 votes)
And we have a clear winner. As her father won the favorite 1st-generation Nohrian poll, the chosen heroine of darkness won the gold for being the most popular Nohrian child here in Nintenzone! Not surprising considering how many people are attached to that theatrical personality she and Odin have. I mostly like her as a unit (definitely the best Nohrian mage), but as a character... she's alright, but not that standout for me. That aside, to all the Ophelia fans here, congrats to you all for having your favorite Nohrian child win the poll!
Another interesting note about the results:
- Not counting Shigure and Kana, 3 of the 4 more prominent children were tied at 2 votes each: they were Shiro, Kiragi, and Forrest. Sadly, poor Siegbert was the only one of those 4 that didn't get a single vote.