I only got reds and blues on my first try, so I did one summon on a red in case it was Saber. I actually got 5-Star Lilina out of the gate instead. Didn't screen cap it since it was just one character but I hear she's actually pretty powerful and while I was training my 4-Star one not too long ago, she wasn't a priority for Hero Feathers so I'll take it.
Tried to summon again and...
Heeeeey Saber! Plus Luke.
So my luck has been pretty good to start. Normally I would say it was amazing but they're all reds and I have plenty of fantastic red 5-Stars already (lol 2 Ryomas), so I wish the game would stop giving me so many red orbs. Or at least consider giving me Marth from red orbs. But this certainly wasn't a bad pull, and I think I'll at least continue to use free orbs on this banner.
I'm not sure how good Luke is supposed to be, but if nothing else, he has a Brave Sword+, which could be deadly if given to my +Atk 5-Star Chrom. As for Saber, he seems like a pretty interesting unit with his skillset. Don't know what his IVs are but I'll keep him regardless since he was a really cool dude in Echoes.