She who makes bad posts
Ok but seriously I'm glad to see some good opinions in this thread. Last Jedi is so goodThe Last Jedi is a ****ing achievement in cinematic storytelling incredibly satisfying action, amazing set pieces, and dazzling cinematography (The Throne Room Scene is probably my all time favorite movie moment now). It also answers questions The Force Awakens brought up in the best possible way. Answering them but in the process making you ask more questions.
'Who is Snoke?' became 'Does it matter?' 'Who are Rey's parents?' became 'How is Rey so in tune with the force?' 'Why is Luke here?' became 'Why is Luke distraught?' 'Why is Kylo evil?' became 'Is Kylo truly evil?'
The Last Jedi nailed everything it set out to do with the sole exception of the casino scenes but then again that whole sequence plays into the overlying theme of the whole movie. Failure.
It's a shame some people aren't happy with it because it is definitely a very special movie. And it's not because it's a bad movie that people don't like it. It's because they set their expectations a certain way that wasn't fit for the movie. No, Rey isn't the daughter of Obi-wan, or Qui-gon, or Like. Sorry. Yeah, Snoke may or may not be Darth Plagueis. Doesn't matter now. Honestly, people, you don't have to be spoon fed answers. It would have really taken me out of the experience of Snoke had said 'It was I, Snoke, Darth Plagueis, Master of Darth Sidious, The Emperor, Palpatine, who bridged your minds' but maybe that's just me.