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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I don't know whether or not they'll have another Ballot, ESPECIALLY considering how "well" this one went. Nintendo may not want to bother trying to repeat asking for the opinion of a fandom with myopia so bad that they assume that anything left to a vote HAS to me something they as an individual wanted and go into flat out denial when it turns out otherwise.

But I do get the feeling they'll at least be recycling the data from this one for the next round of newcomers, at least as a reference.

If they do have another Ballot in the future, then I agree that history will likely repeat itself. This fandom has a long and storied history of repeating the same situations over and over and over again and considering the aforementioned denial a whole lot of people refused to even learn a lesson out of the situation in the first place.

If we don't see another Ballot again, though, I'm guessing people will complain about that as well and ask why they aren't being listened to like they "deserve." I doubt many Smash fans have the capacity to be introspective and realize where the actual problem lies regardless of what happens. :/
Wasn't the whole ballot Iwata's idea?
I'm not sure if we'll get another ballot for the next Smash assuming how well the last one went.

They will probably reference the current results for the next entry though...
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Anyone know what the constellation in the Marshadow box is?

I've definitely seen people complain that it looks feminine.

It's not really the biggest reason why it's hated on but it's there.
IT looks like a rotated Orion:



Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Nah, it's a new IP, Pizza Pal! You play as a delivery boy by day, by night, you defeat villains with charged cheese attacks, powerful pepperoni, awful anchovies and pineapple punches!
Sounds like something from the 80's.

Or a fake but plausible sounding video game title name dropped in a currently running cartoon.

Does he get powerups via extra toppings?

Who are the villains, anyway?


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Since we are rating the possibility of another Smash Ballot for the future, I can already tell there will be mixed reactions given how the last one went.

Not like I need to address the long legged elephant in the room.
I don't think we'll get another ballot, the one we had was quite literally a warzone.
They did say the ballot would be used for deciding future newcomers in future games didn't they? So they may just do that.

With that said, #RaymanForSma5h

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Sounds like something from the 80's.

Or a fake but plausible sounding video game title name dropped in a currently running cartoon.

Does he get powerups via extra toppings?

Who are the villains, anyway?
Super moves of course!
Demonic samurai warriors who wish to change the world in a way they see fit, their leader, Kamishiro, made it personal by murdering your family and friends in front of you. Pizza Pal acts wacky and cheesy as a way to cope, as everything else about this is dark
I actually want Nintendo to make a beat-em-up out of this now

In other news


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
What's next? Papa John's posts a pic of pizza and everyone speculates it's the cartridge for NX games?
A console that runs pizzas doesn't sound bad.

>You buy a pizza cartridge.
>The console accepts it and loads the game off it.
>You can then eat the pizza cartridge.


Deleted member

They are either going to make another ballot or just ignore this one completely
Things change between games: new characters are introduced or gain popularity and others can fall into irrelevancy or are sold to Microsoft
Nah, it's a new IP, Pizza Pal! You play as a delivery boy by day, by night, you defeat villains with charged cheese attacks, powerful pepperoni, awful anchovies and pineapple punches!
Who eats Pizza during the day? He shluld be delivering the pizzas during the night and fighting evil during day
Otherwise I'll find another pizzeria if they won't deliver my pizzas when I'm supposed to eat them
Sounds like something from the 80's.

Or a fake but plausible sounding video game title name dropped in a currently running cartoon.

Does he get powerups via extra toppings?

Who are the villains, anyway?
The villains are lactose intolerance and customers who are missing 2 bucks and spend 10 minutes trying to find a bill
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
They are either going to make another ballot or just ignore this one completely
Things change between games: new characters are introduced or gain popularity and others can fall into irrelevancy or are sold to Microsoft

Who eats Pizza during the day? He shluld be delivering the pizzas during the night and fighting evil during day
Otherwise I'll find another pizzeria if they won't deliver my pizzas when I'm supposed to eat them

The villains are lactose intolerance and customers who are missing 2 bucks and spend 10 minutes trying to find a bill
Night is at 10PM-ish, so pizza is delivered around 8 or so.

btw does anyone have a link to that adorable elephant game trailer from a few weeks back?

