W/E happens don't panic...
I believe it's possible...Here's a question for you guys; do you believe we will get a Nintendo Direct this week or (at the very latest), next week?
Knowing Nintendo we may not get any significant Directs or events until e3....then again, there's still a lot of info from games we still don't know yet, such as new characters for FE Warriors and Arms, for example...
It's also possible they may go further in depth with the system's hardware and possibly online features...
I wouldn't mind a couple games being revealed soon, though I don't think we'll get anything beyond small indies and VC titles revealed before e3...
The thing about Nintendo, it's possible that we won't even know about the direct until VERY short notice...I mean they announced they would reveal the (at the time) NX literally the night before...which I sort of wish they wouldn't do since I'M USUALLY ****ING WORKING WHEN THEY DROP A DIRECT OR REVEAL!!!!!