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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
So remember a while back when I was asked, hypothetically, which four Disney characters I'd put in a fan Smash game a la SSF2's four anime characters, and then proceeded to do movesets for two of them? Well I ended up making movesets for the other two as well since I was bored. :p

I'll post all four for convenience, both yours and mine,

Mickey Mouse

Jab Combo: Punch Punch Magic Blast
Dash Attack: Mickey spreads his arms out and delivers a magical blast mid-run.

Up Tilt: Mickey does a small jump with his fist held high, like he's cheering.
Side Tilt: Mickey takes out a parade conducting stick and twirls it in front of him.
Down Tilt: While leaning, Mickey whips his tail across the ground in front of him.

Up Smash: Mickey thrusts his hands up and launches two magical, firework-like explosions.
Side Smash: Mickey calls down magical lightning directly in front of him.
Down Smash: Mickey leaps up and pounds the ground on both sides with magic.

Neutral Aerial: Mickey does a midair cartwheel maneuver. The sorcerer hat does more damage.
Forward Aerial: Mickey takes out his magic paintbrush and strikes the foe in a small arc.
Backward Aerial: Mickey does a backhand move imbued with magic.
Up Aerial: Mickey points upward as a small shooting star arcs above him.
Down Aerial: Mickey points downward as stars descend on those below.

Grab and Pummel: Mickey grabs and then shocks the foe with magic.
Forward Throw: Mickey punts the foe forward.
Backward Throw: Mickey swings the foe around and tosses them back.
Up Throw: Mickey tosses a foe up and they got shot by three magic sparks.
Down Throw: Mickey throws foes down and blasts them with a fireball.

Neutral Special: Magic Sparks - Mickey launches two swirling magic sparks that, when they hit foes, continuously stun them for a bit with each hit.

Side Special: Pluto - Pluto barks and runs in from off stage, dragging his leash. Mickey grabs on and is dragged. Pluto is invincible and can knock foes away, but Mickey himself can still be knocked away.

Up Special: Magical Paint - Mickey uses his paintbrush and creates a small bouncepad beneath him, rocketing him upwards.

Down Special: Sorcerer's Apprentice - Mickey summons a broomstick that will act depending on Mickey's next input. If the special button is pressed, the broom will throw water at the foe, washing them away with a push. If the attack button is held, the broom will begin smacking the foe with buckets, which can break shields. After the action is done, the broom disappears. The broom can also be destroyed by a foe.

Final Smash: Fantasmic! - The stage grows dark with a spotlight on Mickey. He rolls up his robe sleeves and hops atop a pillar in the stage's center. He then launches a giant magical beam down at foes, causing massive damage. "Some imagination, huh?" Then the attack ends.

Victory Theme: Mickey Mouse March

Jab: An open palm ice blast, similar in appearance to Zelda's, followed by a waving hand motion for a continuous flurry of powder snow.
Dash Attack: Elsa does a breaststroke-like motion and launches a snowball.

Up Tilt: Elsa makes an arc above her head with her hand as ice cascades over the opponent.
Side Tilt: Elsa sends a small gust of icy wind toward the foe.
Down Tilt: Elsa kicks outward while crouching.

Up Smash: Elsa throws both hands up in the air and two ice balls explode and rain down light snow. Heavy damage from the burst, light damage from the snowfall.
Side Smash: Elsa turns to the side and creates a small swirling blizzard that shoots opponents sideways.
Down Smash: Elsa motions to the ground and lifts her arm. Out of the ground in front of her launches a giant ice stalagmite at a 45 degree angle that launches foes.

Neutral Aerial: Elsa twirls, creating a blizzard around her that hits multiple times.
Forward Aerial: Elsa swats her hand in front of her for a slap attack.
Backward Aerial: Elsa kicks behind her.
Up Aerial: Elsa points her arm upward and spins, creating a giant snowflake above her to hit opponents.
Down Aerial: Elsa motions her hand and creates an icy sheet beneath her, which then falls and crashes atop unlucky foes.

Grab and Pummel: Grabs, and then knees the opponent.
Forward Throw: Throws, and then launches a barrage of hail at the foe.
Backward Throw: Tosses foes backwards, then throws a snowball at them.
Up Throw: Holds them in place while a giant ice column appears from beneath, launching them.
Down Throw: Holds them in place as an icy chandelier crashes from the sky, hitting the foe.

