Deleted member
You can't play Rev without buying at least ine of the other two versions, Revelation is DLC.(20$ to be exact, probably around the same price in Euros)Nice indept analysises guys, I like that.
Honestly, if Revelations is the 'canon' version, how much of the story would I miss if I'd just go for that game? It's reasonably rised, a good 10 Euro less than I bought my copy of Echoes for, which I felt was worth it. I just like the lore of Fire Emblem, and Fates seems to have that going on.. Yet, I doubt this Revelation of Fates will be as grand as it's meant to be without having played the other two games.
Could still give it a shot though. I'll get my money soon and plan on getting Samus Returns anyway. So Revelations might just be bought alongside it.
And well, Fates doesn't really have that much lore tbh, it's the worst in that aspect.
I'll still say Conquest is a very fun game, just don't expect a decent story out of it.
Rev can be a bit confusing, I guess, if you don't know about some plot points but it's not like a wiki read or video playthrough can't fix that.
If you want L O R E though, FE7 would probably be the best and most easily avaible of all the games imo. It has a nice worldbuilding and explores its own mythos(which are separated from the Akaneia continuity)