New Pokémon information? Ah fine then.
So, Alolan Grimer and
Alolan Muk are pretty bedazzled, aren't they?

Tgey both have the cool ability Poison Touch and... Gluttony. But still, that's cool. I like'em.
Ribombee has finally been revealed, and yes; Ribombee is best bug. Like, I've never really liked a Bug-Type until now I mean really,
look at it. It's adorable. Typing isn't too bad. Fire-types will check it, but its got a solid immunity. But its abilities aren't very swell. Shield Dust and Honey Gather. Okay, Scald can't burn it if it has Shield Dust, and it can't be properly parahaxed. I hope its HA is better.
Overall this is the cutest--
STEENEE IS THE CUTEST REVEAL. Oh my god. Okay, okay... So alright, its a Grass-Type and has Leaf Guard and Oblivious. Its not really all to great on paper, but of all the reveals, Steenee is just...
Sweet. Heh.
Steenee evolves again into Tsundere-
Tsareena, rather, and gains a seriously awesome ability in Queenly Majesty, blocking all priority moves. I hope its fairly quick then. Either way, this line gives Lilligant's line a run for its money in terms of cuteness. Love'em
Cute reveals all around.