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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Oh, also that reminds me. . .you're not going to believe what I saw.

Someone actually thinks Samus is getting pampered for her anniversary and DK's 35th anniversary is getting neglected.

. . .If we look past people refusing to accept the spinoff as being anything other than a slap in the face, then from a certain point of view it's not exactly wrong. . .
I'm more surprised people forgot about Kid Icarus 30th Anniversary

That's something nobody here or anywhere has mentioned


Sep 12, 2014
Mario and Zelda are the only two series that will get any noteworthy attention for their anniversary I guess. This year is Metroid's 30th anniversary and Golden Sun's 15th anniversary but neither is having any fanfare.
Pokemon and Kirby get attention too.

And, with all due respect, Golden Sun has been a dead series for years now and it never reached the popularity or acclaim Metroid did.

As for Metroid, I just feel we gotta be patient. Games take time and Metroid has been aimless ever since the Other M debacle.

Look what SEGA is doing with Sonic, after Lost World, they took their sweet time in announcing a game for the anniversary, because they knew they NEEDED the time to make something great after Lost World was a major flop.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Well, according to a listing by EB Games Australia, Kingdom Hearts 3 might be coming to the NX.


EDIT: Apparently, the listing isn't on the website. So it could've been there earlier or the OP in this post is messing with us. So take this with a grain of salt.
Take it from the guy who lives in Australia:

EB Games says a lot of things *cough9 amiibo for $9cough*


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
What other characters do you consider bland and boring? Just curious.
All of them?

. . .OK I've done enough research on Isaac and Inkling to know they could be interesting (mostly by imagining Isaac with his entire synergy set and Inkling with their entire weapon set, just limiting them to a few things would make them much less interesting) but most characters are kind of a question mark to me and people tend to rely on their own mutual love of characters enough when supporting them that I never had the cool points of the abilities of most of the several hundred characters people ask for explained to me.

It doesn't help that a lot of the new weapon ideas people desire just seem like a slightly different pattern of slashes to me with not much else to them.

On one hand I feel like my standards may simply be too high. On the other hand I went years thinking the selling point for Layton was that he was a plain old sword user from a third party game people happened to like before randomly overhearing something about him building a machine gun, so I get the feeling that some fandoms may be accidentally forgetting to flaunt the better points of their characters and some crucial information may be hidden from me. Too bad I have no way of knowing which fandoms might be doing it.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm not interested in any of his other powers either, especially that hand. His character design visually is just alright too.

So basically I supported Shulk instead. I'll support Takamaru next time.
I find that hard to believe given everything that can be done in Golden Sun but hey that's your opinion. Personally i'm not interested in Corrin either despite everyone hyping his moveset so I can see where you're coming from.

Don't they have even less moveset potential to work from though? Shulk as well because his gimmick is just being an ordinary sword user that can increase his stats though his sword attacks are cooler than most IMO. I say this as someone who uses Shulk as well. Just saying. Takamaru would most likely be a retro rep so I don't see how he would be in competition with Isaac.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Also this series is 25 years old and Sega will never talk about it


Thank you Sonic Mania for remembering

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
All of them?

. . .OK I've done enough research on Isaac and Inkling to know they could be interesting (mostly by imagining Isaac with his entire synergy set and Inkling with their entire weapon set, just limiting them to a few things would make them much less interesting) but most characters are kind of a question mark to me and people tend to rely on their own mutual love of characters enough when supporting them so I never had the cool points of the abilities of most of the several hundred characters people ask for explained to me.

It doesn't help that a lot of the new weapon ideas people desire just seem like a slightly different pattern of slashes to me with not much else to them.

On one hand I feel like my standards may simply be too high. On the other hand I went years thinking the selling point for Layton was that he was a plain old sword user from a third party game people happened to like before randomly overhearing something about him building a machine gun, so I get the feeling that some fandoms may be accidentally forgetting to flaunt the better points of their characters and some crucial information may be hidden from me. Too bad I have no way of knowing which fandoms might be doing it.
Yeah the issue with Layton is that his fandom enjoys his fencing cutscenes a little too much to the point it more or less completely overshadows the various other interesting things he did in the series, and they don't really understand that the Smash fandom don't really like getting more of those type of characters. He's build a slotmachine gun, a town catapuilt and a furniture glider in the past. This isn't even mentioning the various animals he had tagged along and puzzles he has solved throughout the series which after having seen how Sakurai handled most of the newcomers in Smash 4. Would most definitely have the major focus in his moveset. Heck I'd reckon Sakurai probably won't make him use a sword at all.

