I have kind of wanted to post this for a while, some individuals say that Xenoblade Chronicle 2's anime aesthetic is too generic for a video game... well first off Xenoblade Chronicles is a JRPG so it is pretty to have this artstyle shift, my guess has always been that Monolithsoft wants to gain more towards the Japanese audience who are familiar with anime (Like me), with Xenoblade Japan Twitter posting rare Blades designed by many Japanese artist somewhat proves that.
With that said, I do admit XC2 does look like other sort of niche Japanese RPG or even action so I will post screenshots of XC2, Tales of Berseria, Nights of Azure 2, Valkyria Chronicles, Valkyria Revolution, Persona 5, and Digimon Story Cybersleuth. Mostly two to four pics for each game...
Not going to compare to other Nintendo franchise for now... so Fire Emblem, Tokyo Mirage Sessions are not in here.
The first part I would compare is... in game cutscenes but with some rules and same traits:
No traditional anime cutscene is compared here... only in game cutscenes or at least CGI cutscenes
I particularly pick those screenshots that has face expression properly shown.
So... here we go...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Yep, Nia sure has that expression...
Tales of Berseria
When comes to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 reveal, I initially thought Monolith Soft was going to make a Tales game... so in my opinion XC2's style is kind of like Tales of Berseria.
Nights of Azure 2
Even though Nights of Azure 2 tends to have more fanservice when it comes to the character designs and the plot... in most of the cutscenes their eyes look just a bit lifeless...
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered(?)
If anyone can tell me the name of the girl who is eating watermelon I would be glad.
Valkyria Revolution
Eh... I'm not a huge fan of Valkyria Revolution's style... the eyes somewhat reminds me of Xenoblade Chronicles X...
Persona 5
Sorry, I can't find any better in game pic of Caroline and Justine...
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth (Some screenshots are probably Hacker's Memory)
These again, were more hard tofind, and sorry I'm not sure if the last pic is CGI or not...
I actually do acknowledge that plenty of JRPG games do have similar aesthetic these days, no wonder why some say XC2 looks generic...
So if I want to rank which games have the best aesthetics, I have to say I think Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are the best in my opinion.
Just hurry up and port Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth to the Switch BandaiNamco (Especially you Bandai)... once the rival of Pokemon (at least in Japan) can have the chance being on the same console with Pokemon. For Hacker's Memory I don't think but nice if they did as well.
Oh a new rare Blade shown
Reyn... is that you?
This was drawn by Takahashi's wife.
Also update chart on the VA:
A server error occurred. Please try again later.
I tried to post the link but the pic was broken... download it and upload it it gave me this message... is it my laptop's network problem or Smashboards'?
Here's the link anyway: