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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Ok I'm more and more convinced that Mario Odyssey will definitely have a Birabuto Kingdom (Complete with Daisy), Cosmic Kingdom (Complete with Rosalina), and a Sunshine Kingdom (Complete with Piantas). They just had to much fun with Pauline and, presumably, Donkey Kong in New Donk City to not do it with other characters from the other Mario games.
A game with all four of the girls in it would be utterly amazing. It could be the ultimate love letter to Mario if they did all of the above.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Ok I'm more and more convinced that Mario Odyssey will definitely have a Birabuto Kingdom (Complete with Daisy), Cosmic Kingdom (Complete with Rosalina), and a Sunshine Kingdom (Complete with Piantas). They just had to much fun with Pauline and, presumably, Donkey Kong in New Donk City to not do it with other characters from the other Mario games.
I don't know if it's confirmation they will go that far. I honestly think they're doing it because Pauline very specifically works for New Donk City.

Rosalina is likely even without Pauline's inclusion, but I'd rather that she be a post-game thing or just having cool cameos like Captain Toad, not having any real involvement in the main story.

One fun idea I thought of would be if Rosalina appears in every world as a cameo, and each time, she wears a different outfit fitting that world, with the justification that she's taking a vacation (so she could be sunbathing in the desert world, trying out a new Pauline-esque dress in New Donk City, camping in the woods, etc). She's very hard to find in each world, but when you find her, she either poofs a Power Moon into existence, gives you a Power Star with all of them feeding into some greater secret, or she offers permanent upgrades to Mario's abilities.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I wonder why Yoshi has been getting so much love from Nintendo recently.

Before Yoshi's New Island the last Yoshi game was Yoshi's Island DS. That was an 8 year gap between Yoshi games. Now we're getting 3 games and a port in the span of 4 years.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Only a day after they're reveal and people already JoJo-fied some of the amiibos.
All we need is a stand name for Mario Hat. I don't know much about music so I let the peoples who know do the job.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I'm so freaking happy right now that I won a Hunger Games match today.

Both of my requested choices were the last two standing and either of me dying still meant a win for me (The King and IM Meen).

Anyone wants to join the next round in Aussie's new thread?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I wonder why Yoshi has been getting so much love from Nintendo recently.

Before Yoshi's New Island the last Yoshi game was Yoshi's Island DS. That was an 8 year gap between Yoshi games. Now we're getting 3 games and a port in the span of 4 years.
Because Wooly World sold well and they can reuse assets.

Wonder why we're getting so many FE games also?


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
They say that behind every successful man is a pack of haters.

Good thing, cause y'all are gonna hate scrolling through all this..

Big replies are spoiler'd up top and named accordingly, because any organization is good organization.

The artstyle is definitely something that is worth of arguing, I personally have not problems with the anime artstyle since I am used to it already. By the way, anime style can be vary, from Chibi to realistic all count as anime. Saitou style fits my taste so I am fine with it. If anyone is curious, yeah, Saitou draws NSFW artworks too. Check it at your own risk.


Don't know why you think anime like this links with light novels... I mean compare it to manga's there isn't really much difference. I do aware not everyone is going like the style, but I do say this is probably the thing we all have to get used to.
I also have some guess on why they go with anime style this time:
- Attract Japanese audience more, especially anime audience.
- Anime style face can show expressions more greatly and significant. XC's didn't have a great facial design, and neither did X honestly.

I can only agree with you on Rex, I think others are okay.
I gotta disagree. It's fair to argue that the more realistically proportioned artstyle of XC and XCX made it harder for the characters to emote facially, but enough came through in their dialogue and actions that I honestly don't think much is gained with the art shift.

Without a major gain, it just feels like they've taken an art direction I adored and dropped it for something they think markets better. If the environments didn't recall the lovingly crafted vistas we saw in XC and XCX, you could've told me it was pulled straight out of Shonen Jump and I wouldn't bat an eye. Put mildly, Rex isn't helping the case.

I'm not going to completely disregard the game for it - can't even call it without precedent, if you look at the styling for its spiritual predecessors, Xenogears and Xenosaga, this seems more like a return to form than anything - but after genuinely enjoying XC and XCX for their character design (former more than latter) I just can't call the change appreciated.

All personal opinion, but I ain't really feeling it.

Still need to catch up on the treehouse. Here's hoping the gameplay can bring me back on board the hype train.

Spot the difference:

<images omitted for space>

If a character is going to be a created a certain way, like Camilla, that's one thing. Not a huge fan of this direction of character "development", though. It's pretty flagrant and undermines the character.
Pretty sure the biggest difference is her getting the book out of the way.

Let's take a second to remember what she looked like when she moved it, from the same game.

Or her in-game models for Dark Mage and Sorcerer, respectively

Fanart has gone wild with it, and sure there's more egregious examples - Cipher is especially nuts, aside from the one shown - but I don't feel like any of the examples you provided are out of place.

But stay with be me before you smash that hate button, because there's more.

Exactly. It's not just a shift in appearance but in characterization. There's no way IS would ever, ever depict Tharja hunched over, covering the entirety of her (once modest) chest with something nowadays. But that posture and action helped define the character. That's what someone who is uncomfortable with attention would do, which is the opposite direction they've taken her, for clear, though no less disappointing reasons.
Honestly, I'd argue something different.

Scanned her supports, found nothing. She even seemed proud of her body in the swimsuit scene in the Summer Scramble, or at least comfortable with it - she just didn't think much of the swimsuit itself, and her focus was elsewhere. And even when her body was pointed out to her in the Scrambles, the only one who got her to feel self-conscious about her appearance was Cordelia, after some prodding (Nowi is pretty direct about it in Harvest, but the reaction could be taken several ways).

If anything, the real out-of-place element is her body language in her sprite. I think 99% of the time she just flat doesn't care about how she looks, not because she dislikes it but because she's got other things to do. There's some argument that she could be ignoring the issue purposefully, but if she is, it's never genuinely explored.

What I will also grant, though, is that throughout Awakening she's defined by what she does, rather than what she looks like. Obviously that includes stalking Robin, but it also includes multiple examples of her being an exceptionally talented Dark Mage.

And in that point, we're in agreement - the focus on her body and reduction to the one-note-est of yanderes is a severe downgrade.

Out of curiosity, guys, is it fair to be a bit frustrated since we didn't at least receive a teaser regarding Smash that might of said something like "stay tuned" or "see you in a couple of months"? I would of been ok with that, and my main goal either way has been just hoping to find out if the game exists or not, be it a port or a brand new game. The fact we didn't get that (at least not so far) is a bit frustrating, but I imagine it's due to them not wanting to overshadow ARMS and Pokken. Splatoon 2 could also count, but it still makes me wonder if those three amiibo releasing on the same day as Splatoon 2 has any real meaning...

Honestly, i'm ready to move on from my Wii U and Smash is the main reason I still have it hooked up, so...
The one thing that kinda sucks about no port yet is the fact that if doesn't come out before the end of he fiscal year, Alola is pretty much guaranteed to not have someone on the roster. My personal opinion is that their last shot is a Christmas release Smash 4 port, since then it'd come out close to Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, making someone like Decidueye a great "strategic" pick a la Corrin.

Any later than that, though, and...well, at least Decidueye still has Pokken.
I'm genuinely not expecting Smash, or even any Smash news, at any point in 2017. Because they genuinely don't need it yet.

BotW and MK8D still have steam in their respective hype trains, almost everything they showed at E3 got good reception, and even though Odyssey is pre-empting the holiday season slightly, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo banked on that. Seriously, pack in any one of those games with a Switch and you're already moving systems.

Pretty sure Smash Switch, port or not, isn't going to come out until there's a lull in the action for it, even if we get teased during one of the treehouses today or tomorrow.

That said:

There is that possibility, but I can't say for sure if it's true or not. They could either have it in development and haven't told us yet, or perhaps it hasn't even started development yet if at all.
I'd bet money someone at Nintendo is working on something regarding it, even if Sakurai's not presently heading it.

In fact, the best argument for a port of 4 being more likely than a new Smash anytime soon would be that it'd give Sakurai a pretty well-deserved break, something he's multiple times stated he'd like to take. Even if he headed up an enhanced port and added some fighters, the workload would be negligible compared to Smash 5, as 90% of the game would already be done, and he could do whatever else he wanted with the rest of his time.

He could even delegate such a thing out entirely - since he's said that after 4 he doesn't want to do another Smash, it'd be a great time to find that replacement that he said he couldn't envision three years ago. If he hasn't found someone by now, then someone taking point on an enhanced port with additional fighters included, if well-received, could prove they have the mettle to take up the mantle.

Wait. Odyssey is october...whats nintendos November game?
Assuming the SNES Classic isn't a thing, there isn't one, but like I said they also don't really have much need for one.

Get an official Switch bundle with BotW, Odyssey, or MK8D and Nintendo's got the holidays on lock. Competition seems to mostly be South Park, CoD WWII, Need for Speed, and Battlefront II - most of which are multiplatform, which basically splits camps into "Nintendo" and "everyone else."

I'm pretty sure Sony's going to come out on top of that for anyone who doesn't pick a Switch and hasn't committed to another system already, but I'm also pretty sure anyone who hasn't grabbed something else by now is eyeing the hell out of that Switch.

Other than Ice Climbers, who were very low priority anyway, you can't say the 3DS version held back the roster.

50+ characters, with custom moves, is still a hell of an achievement for either version. Nobody was expecting that many characters even before we knew there would be two versions, definitely not with Custom Moves.

Also, are Nintendo fans of all people really gonna use graphics as an argument? I mean yeah, the Wii U version looks better in most ways, but it's Smash, the graphics only need to be serviceable. It's just an a cherry on top when they look nice.

The Wii U version has way more flaws that actually hamper the gameplay experience, especially if you look at it as the successor to Brawl.
I would agree with you wholeheartedly except for one thing:

The Wii U version controls much, much, much better than the 3DS, specifically because the 3DS hardware is a pain compared to a GCN or a Pro controller. Even the Gamepad or Wiimote/Nunchuck are better options.

Say what you will about the neutered single player and the stage selection - and I'll be right there with ya, believe me - but honestly I'd rather try to beat someone's ass with the steering wheel than ever be forced to use the Nintendo Nipple again.

Bright side, I doubt I ever will be. Switch brings the power and the portability, so a second version would be unnecessary for Smash 5.

And now for the shorter ones.

Who wears the pants in that hypothetical relationship? The mayor or the dominatrix?
Nobody's wearing pants in that hypothetical relationship.


Just pre-ordered the Samus/Metroid 2 pack!
Other stuff there too, but super happy to have nabbed those two :D
Nailed everything but the Zelda amiibo.

To wit: **** those under-manufacturing assholes, I'm making cards.

Where is Sakurai atm anyway? Is he on a vacation?
Man needs it.

But he ain't gettin it.

From the looks of it, he's on to his next project. He took the gun off of a toy as a reference for his work a while back.

Considering the look of the gun, either the game he's working on is futuristic or he's sending something off the rails again.
Please God let him send something off the rails again.

As I've said, getting Smash ported to the Switch whenever they can would be nice. However, I may as well ask you guys this since I don't think I've asked this specific question before; how many of you want to move on from the Wii U version of Smash and go to a theoretical Switch version of the game that's either a port or a new game?

But in all fairness I haven't fired up Smash on the Wii U since acquiring the final DLC characters.


+single player modes
+smash run
-stages (especially legal stages)

Wii U
++++++Control options (super important for a fighting game)
-singleplayer modes
-smash tour
The legal stagelist for Smash 3DS is a whole pile of horse**** (Six stages? Are you mother****ers serious?), but for us dirty casuals there was a lot to love.

Magicant remains my favorite stage out of either version, in no small part because **** yeah Flying Man.

They will probably reveal a Shy Guy amiibo or something after this, everything gets amiibo XD
Please no.

My wallet can't take it.

Honestly, I still don't get why people want a port so badly.
Because we want to put our Wii U's to ****ing bed.

To wit:



Truer words never spoken.

Have they said why Yoshi is running on Unreal Engine 4?
Because it's great exercise.

Also because it's a solid engine. Good reasons all round really. Don't think they've said anything official about it though.

That's pretty close-minded honestly. The schedule for 2017 is filled to the brim, and Yoshi and Kirby will fill in some of next year's earlier months as they look well into development. And that's just the Switch. 3DS is just as packed. Is it so far out of the realm of possibility to be announced in a Direct later this year with it releasing around summer next? Nintendo had stated on multiple occasions that they don't like announcing games at E3 that aren't coming out in the next few months. Prime 4 is one of the VERY few exceptions.

Just because it's a port doesn't mean it has to be a 2017 release, nor does it mean it has to be announced here, nor does it have to be an 'easy' port. They could be adding a ton of characters and modes for all we know. Just because it isn't announced here doesn't mean it's not happening.
NSG with the truth.

Preach it brother.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
I said I was going to give my thoughts on the Sonic news later, and that's exactly what'll be doing now.
I'll reply with some of my own thoughts on Forces if that's okay. I don't absolutely hate the game, but I do think it has a lot of problems on the surface.
I'd rather be Modern be fully 3D, him having 2D sections is redundant with Classic Sonic around.
I think the problem with Modern Sonic is the boost formula itself. The problem is that Classic Sonic is there as a crutch because Sonic Team cannot justifiably produce a boost game that has no secondary gimmick (and lasts more than 60 seconds). Sonic's 3D gameplay is simultaneously too shallow and too resource intensive to stand on its own and it isn't debatable, it's a fact:

Unleashed had the Werehog, Generations had Classic Sonic (still a short game), and now Forces has Classic Sonic and Original The Character. The only boost game that didn't have a secondary mechanic or gameplay was Colours, which was much slower than the other three boost games, and had multiple mini-levels which took the exact same level layouts from previous acts and rearranged gimmicks in them, because it would take too much development time to create 6 totally unique 3-5 minute acts.

Speaking of which, I'm ironically finding the Classic Sonic bits to the parts of the game I'm liking the least. Even the music is much weaker compared to the other tunes in the game (though the boss fight music is ok). The level design in Classic Sonic's Green Hill is very flat and has way too much automation (same applies for Modern). Maybe it's because we have Sonic Mania, but Classic Sonic in this game looks very underwhelming. The boss was okay, bringing the Egg Dragoon into the battle is a neat idea, but a part of me wishes that they came up with something new. I just want to see something from Classic Sonic that makes me say "yes, I can't wait to play this." Having the Drop Dash from Mania is neat, but that's about it.
I'll say it here. Sonic Team couldn't even bother to improve Classic Sonic's physics from Generations, that's precisely why there are completely unnecessary invisible springs and booster pads littered all over the stage and even before shuttle loops:

It looks like they don't even trust the player enough to build momentum on their own.

Classic Sonic is tacked on rather lazily, It's extremely automated and hold right to win. Heck, the physics actually look worse than Generations. All his horizontal momentum is cancelled whenever he hits a spring, he just stops moving and is moved to the centre of the spring....and it looks janky as ****. Also, springs over edges...because who needs jumping and basic platforming?

They placed speed boosters inside Winding Tunnels (or S-tubes), which make no sense since the spindash is a thing:

Yet another speed booster for an incline hill up ahead..there is no reason for this, the momentum of the loop drop is more than enough to get up this incline...or at least it should be with the proper physics:

Passing through them even causes Sonic to uncurl...these decisions kinda defeats the purpose of the S-tubes. In the classics, the playable character automatically gains more speed after exiting the winding tunnel. There were these issues in Generations too, but at least we didn't have boostpads in the tunnels, there's literally no use for that. Why not go the whole mile and just make the whole section automated, since your physics system is not working as it should.

What bothers me is that as soon as the scripted sequence is over, you lose momentum pretty much like in Lost World. It didn't even happen in Sonic Generations though, you could at the very least keep the some of the speed you gained. This, in particular, looks really bad.

There really isn't even the slightest indication that they've tried to fix anything since Generations. If anything they've gotten worse at level design, what with Classic's booster pad and spring overload. The fact that they brought back Classic Sonic at all is terrible; they've proven they have no idea what made the classic games great, and they're apparently content to just milk nostalgia until they run yet another iteration of Sonic into the ground. I'm not trying to sound angry or anything but I genuinely want to see anyone here try to defend these design choices.

I think that, if they were going to only do the bare minimum when adding in Classic gameplay as well as include 2D sections for Modern and Custom Buddy, then they shouldn't have added him it all.

Now onto the Custom Hero. I was against the idea of a custom character, but I will admit it has grown on me. A part of me didn't want it because the very idea would make people rip this game to shreds. Though I'm relieved to see its reception has been more positive. As for how they play, it looks alright, if a little on the bland side. The Wispons look like they could be very fun and provide different ways for platforming. I like how they keep the flow going, rather than stopping the gameplay for a bit (I like the Wisps but most of them didn't really flow too well in terms of traversing). It looks like a great evolution from the Wisps in Colors. Maybe it's because I've been watching this show, but the music in the Custom Hero's stage gives me some vibes of RWBY's OST (which is a good thing because RWBY's OST kicks ***). The level design in the Green Hill stage looks better than the Park Avenue stage, I will say.
I had the same initial thoughts regarding Custom Characters, that people would just tear into it with the full intention of mocking the series and its fanbase. Now, I don't even think the gameplay itself looks bad, they could've tethered this gameplay mechanic onto Tails and I think it'd be suitable, what purpose does a player-generated character have in the context of a Sonic game? they're doing all this work to justify not having the established cast playable in the 3D games, it's really frustrating.

The return of Chaos and Zavok has me intrigued, along with Shadow being a villain this time around. Are they brainwashed? Pulled from timelines where they still had vendettas against Sonic? Zavok makes sense (even if it is surprising to see him back), but Chaos and Shadow have reformed. The new villain Infinite also raises some questions. Will he betray Eggman or stick with him until the end? Maybe Infinite will attempt to overthrow Eggman, but the doctor has the upper hand? I may have worries about who's writing the story, but the story itself has left a lot of questions that I'm looking forward to seeing the answers too.
Speaking of the bolded, I found this post on Tumblr that I found really interesting in regards to the "villans".

Which, if you've seen that already then yeah, that'd be a cool plot point.

There's also this theory from a member on SSMB:
Good stuff.PNG

If either of those turns out to be the case, then the story will have me interested, cause as of right now Shadow and Chaos being villains doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I also see some people saying that Chaos's appearance doesn't make sense since he went back inside the emerald when in Sonic Battle Knuckles does, in fact, claim that Chaos appears when there is an upcoming disaster, so his appearance actually does have merit.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
redfeatherraven redfeatherraven

I prefer the GC controller too but the 3DS version has always felt perfectly comfortable to me, especially since upgrading to the New 3DS XL.

It's not a big enough difference for it to really hinder my play or make the game less enjoyable.

That's obviously a subjective thing, but I haven't seen too many people who have a serious issue with how the 3DS version controls so I don't think it's a big deal across the board.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I'm so freaking happy right now that I won a Hunger Games match today.

Both of my requested choices were the last two standing and either of me dying still meant a win for me (The King and IM Meen).

Anyone wants to join the next round in Aussie's new thread?
For those that don't know where to go, I'll post the link here again.


Requests are open and I need 19 new participants before the next one begins.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Surprising nobody, amiibo unlock costumes in Super Mario Odyssey.

You know what this means right?

Ohhhhhh ****... Welp! Now I gotta go back and collect as much of the Smash line as I can. Those costumes are going to look sick. Link Mario screens when? Samus Mario screens when? Waluigi Mario screens when?
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC

That's all. And no, I'm not talking about ZSS you pervert.:samusmelee:


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Surprising nobody, amiibo unlock costumes in Super Mario Odyssey.

You know what this means right?

I'm very curious if they will be unique costumes like Mario Maker or random items from in-game like Hyrule Warriors when regarding non-Mario amiibo, like Sonic or Link.
Not sure if this was posted, but the intro and theme song to the DuckTales reboot has been released.
They've done the theme song justice, at that's left to judge is the actual show itself.
I really hope this is given justice. I'm really interested in this.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I actually want the Rosalina amiibo to give Mario a Luma costume (Smash amiibo has Luma on it so it's not far fetched).

That is guaranteed to make anyone smile.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Ohhhhhh ****... Welp! Now I gotta go back and collect as much of the Smash line as I can. Those costumes are going to look sick. Link Mario screens when? Samus Mario screens when? Waluigi Mario screens when?
I want Mario Mario, Shadow Mewtwo Mario, and Celica Mario.

Maybe a side of Zero Suit Samus Mario.

And a taste of Qbby Mario.

But seriously though, I'm sure that some amiibo will just give generic, non-character specific costumes. Like in Woolly World.
Give me that Roy Mario and that Sonic Mario please.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Like that time Luigi wore Peaches dress?