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
Nah, it's a new IP, Pizza Pal! You play as a delivery boy by day, by night, you defeat villains with charged cheese attacks, powerful pepperoni, awful anchovies and pineapple punches!
Reminds me of a silly game I used to play on Miniclip. I remember being able to kill living pizzas with a jalapeño hammer.

Deleted member

If the Smash Ballot does make a return for Smash 5, chances are, the character I'd vote for probably wouldn't make it in due to lack of votes and/or third party issues. Whoever would win the ballot, I'd welcome with open arms, but I'd not look forward to the complaints.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Opossum Opossum

Using "botanical" it would have become the color-code for lavender. The name also could have been deduced using "botanical" and "sleep", as lavender is soporific.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
If there's a new Ballot in the future then they need to actually disclose the frigging thing. What pissed me off about the Ballot the most is how we hardly know anything about how the results went down and how characters placed. For all we know there could have been a lot of smoke and mirrors that went down in that process. Not being one of those conspiracy theorists that say Bayonetta definitely didn't win fairly but if they don't even show us the numbers and the character placement then there's no incentive on Nintendo's part to even be honest about how the Ballot went down.

At least create a filter that lets you type a character's name in so that it will show you how many votes the character got.
Nah, it's a new IP, Pizza Pal! You play as a delivery boy by day, by night, you defeat villains with charged cheese attacks, powerful pepperoni, awful anchovies and pineapple punches!
Nintendo Ninja's are coming for your ass.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Opossum Opossum

Using "botanical" it would have become the color-code for lavender. The name also could have been deduced using "botanical" and "sleep", as lavender is soporific.
Oh man...I didn't even think of the fact that it could be a hex code. That's really clever. :p


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Alright, so if you were here recently I mentioned that the art style of Dragon Quest games always totally turned me off them immediately. Dragon Quest 11 looks absolutely beautiful though and I'm really considering jumping into that one. But I want to play one, or more if I enjoy them, before 11. Should I go with VII or VIII on the 3DS? Or one of the DS ones which are IV, V, VI, and IX? I'm totally up for buying any of them. I just want to know which ones y'all would recommend.

Also, hell yeah, Ash Greninja in Sun & Moon!

Deleted member

Night is at 10PM-ish, so pizza is delivered around 8 or so.

btw does anyone have a link to that adorable elephant game trailer from a few weeks back?
>Night is 10PM-ish
What the hell are you smoking? Night begins at 6PM
And even then, the appropriate time to ask pizza is from 7PM to 10PM which is part of the night
Reminds me of a silly game I used to play on Miniclip. I remember being able to kill living pizzas with a jalapeño hammer.
Hey, I think I remember that game
My childhood of playing online flash games sure was fun...


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
If there's a new Ballot in the future then they need to actually disclose the frigging thing. What pissed me off about the Ballot the most is how we hardly know anything about how the results went down and how characters placed. For all we know there could have been a lot of smoke and mirrors that went down in that process. Not being one of those conspiracy theorists that say Bayonetta definitely didn't win fairly but if they don't even show us the numbers and the character placement then there's no incentive on Nintendo's part to even be honest about how the Ballot went down.

At least create a filter that lets you type a character's name in so that it will show you how many votes the character got.

Nintendo Ninja's are coming for your ***.
They can't do a filter for the same reason why they altered the Conquests. If anyone could actually find out how many votes their character got, everyone would just dogpile their votes onto whoever got the most instead of voting honestly.

And presumably they aren't revealing who got higher amounts of votes because they want to use the info in the future and they want whoever they add in later to be a surprise.

There is an incentive to be honest about the Ballot because if a character got the most votes then Nintendo would assume they could impress the most people with that character. Adding a character that didn't win just for the sake of it means less people will be willing to buy the DLC than if they added the character that did win.

That's presumably why they didn't call Cloud a Ballot character per se. He lined up with and possibly used data from it, but he wasn't one of the ringleaders in terms of overall character votes, he was simply the highest ranking character in terms of Final Fantasy votes, with Final Fantasy apparently having one of the higher levels of demand in general. Calling him a Ballot character would be misleading, so they refrained.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
They can't do a filter for the same reason why they altered the Conquests. If anyone could actually find out how many votes their character got, everyone would just dogpile their votes onto whoever got the most instead of voting honestly.

And presumably they aren't revealing who got higher amounts of votes because they want to use the info in the future and they want whoever they add in later to be a surprise.

There is an incentive to be honest about the Ballot because if a character got the most votes then Nintendo would assume they could impress the most people with that character. Adding a character that didn't win just for the sake of it means less people will be willing to buy the DLC than if they added the character that did win.

That's presumably why they didn't call Cloud a Ballot character per se. He lined up with and possibly used data from it, but he wasn't one of the ringleaders in terms of overall character votes, he was simply the highest ranking character in terms of Final Fantasy votes, with Final Fantasy apparently having one of the higher levels of demand in general. Calling him a Ballot character would be misleading, so they refrained.
I only meant creating a filter to show how many votes a character got after the Ballot ends. It wouldn't be wise to have it at the start and during the Ballot yes. They just need to be transparent with how the characters performed because if they don't do that then they can add pretty much any semi-realistic character they want as the top-ranking character. Having a filter when the Ballot closes is transparent to show that there wasn't any favoritism in adding characters and that everything that happened was a result of how the fans voted. Additionally, we can see how characters perform on the Ballot to see what their chances really were in getting in the game. Would love this because people have a tendency to throw certain characters under the bus by saying "only a vocal minority likes this character" so we can see whether these claims are true or not.

They should do that with the pre-existing Ballot IMO. Maybe when/if the time comes for the Smash 4 NX port to happen they can add a feature to the Ballot site that lets you type a characters name in and see the amount of votes they got.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
TBH I wouldn't want the results to be revealed.

Because then we would have to deal with everyone bandwagoning around the popular characters and relatively unpopular characters would be ignored.


Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I only meant creating a filter to show how many votes a character got after the Ballot ends. It wouldn't be wise to have it at the start and during the Ballot yes. They just need to be transparent with how the characters performed because if they don't do that then they can add pretty much any semi-realistic character they want as the top-ranking character. Having a filter when the Ballot closes is transparent to show that there wasn't any favoritism in adding characters and that everything that happened was a result of how the fans voted. Additionally, we can see how characters perform on the Ballot to see what their chances really were in getting in the game. Would love this because people have a tendency to throw certain characters under the bus by saying "only a vocal minority likes this character" so we can see whether these claims are true or not.

They should do that with the pre-existing Ballot IMO. Maybe when/if the time comes for the Smash 4 NX port to happen they can add a feature to the Ballot site that lets you type a characters name in and see the amount of votes they got.
tbh showing results would STILL have idiots whine that it was rigged because their favourite character didn't win. Do you REALLY want to see a community as toxic as Smash's community fight with everyone because they didn't vote fkr their favourite characters?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
tbh showing results would STILL have idiots whine that it was rigged because their favourite character didn't win. Do you REALLY want to see a community as toxic as Smash's community fight with everyone because they didn't vote fkr their favourite characters?
Well for me personally it would be a bummer to find that my favorite characters weren't voted for highly but i'd rather know the truth than not know at all so at least I would have the peace of mind.

Yeah, there's bound to be a lot of negativity doing that in the community but hey if people are going to flame others for not voting their characters in then that's their thing. They'll get over it after a while.
TBH I wouldn't want the results to be revealed.

Because then we would have to deal with everyone bandwagoning around the popular characters and relatively unpopular characters would be ignored.

Could always be an incentive for fans of characters to support their favorite characters even more though.

Not being the most popular doesn't mean that the character still can't be added in. If a character has a good/decent fan following and other things going his/her way then the character can still feasibly get in to the game.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Well for me personally it would be a bummer to find that my favorite characters weren't voted for highly but i'd rather know the truth than not know at all so at least I would have the peace of mind.

Yeah, there's bound to be a lot of negativity doing that in the community but hey if people are going to flame others for not voting their characters in then that's their thing. They'll get over it after a while.

Could always be an incentive for fans of characters to support their favorite characters even more though.