But like I said, It is a bit of a shame though that the love for his fencing cutscenes kind of overshadow his full potential for what he's really capable of which makes it more difficult to sell him to most Smash fans. :/
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Deleted member

Birthright Chapter 22 spoilers

Yeah, imagine running into bad characters like Tharja or Roy
Also, best character hype and holy **** 29 base Spd???


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Oh, also that reminds me. . .you're not going to believe what I saw.

Someone actually thinks Samus is getting pampered for her anniversary and DK's 35th anniversary is getting neglected.

. . .If we look past people refusing to accept the spinoff as being anything other than a slap in the face, then from a certain point of view it's not exactly wrong. . .
If Nintendo didn't recognize Donkey Kong Arcade as being Mario's 35th, even though that's the game he debuted in, I don't see why they'd recognize it for Donkey Kong (other than by name)...2019 is Donkey Kong Country's 25th Anniversary, I feel like this milestone will get more attention than this one...especially since DKC is a longer running series than DKA...

At least that's what I think...


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I find that hard to believe given everything that can be done in Golden Sun but hey that's your opinion. Personally i'm not interested in Corrin either despite everyone hyping his moveset so I can see where you're coming from.

Don't they have even less moveset potential to work from though? Shulk as well because his gimmick is just being an ordinary sword user that can increase his stats though his sword attacks are cooler than most IMO. I say this as someone who uses Shulk as well. Just saying. Takamaru would most likely be a retro rep so I don't see how he would be in competition with Isaac.
I guess it's a matter whether or not you like whatever the potential is. I think you understand it completely because of your perfect Corrin example.

I don't think Takamaru is in direct competition but in a thematic sense he is to me. They both use swords and are from a series not represented. They could easily both get in and I wouldn't have a problem with Isaac taking development time for a potential character I would personally want and support. As an example, I didn't care for Little Mac either and I'm completely fine with him being in the game.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I've never understood why people support a character over another. It's not just WhiteEagle (don't want you to feel like calling you out) either, a lot of people supported Shulk over Isaac or vice versa. I supported both. Heavily. Just ask @N3ON and Hokori Hokori . I supported many characters because they were characters I loved. Takamaru, Shulk, Isaac, Snake, and the more obscure ones like Mike Jones, and Saki. I really don't see why it's a big deal for one to get in and not the other. It's not really a contest just cause they're kinda similar. Plus, support isn't really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things so I say, go all out. Support ALL the characters you love. Not just the one you think is most likely.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I've never understood why people support a character over another. It's not just WhiteEagle (don't want you to feel like calling you out) either, a lot of people supported Shulk over Isaac or vice versa. I supported both. Heavily. Just ask @N3ON and Hokori Hokori . I supported many characters because they were characters I loved. Takamaru, Shulk, Isaac, Snake, and the more obscure ones like Mike Jones, and Saki. I really don't see why it's a big deal for one to get in and not the other. It's not really a contest just cause their kinda similar. Plus, support isn't really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things so I say, go all out. Support ALL the characters you love. Not just the one you think is most likely.
Thing is I don't love Isaac so I didn't support. It's not like I looked at a list of characters and decided whos the better one and who I won't bother with. I only take likeliness into account whenever I'm trying to predict stuff.

I'm sure everyone knows how much I supported Bayo. I love Bayo. :p
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Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
Mario had so much attention for it's 30th anniversary though. Even having like 2-3 games released along with the huge marketing push for Super Mario Maker.

Mario and Zelda are the only two series that will get any noteworthy attention for their anniversary I guess. This year is Metroid's 30th anniversary and Golden Sun's 15th anniversary but neither is having any fanfare.