Neutral Special: Frozen Heart - Elsa charges up a beam of ice and releases it. If the entire move hits, the foe is frozen solid for a moment.

Side Special: Ice Push - Elsa charges up a block of ice that slides forward. How long it lasts and how tall it is depends on how long the charge is held. Opponents cannot pass through the ice and will get chip damage by touching it. Only by jumping over it can it be avoided.

Up Special: Here I Stand - Elsa creates a small set of icy steps and climbs up them, jumping at the end. Should anyone else attempt to use the stairs for recovery, they will slide off to their doom.

Down Special: Icy Terrain - Elsa slams her foot into the ground and the surrounding terrain is changed to ice, lowering traction for others. How much ground is covered depends on how long the charge is held.

Final Smash: Marshmallow - "Begone!" Elsa jumps into the background while she summons Marshmallow, a giant snow monster, to rampage the stage.

Victory Theme: Let It Go
Captain America

Jab: Two punches, and then a shield-bash elbow strike.
Dash: Leading with the shield, Cap does a roll maneuver.

Up Tilt: Cap grips his shield and swings it in an arc above him, like Little Mac's.
Side Tilt: Cap holds his shield in one hand and swipes it sideways.
Down Tilt: Cap does an outward sweeping kick.

Up Smash: Cap does a rising uppercut with his shield.
Side Smash: Cap leaps forward holding both hands on the shield, smashing it into the foe.
Down Smash: Cap tosses the shield directly to the ground at his feet, which bounces back to him after making impact. Similar to Mewtwo/Lucas/Zero Suit Samus.

Neutral Aerial: Tosses his shield, which circles him for a moment, damaging those it hits.
Forward Aerial: Holding his shield with one hand, Cap swings it in a downward arc, similar to Olimar's Forward Aerial.
Backward Aerial: Does a backhanded shield bash with the shield in resting position.
Up Aerial: Cap does a corkscrew motion with the shield held high.
Down Aerial: A diving aerial. Cap gets behind his shield as he slams it into the ground.

Grab and Pummel: Grabs, then batters the foe with his shield.
Forward Throw: Cap drop kicks the opponent.
Back Throw: Cap turns around and swings the opponent the opposite way.
Up Throw: Cap tosses them up and then bashes them upwards with his shield.
Down Throw: Cap throws them to the ground and slams the shield into them.

Neutral Special: Shield Toss - Cap charges up and tosses his shield. Can be aimed before throwing, and altered after throwing. Momentum is maintained and the shield will bounce off walls and floors, but must be recovered immediately.

Side Special: Charging Star - A callback to Marvel vs Capcom, Cap charges forward with his shield protecting him. He gains super armor in front of him, though he can still be hit from behind.

Up Special: Fly the Flag - Cap leaps up an additional time, much higher than before, as red and white transparent speed lines appear behind him. Cap is free to use an aerial at the very end of the move, like Olimar can.

Down Special: Shield Deflect - Cap holds his shield with both hands to reflect energy-based projectiles back at the user for increased damage. Shield can be aimed for reflection purposes.

Final Smash: Avengers Assemble! - Cap yells this iconic phrase as he's joined by three Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, and Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch holds the foe up with a hex while Iron Man and Thor blast them with repulsor blasts and lightning, respectively. Captain America focuses on a close combat combo similar to the likes of Robin, Ike, and Mii Brawler. Finally he slams his shield into them, sending them flying.

Victory Theme: Avengers Main Theme
Jack Sparrow

Jab: Two alternating saber slashes, followed by a stronger lunge.
Dash: Jack awkwardly runs forward while swinging his sword and yelling.

Up Tilt: Jack stands on one leg and twirls, his sword held high.
Side Tilt: A quick fencing-style lunge forward.
Down Tilt: Jack kicks his boot outward while crouched.