Not being the most popular doesn't mean that the character still can't be added in. If a character has a good/decent fan following and other things going his/her way then the character can still feasibly get in to the game.
Considering people have been expecting Ridley for over a decade and still are, people wouldn't get over it
Night is everything between 6PM to 6AM
Day is everything between 6AM to 6PM
Evening is a PART of the night
Shut up, there's a difference.

Deleted member

Considering people have been expecting Ridley for over a decade and still are, people wouldn't get over it

Shut up, there's a difference.
I can't believe we're actually having this discussion but if you actually went somewhere where time flows normally you'd see 6PM is night


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
If there's one thing, I'm curious about, it's the third parties and how popular they were in the ballot.

We do know about some of them like Jibanyan, Bayonetta, Cloud, Arle, and several others thanks to PushDustIn. But the real problem is that these are the vocal minority compared to the silent majority that voted for their choices. Part of me knows that a teeny tiny small majority must have voted for a Senran Kagura character (hence why I said it's tiny since plenty will have to be done to tone one down for Smash).

Deleted member

There's morning, afternoon, evening and night. To quote Sesame Street: "You're opinions are ****. They're ****ing ****"
How can night be only after midnight?
**** this ****, I don't need it, I'm asking for the divorce.
And that isn't even from Sesame Street by the way


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Could always be an incentive for fans of characters to support their favorite characters even more though.

Not being the most popular doesn't mean that the character still can't be added in. If a character has a good/decent fan following and other things going his/her way then the character can still feasibly get in to the game.
I think you overestimate peoples' willingness to support anything other than the "likely winner."

I still remember the times post E3 2013 when Gematsu was a thing. The community turned into a hivemind for the "Unholy Trinity" and choked out anyone who bothered to support any characters outside of that trio. And with Mewtwo in and Ridley walled out, I don't even want to know what K. Rool fans would do if they had a second opening to attempt to claim dominance over the other support bases.

The anonymity of a blind poll helps people subvert social expectations a bit.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I think it was better that the actual numbers of the ballot weren't revealed. The storm that followed was bad enough as it is, having actual data would have amplified it.

If there's one thing, I'm curious about, it's the third parties and how popular they were in the ballot.

We do know about some of them like Jibanyan, Bayonetta, Cloud, Arle, and several others thanks to PushDustIn. But the real problem is that these are the vocal minority compared to the silent majority that voted for their choices. Part of me knows that a teeny tiny small majority must have voted for a Senran Kagura character (hence why I said it's tiny since plenty will have to be done to tone one down for Smash).
I think it would be enough to remove the cloth damage mechanic and the jiggle physics.

Deleted member

Because words are dumb
hun y Q.Q
Yes it is. It's from the best book! I'd show a pic but lolrules
My bet is that Europe's time flow is ****ed up
I mean, they sometimes get sun during night

Because flat jokes are dead just like our marriage

Message it you nerd
I think it was better that the actual numbers of the ballot weren't revealed. The storm that followed was bad enough as it is, having actual data would have amplified it.

I think it would be enough to remove the cloth damage mechanic and the jiggle physics.
Keep the clothes on but let the jelly physics live
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
My bet is that Europe's time flow is ****ed up
I mean, they sometimes get sun during night

Because flat jokes are dead just like our marriage

Message it you nerd

Keep the clothes on but let the jelly physics live
Says Mr. "I need to pay lots of money for video games"
So do you!
You're a necromancer then
No. It's called google, and you didn't watc Ex-Aid

Deleted member

Anything between 12 AM through 12 PM is morning, 12 PM to 6 PM is afternoon, 6 PM through 12 AM is night. :p
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Deleted member

Says Mr. "I need to pay lots of money for video games"
So do you!
You're a necromancer then
No. It's called google, and you didn't watc Ex-Aid
At least time works normally here and we don't get this crazy sun during night ****. Dunno what you've been smoking but we don't have the Sun Stand here to **** up our sleep

And you're as flat as Kamen Rider's characters

****, you never do anything I ask you, Gwen, this is why the marriage was doomed from the start
Anything between 12 AM through 12 PM is morning, 12 PM to 6 PM is afternoon, 6 PM through 12 AM is night. :p
I think I know who I'm marrying next
And it doesn't look like this one is a disaster
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