I managed to break through the obnoxious ninja hall of death with no casualties. Seemingly, I just have to deal with Kagero and her three goons now. But I don't trust this game.
Are there reinforcements that appear when you go into Kagero's room? Will it get Saizo moving? Is the danger zone range being honest and the A.I will attack you when you enter the very tip of it, or does the A.I not react until you storm the room? I'm hoping I can place a beefy unit at the tip of the danger zone to bait the ninja with the Spy Shuriken against the wall, and then pick him off at a distance. And then maybe do the same with the Silver Shuriken guy. Just really don't want to mess this up to something stupid, since that hallway is a nightmare to get through and although I botched my original strategy anyway, Xander got a lucky crit and turned things around.
Corrin is fine, he's got the advantage against Ryoma and has 7 Vulneraries on him just in case. Only on Turn 14 too.