It'd be like an inverse.
Luigi love crossdressing, I mean, just look at him in M&L SS.

Also guys, I'm going to bed. So, tag me if something big is announced, and if not, then maybe next time!

Until then, good night everyone and I wish you a great day to you all. ;)

Deleted member

Shulk costume for Super Mario Odyssey!

"I'm-a really feeling it! WAHOO!!!"


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC

That's all. And no, I'm not talking about ZSS you pervert.:samusmelee:
Or even better...we are getting a brand new squishy Metroid amiibo...

Squishy Metroid Mario plz!!

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
So there's a rumor going around that ARMS is getting new content revealed, possibly at the ARMS invitational.

I can see that happening, especially that the game is out only 2 days away and it's a perfect chance for a last hoorah by Nintendo to get more potential buyers.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
redfeatherraven redfeatherraven

I prefer the GC controller too but the 3DS version has always felt perfectly comfortable to me, especially since upgrading to the New 3DS XL.

It's not a big enough difference for it to really hinder my play or make the game less enjoyable.

That's obviously a subjective thing, but I haven't seen too many people who have a serious issue with how the 3DS version controls so I don't think it's a big deal across the board.
I've heard both, but I'll have to dig up the criticisms. At minimum, it didn't seem to turn off the reviewers I've read; didn't see anyone mention it in the top few off Metacritic.

I know my personal distaste for the 3DS controls is definitely subjective, and it probably doesn't reflect a majority opinion. Furthermore, it's a personal criticism I've had with the 3DS in general; I've got hand issues that left my experience with long play sessions excruciatingly painful until I got a grip for my 3DS (and once I upgraded to the New XL, it took Smash off the table until I got a grip for that too), and that's also contributed to me slowly phasing out my use of the system altogether.

But stacking it against the Wii U - there's not much that can be argued there either. If you're willing to overlook stages (which goes either way depending on preference) and single-player modes (where 3DS wins no contest, because Smash Tour and WIi U Classic Mode are garbage), then the real big draw of the 3DS over the Wii U is its portability. Significant, but not insurmountable - especially if a Switch port occurs, as that'll combine the best of both worlds from a hardware perspective.

Don't want to hate on Smash 3DS too much, though. As a portable Smash it was a goddamn triumph, and it's got that no matter where the series goes next.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
I actually want the Rosalina amiibo to give Mario a Luma costume (Smash amiibo has Luma on it so it's not far fetched).

That is guaranteed to make anyone smile.
I feel like it would give Mario a Galaxy based outfit with a Luma styled hat, if it did.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
I'll say it here. Sonic Team couldn't even bother to improve Classic Sonic's physics from Generations, that's precisely why there are completely unnecessary invisible springs and booster pads littered all over the stage and even before shuttle loops:
I think you hit the nail on the head here.

I really enjoyed how Classic Sonic played in Generations, but they didn't seem to improve him much in Forces. I never expected it to be 1 to 1 with the Classic games, but I expected them to at least tweak enough that feels even just the slightest bit closer. Now Classic could control better in Forces, but there doesn't seem to be much of a difference when looking at it.

Speaking of the bolded, I found this post on Tumblr that I found really interesting in regards to the "villans".

Which, if you've seen that already then yeah, that'd be a cool plot point.
I have not seen this, actually.

I really like the sound of that theory. I already got Mephiles vibes from Infinite, so him actually being Mephiles would be a pretty cool twist. Now I'm gonna be somewhat disappointed if this isn't the case. :p

I've also seen some people theorize that Forces may be pulling an X-Men: Days of Future Past, hence why several elements of Sonic's past are here.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Because Wooly World sold well and they can reuse assets.

Wonder why we're getting so many FE games also?
I guess I didn't realize Wooly World sold that well.

So where's our new Punch-Out game? The Wii game sold well. How hard can it be to make a sequel to Punch-Out? :drsad:


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
"It's-a Monado!"
Right now I'm imagining Chapter 6 of Fire Emblem Fates, but instead of picking Hoshido/Nohr/Valla/Smash, Mario runs in from out of nowhere, throws his hat onto Corrin's head and hijacks his/her body to go on grand adventures.

Defend Hoshido
Fight with Nohr
Refuse to Choose a Side
Join Smash
>Be Assimilated into Mario
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