Up Smash: Jack slashes upward twice and follows up with a shot of his pistol.
Side Smash: Jack does an uppercut-motion sword swing followed by another that sends foes back downward.
Down Smash: Jack stabs his sword into the ground on one side, while the other side is shot by his pistol.
*Note: All Smashes share the same sword-unsheathing charge animation, to confuse foes as Jack's gimmick.*

Neutral Aerial: Jack makes a swan dive pose and falls slightly faster, hitting foes.
Forward Aerial: Jack does three sword pokes, in a manner similar to Kirby's FAir.
Backward Aerial: Jack swings his leg around to kick opponents.
Up Aerial: Jack swings his pistol in an arc above his head. Small range, high damage.
Down Aerial: Jack stamps his feet in midair to kick foes multiple times.

Grab and Pummel: Jack grabs foes and hits them with the butt of his pistol.
Forward Throw: A cannon appears around the foe as they're shot out of it.
Backward Throw: Taking a mast rope, Jack swings it around, attached to the foe, to throw them backwards.
Up Throw: Jack leaps upon a board that spawns beneath him and his foe, launching the foe up.
Down Throw: Jack throws the foe down and slashes them once.

Neutral Special: Parlay Pistols - Jack shoots his pistol. The bullet is unique in that it ricochets off surfaces with a comedic bullet sound effect.

Side Special: Cannonball - Jack lights a cannon that appears before him, launching a cannonball at foes. The cannon itself doesn't disappear right away and can be attacked to roll at foes for a little while.

Up Special: Hoist the Colours - A gust of wind appears below Jack as he grabs onto one of the Black Pearl's flags and it lifted upward, similar to Link's sailcloth in Skyward Sword.

Down Special: Pirate Duel - If activated as an opponent's attack clashes with Jack's sword, a duel is started. A letter will flash on the screen, indicating ABXY or their equivalent, one letter above each opponent. If Jack hits his button before the opponent, he wins the duel and stuns the foe, leaving susceptible based on their current damage. If Jack fails, the attack the opponent was using happens, leaving Jack wide open, but the attack is slightly more powerful. A gambling move fitting of Jack's luckiness.

Final Smash: The Black Pearl - The stage sinks mostly and is surrounded by water. The Black Pearl then sails in from the back and Jack hops aboard. On the stage, a rain of cannon fire bombards enemies. The move ends when Jack launches himself from a cannon toward the stage, damaging whoever he hits, as the water recedes and the Pearl disappears.

Victory Theme: He's a Pirate

I tried to make all four really distinct, yet at the same time true to their character. Hopefully they're all at least somewhat different than everyone else. :p

Nah but for real, that was fun. I'd totally be up for a Disney Smash clone honestly. Or a NvD fighting game really, since both have a ton to draw from.
But Elsa's already in smash:

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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Chrono. Chrono.
Ura Ura

There are reports that WWE want to buyout TNA.

Mostly for the tape library. Dave Meltzer talked about it on WOR
I know though I doubt anything is going to come out of it. ROH made a bid as well. I think it was sold off to the new guy that bought TNA.

Deleted member

Aaaaand already one person voted for the movie game and another viting for the very first game... That's rather surprising. :p
To be fair, there exist a small minority of SF fans who genuinely enjoyed the movie game. SF1 on the other hand, until now I thought it was universally disliked.
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Deleted member

I have to agree with you here, this is just...sad.
Like, it's not funny to me in the slightest.
Tough, if he we use the "Ash was in a coma since the first episode" Theory. Then how Serena know him here?

As she met his ghost or some weird **** like that?
Ash met her before the events of the anime

Deleted member

To be fair, there exist a small minority of SF fans who genuinely enjoyed the movie game. SF1 on the other hand, until now I thought it was universally disliked.
Yeah, the vote for the very first game definitely surprises me much more.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Looking at the comments section of a recent Dorkly video, there were a significant amount of demand for more Pokémon Rusty.

Glad I'm not the only one who wants more. Hard to believe it's been more than a year since they've done something with it.

Deleted member

Emerald update:
I beat Norman, although yesterday's strategy didn't work very well, because appearantly, Slaking loves to spam counter (Which has a low priority) and in addition to that, its physical defense is apperantly really high, because Dig didn't do much to it at all. I also had this strategy of using Rock Tomb to lower its speed, and have Rox hold a Chesto Berry in case it puts me to sleep with Yawn, but that didn't work either.
During the fight with his Vigoroth, Volcan hit level 33 and finally evolved.
Afterwards, I got the Good Rod and caught my final team member, Atlantis the Wailmer.
Yeah I haven't progressed much today.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Ash met her before the events of the anime
So, she existed in the event of the anime before the 6 generation was made?
The amount of mind screw I have in my head are just....Ridley size atleast.
I mean, it work but still...
But hey, atleast, we escape the time paradox with this.
Too bad that Ash will forget about her in the next season.
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Apr 19, 2015
Looking at the comments section of a recent Dorkly video, there were a significant amount of demand for more Pokémon Rusty.

