So cool news is that with about 57 Orbs, I managed to get a Halloween Henry from the Banner. Which is pretty good considering shortly after getting him, I got a 5-Star Seliph(got two of him, as I got him as a 4* from the Banner first. Now if only he was a Tempest Trial Bonus). I also got my first Soren from the Banner as well. Either way, the Henry I got has a decent IV, +DEF/-HP. So nothing messing with his ATK or SPD.
Anyway, Henry's a great Armor unit and he's got Live for Honor, which means more Badges for Seal Forging. And I got quite a bit of characters to give Henry some skills as well. Although I do need to get a Setsuna for Bowbreaker. And now I don't need to worry about the Halloween Banner so much now as I only wanted to get either Henry or Nowi, so I can start saving up on Orbs again.
Oh, does anybody remember the guy who uses 4 Sakuras for fighting in FEHeroes? Well, if you want to see how he's doing with Neko Sakura, he's already at work.
By what I heard, he got 13 Neko Sakuras with 8800 Yen, which by what I heard isn't even 100+ Orbs.