Yeah I agree with that statement. 2016 is the year of the spinoffs and remakes.
I mean golden sun as never been a big series for nintendo.No matter how much people try to say it is it alwyas been a c-tier franchise.Not saying it doesnt atleast deserve a re-release but nintendo ignoring it makes sense.Metroid technically got a game not this year even if its not a game people want its still a game.Than you got kirby,DK,and pokemon atleast get noticed on there birthdays


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I've never understood why people support a character over another. It's not just WhiteEagle (don't want you to feel like calling you out) either, a lot of people supported Shulk over Isaac or vice versa. I supported both. Heavily. Just ask @N3ON and Hokori Hokori . I supported many characters because they were characters I loved. Takamaru, Shulk, Isaac, Snake, and the more obscure ones like Mike Jones, and Saki. I really don't see why it's a big deal for one to get in and not the other. It's not really a contest just cause they're kinda similar. Plus, support isn't really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things so I say, go all out. Support ALL the characters you love. Not just the one you think is most likely.
Yeah, I always find the competition thing kind of silly. One character isn't really stopping another character getting in, usually one of them just has some preexisting issue that the other doesn't have. If they're both equals and they're not even from the same series then I don't see what's stopping both out of any two characters from getting in.

Of course, I haven't found enough newcomers I'm invested in yet to have that conflict come up in the first place, buuuut. . .

Yeah if I found two characters who happened to have swords or whatever that both had things going for them that piqued my interest I'd probably go for them both. I don't even think about Isaac's sword when I think of him, I just think of earth and plant powers.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Honestly the characters isn't the reason SSF2 wows me.

It's that it's been in development for almost NINE years made by a bunch of devoted die-heard fans who are not making any profit on it at all, where all expenses are coming out of their very own pockets, and the game's quality is on par with what Masahiro Sakurai has dished out.

So I can't complain too much on them.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I've never understood why people support a character over another. It's not just WhiteEagle (don't want you to feel like calling you out) either, a lot of people supported Shulk over Isaac or vice versa. I supported both. Heavily. Just ask @N3ON and Hokori Hokori . I supported many characters because they were characters I loved. Takamaru, Shulk, Isaac, Snake, and the more obscure ones like Mike Jones, and Saki. I really don't see why it's a big deal for one to get in and not the other. It's not really a contest just cause they're kinda similar. Plus, support isn't really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things so I say, go all out. Support ALL the characters you love. Not just the one you think is most likely.
I guess it's just a case of wanting a character a lot more than another one. There isn't infinite space on the Smash Bros roster so obviously people are going to want characters over others. For me I would take Andy over Lyn any day of the week despite supporting both characters.
I mean golden sun as never been a big series for nintendo.No matter how much people try to say it is it alwyas been a c-tier franchise.Not saying it doesnt atleast deserve a re-release but nintendo ignoring it makes sense.Metroid technically got a game not this year even if its not a game people want its still a game.Than you got kirby,DK,and pokemon atleast get noticed on there birthdays
It's still the 15th anniversary of the series. They can at least mention something about it or reference it somehow. If there's a new GS title coming out then that's something they should talk about sometime this year. I don't give a damn what "tier" the series is.
Honestly the characters isn't the reason SSF2 wows me.

It's that it's been in development for almost NINE years made by a bunch of devoted die-heard fans who are not making any profit on it at all, where all expenses are coming out of their very own pockets, and the game's quality is on par with what Masahiro Sakurai has dished out.

So I can't complain too much on them.
Yeah, I recall playing SSF1 with my friends in Middle School. That was like 10 years ago. It's hard to believe that this project has been going on this long and SSF2 has so many characters that's unheard of for a fangame. Gotta respect that.
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Deleted member

As a Monado Boy supporter, I was never one of those people who viewed Isaac as Shulk's "competition". Sure, they're both blonde sword-wielding RPG protagonists, but they're otherwise unrelated to each other.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
As a Monado Boy supporter, I was never one of those people who viewed Isaac as Shulk's "competition". Sure, they're both blonde sword-wielding RPG protagonists, but they're otherwise unrelated to each other.
Not true entirely. Both are relatively niche characters so it's possible Sakurai looked at both series and saw Xenoblade had more future than Golden Sun and went with Shulk.

It's not often where a bunch of niche characters get in to Smash Bros.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Not true entirely. Both are relatively niche characters so it's possible Sakurai looked at both series and saw Xenoblade had more future than Golden Sun and went with Shulk.

It's not often where a bunch of niche characters get in to Smash Bros.
No. If Sakurai looked at both of them, he would have thought "which one could I make more fun?"