Glad I'm not the only one who wants more. Hard to believe it's been more than a year since they've done something with it.
Oh, it's already over an year since the last one?

They really need to make more. The series is hilarious.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Emerald update:
I beat Norman, although yesterday's strategy didn't work very well, because appearantly, Slaking loves to spam counter (Which has a low priority) and in addition to that, its physical defense is apperantly really high, because Dig didn't do much to it at all. I also had this strategy of using Rock Tomb to lower its speed, and have Rox hold a Chesto Berry in case it puts me to sleep with Yawn, but that didn't work either.
During the fight with his Vigoroth, Volcan hit level 33 and finally evolved.
Afterwards, I got the Good Rod and caught my final team member, Atlantis the Wailmer.
Yeah I haven't progressed much today.
His Slaking only has counter in Emerald.
I'm so sorry.
That strat works in every other game.

Deleted member

His Slaking only has counter in Emerald.
I'm so sorry.
That strat works in every other game.
I see. I'll keep that in mind for my Alpha Sapphire playthrough, although I'm gonna need something with a high attack stat.... Good thing I planned to use Swampert for that playthrough.

Deleted member

Emerald update:
I beat Norman, although yesterday's strategy didn't work very well, because appearantly, Slaking loves to spam counter (Which has a low priority) and in addition to that, its physical defense is apperantly really high, because Dig didn't do much to it at all. I also had this strategy of using Rock Tomb to lower its speed, and have Rox hold a Chesto Berry in case it puts me to sleep with Yawn, but that didn't work either.
During the fight with his Vigoroth, Volcan hit level 33 and finally evolved.
Afterwards, I got the Good Rod and caught my final team member, Atlantis the Wailmer.
Yeah I haven't progressed much today.
Spamming Dig should still work, especially if he spams Counter
First turn Dig, he tries to counter, fails, hit on the next turn, can't move because of Truant, repeat

Deleted member

Spamming Dig should still work, especially if he spams Counter
First turn Dig, he tries to counter, fails, hit on the next turn, can't move because of Truant, repeat
I guess it would, but even then, it's bulky as ****

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
May Martin Crocker rest in piece. I've always loved watching Space Ghost: Coast to Coast on late nights and Zorak stole the show for me (when compared to SG himself). 54 years seem pretty long when he entertained many on late nights since the 90's and early 2000's.

Already paid my due in one of his best interviews (the one where he spoke with Zoidberg's voice actor).


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Have anyone really talked about this before?


There appears to be a new Metroid page that isn't really public yet.
I can't seem to decide whether or not I'm surprised.

On one hand I'm not sure which studio they would even set to work on a non-Prime game right now and Nintendo's made a comment about focusing on "2 million copy sellers" and Metroid tends to be a little. . .finicky on whether or not it makes it past that point according to my admittedly flawed "research" of checking Wikipedia.

On the other hand it's not like Nintendo hates Metroid considering they've used Samus in Japan-only New 3DS marketing and Metroid isn't even as popular in Japan, so it's not as though they're simply snubbing it. Heck, both of the games people complain about are a result of their respective directors loving Metroid a little TOO much if anything, they just happened to love it for different reasons than the fandom and it resulted in weird stuff happening. The main mystery here is what studio they would set to work on it if it's not a Prime.

If this results in something, the fan reaction is either going to be very good or very, very bad. And I'm worried it's going to be the latter.

. . .Also I suppose it's worth keeping in mind that there's one iOS game that was scheduled for this fiscal year that we haven't seen yet. Metroid does cover a completely different genre and style than anything from the other games. . .
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Quic question. Has anyone here seen Law and Order and if so, how much do you recommend it?
I don't watch it really, but I've seen a good amount of episodes as my family does. It's not to bad, if you like crime dramas, it's a good one to watch,
So, she existed in the event of the anime before the 6 generation was made?
The amount of mind screw I have in my head are just....Ridley size atleast.
I mean, it work but still...
But hey, atleast, we escape the time paradox with this.
Too bad that Ash will forget about her in the next season.
She lived in Kanto originally and eventually moved to Kalos.

