So folks. I'm in a Fire Emblem mood, so let me ask Fire Emblem Warriors questions.
- Are you excited for Fire Emblem Warriors?
- Did you like Hyrule Warriors?
- If you bought Hyrule Warriors, did you buy the Wii U version, the 3DS version or both?
- Have you played a Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors game?
- Any other Musou games?
- If you are not excited for Fire Emblem Warriors, what would make you interested?
- Are there characters that interest you in the already confirmed roster?
- Do you like Marth as a character?
- Do you like Chrom as a character?
- Do you like Lissa as a character?
- Do you like Frederick as a character?
- Do you like Robin as a character?
- Do you like Lucina as a character?
- Do you like Corrin as a character?
- Do you like Ryoma as a character?
- Do you like Xander as a character?
- Do you like any of the new characters?
- Do you main Marth, Robin, Lucina or Corrin in Smash Bros?
- Which confirmed character is your favorite? Why?
- Which confirmed character is your least favorite? Why?
- Who are your three most wanted characters?
That'll do. I know we have lots of Fire Emblem fans in here, so let's so what you think.
1. Sort of - I'm not very familiar with Fire Emblem as a whole, but it seems to be focusing on the games that I am familiar with (Awakening and Fates), so that helps
2. Yes, though the Adventure mode seemed absurdly complex and had incredibly strict limitations (I'm still struggling to get Link's Chain Chomp weapon, let alone going through the DLC Adventure Modes)
3. Wii U
4. No, though I might have played one briefly at a friend's house years ago.
5. Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 1 and 2. They were a lot of fun, and really cathartic.
6. A wider variety of play-styles on the roster - so far, the game seems to have a big focus on bladed weapons from what I've seen.
7. Interested to see how Corrin and Ryoma will play.
8. Not really - my only exposure to him is through Smash, and I'm not a huge fan of playing as him in that game.
9. Yeah - he was interesting in Awakening. A little bland, but fantastic gameplay-wise.
10. Sort of - she's entertaining.
11. Eh - I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
12. Sure - he's something different from the currently revealed roster, gameplay-wise.
13. Pretty similar to Chrom, though the whole "masked warrior" aspect was interesting, and her being from a post-apocalyptic future made for some interesting story-telling possibilities.
14. Seems kind of bland from what I've played of Fates, though the dragon transformation could make for something interesting from a gameplay standpoint.
15. Sure - lobster samurai with a lightning sword at least makes for a fun concept.
16. Hard to say - I haven't seen much of him in Fates. I'm playing through Birthright, so I feel like I won't like him by the end of that, but that might change once I get to Conquest. (either way, he's not my least favourite character from that game - that would be Takumi)
17. Not really - none of them stand out.
18. Nope - I don't find the Fire Emblem characters in Smash to be fun to play as.
19. Robin
20. Probably one of the OCs, though I'd have to look up more footage.
21. Hard to say, since I've only played through Awakening and started Fates. Still, I'll go with Tiki, Tharja, and Ike (honourable mention goes to Cervantes, who I could see being left out due to being too overpowered - his mustache makes him invincible, after all)