I got the European Special edition, and I thought the box was red with Pyra's blade, but it turns out on the other side there's Mythra's blade and it's all yellow. I can't believe I didn't notice this, but I'm glad I can have Mythra's blade in my room!
The artwork is massive, yet it doesn't have any spoiler desings... That's a bummer, since I can't find the official artwork of this spoiler desings. Also, cool bit at the start where they talk about the original Xenoblade, and how they didn't have any kind of concept art for that game, just the clothes of each character, and made the characters to fit the clothes in the engine.
I didn't know about this, that's really interesting. Also he mentions that the actual artwork we get from the original Xenoblade is just modified CGs from in-game, therefore the similarities between both. I can't believe such a beautiful game got so little thought before making the characters, it's just astounding to me.
The steelbox of the game have some nice art, but what I didn't know is that inside you have the cover from the normal game, but with Rex and Mythra instead of Pyra. I'd love to have that as my wallpaper, but I can't find anything anywhere (Guess I'm just really bad using the Internet).
Last, the Sound Selection... A lot of missed slots. I mean, I got some really nice themes, like Gormott, Mor Ardain, the Battle theme, "not" Mechanical Rhythm, "not" Engage the enemy... But some of them I simply wouldn't listen to them outside of the game. I wish they did like with Fire Emblem Warriors Special Edition and just give me the whole soundtrack, but it is what it is.
I mean, why didn't they give Zeke's theme, it's a BANGER