And while it's not fully confirmed, people pointed out that it seems he talks to Lilie about her in the Sun and Moon anime. There's also some anime rumor I haven't seen yet, that people are saying has been accurate so far, and mentions ow Ash is distraught in the anime, and also that he talks to Lilie about Serena as well.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Testing stuff other than the F-Zero and Metroid the one guy did because why not.

kidicarus: Reroutes to Uprising's page. Not finding anything positive or negative out of that. I'm guessing anything with a game from this gen is a no-go for this method.

duckhunt: Instant empty like F-Zero

punchout: Connection was. . .reset? That's a different error from either Duck Hunt and F-Zero OR Metroid's endless loading. HUH.

earthbound: reroutes to Virtual Console listing, so clearly anything that was freshly added on there this gen is a no-go, too.

goldensun: . . .no, it's NOT just this gen. I just got sent to the Dark Dawn page. HUUUUUHHH. . .

advancewars: Instant empty like F-Zero and Duck Hunt.

. . .OK now I'm starting to wonder about Punch Out! a little. If I do "punch-out" it's the same error as the other no-shows, but punchout gets me "connection reset" rather than the normal error. But it's not the endless loading followed by the connection timing out like with the Metroid page, either.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Testing stuff other than the F-Zero and Metroid the one guy did because why not.

kidicarus: Reroutes to Uprising's page. Not finding anything positive or negative out of that. I'm guessing anything with a game from this gen is a no-go for this method.

duckhunt: Instant empty like F-Zero

punchout: Connection was. . .reset? That's a different error from either Duck Hunt and F-Zero OR Metroid's endless loading. HUH.

earthbound: reroutes to Virtual Console listing, so clearly anything that was freshly added on there this gen is a no-go, too.

goldensun: . . .no, it's NOT just this gen. I just got sent to the Dark Dawn page. HUUUUUHHH. . .

advancewars: Instant empty like F-Zero and Duck Hunt.

. . .OK now I'm starting to wonder about Punch Out! a little. If I do "punch-out" it's the same error as the other no-shows, but punchout gets me "connection reset" rather than the normal error. But it's not the endless loading followed by the connection timing out like with the Metroid page, either.
Would be funny in a very cruel way if advancewars.com redirected to fireemblem.com

EDIT: I also realized these 3 sites are actually a thing. Really cool.

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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Would be funny in a very cruel way if advancewars.com redirected to fireemblem.com
. . .No, just typing that into the address bar with no .nintendo after it redirects you to the Days of Ruin page.

Not that it isn't fitting considering your concerns on the topic.

*EDIT* Reading your edit with the Wayback stuff is giving me early-to-mid 2000's children's website formatting flashbacks with the Advance Wars 2 one. That's not a bad thing, just weirdly having nostalgia for something I've never seen before.
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Sep 12, 2014


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I did find this site for FE though. Probably the Japanese site for FE6.


Fireemblem.com doesn't even exist while advancewars.com does.

Good job Nintendo.
It's a shame that the AW2 site doesn't work fully though. Made me nostalgic for the old style of websites from back in the day.
. . .No, just typing that into the address bar with no .nintendo after it redirects you to the Days of Ruin page.

Not that it isn't fitting considering your concerns on the topic.

*EDIT* Reading your edit with the Wayback stuff is giving me early-to-mid 2000's children's website formatting flashbacks with the Advance Wars 2 one. That's not a bad thing, just weirdly having nostalgia for something I've never seen before.
From what I saw typing advancewars.com leads me to the Nintendo page for AW4.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I did find this site for FE though. Probably the Japanese site for FE6.


It's a shame that the AW2 site doesn't work fully though. Made me nostalgic for the old style of websites from back in the day.

From what I saw typing advancewars.com leads me to the Nintendo page for AW4.
This is what happens when I type in advancewars.com. It turns into this:


Which makes me wonder if entire franchise domain names should be checked for certain stuff as well or not since there's reroutes involved.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
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