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
While I can understand when some fans may see some characters such as Layton and Jibanyan as "competing" with each other (Assuming Level-5 would get a character in a future Smash game) I do agree that pairs such as Isaac and Shulk where a bit odd of why some fans saw them as "competing" with each other since other than the fact their both blond-haired-RPG-protagonists, they didn't really share much in common with each other, if at all.

I suppose it's mainly people being worried that the one character may get "in the way" of their favourite character and potentially preventing them from making it in.....
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Dark Samus may be my second most wanted character overall...but I still want Ridley...

I want my metroid villains dammit!!


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
No. If Sakurai looked at both of them, he would have thought "which one could I make more fun?"
That's true but future is a very crucial factor in a character's inclusion and can make or break whether or not said character makes it in the game. If he see's that both characters have great moveset potential but one character's series has a future then he's going to go with that series.

Sucks because Golden Sun always releases several years before a specific Smash Bros game (i.e. GS1/GS2 5-7 years before Brawl and GS3 4 years before Smash 4)
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Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
I've never understood why people support a character over another. It's not just WhiteEagle (don't want you to feel like calling you out) either, a lot of people supported Shulk over Isaac or vice versa. I supported both. Heavily. Just ask @N3ON and Hokori Hokori . I supported many characters because they were characters I loved. Takamaru, Shulk, Isaac, Snake, and the more obscure ones like Mike Jones, and Saki. I really don't see why it's a big deal for one to get in and not the other. It's not really a contest just cause they're kinda similar. Plus, support isn't really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things so I say, go all out. Support ALL the characters you love. Not just the one you think is most likely.
Can confirm. I was in multiple threads as well.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
A lot of websites are still saying Pokémon Uranium got C&D'd by Nintendo when a tweet from the game's makers says otherwise.

And if Uranium actually did get Cease & Desisted, then they should NOT be promising updates or future support like what they're doing now.

Welp! That's journalism for ya!


Sep 12, 2014
A lot of websites are still saying Pokémon Uranium got C&D'd by Nintendo when a tweet from the game's makers says otherwise.

And if Uranium actually did get Cease & Desisted, then they should NOT be promising updates or future support like what they're doing now.

Welp! That's journalism for ya!
Nintendo fans continue to be idiots, more at eleven.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
A lot of websites are still saying Pokémon Uranium got C&D'd by Nintendo when a tweet from the game's makers says otherwise.

And if Uranium actually did get Cease & Desisted, then they should NOT be promising updates or future support like what they're doing now.

Welp! That's clickbait garbage for ya!
Fixed. :p

In other news, for those keeping up with Marvel comics, Civil War II's next part got delayed since the artist had a baby happen. As well, there's gonna be a part eight now. Secret Wars all over again. :laugh:


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
I've never understood why people support a character over another. It's not just WhiteEagle (don't want you to feel like calling you out) either, a lot of people supported Shulk over Isaac or vice versa. I supported both. Heavily. Just ask @N3ON and Hokori Hokori . I supported many characters because they were characters I loved. Takamaru, Shulk, Isaac, Snake, and the more obscure ones like Mike Jones, and Saki. I really don't see why it's a big deal for one to get in and not the other. It's not really a contest just cause they're kinda similar. Plus, support isn't really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things so I say, go all out. Support ALL the characters you love. Not just the one you think is most likely.
There are characters I support more than others, and there are characters I don't really care for, but I agree. People can get hostile over some of these characters. You should support who you want, no matter what.
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
It's still the 15th anniversary of the series. They can at least mention something about it or reference it somehow. If there's a new GS title coming out then that's something they should talk about sometime this year. I don't give a damn what "tier" the series is.
And its also Pikmin's 15th anniversary and last year was F-Zero's 25th anniversary, and they haven't been mentioned by Nintendo, as far as I know.

Now I'm not trying to be rude here, far from it, but its really time that we stop expecting Nintendo to really do anything celebrating it's lower end franchises' anniversaries.

The ones that always get recognised are its higher tier series, those being there big 3, Mario, Zelda and Pokemon, with their A-to high B tier series, those being series such as Kirby and Fire Emblem, where there C to Z tier series will rarely get anything from Nintendo themselves.
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Deleted member

I share similar thoughts with Isaac. No matter how much his fans try to persuade me it doesn't work. SSF2 didn't help either, acc made me more even less interested TBH.

I'll help by naming Slime.
I'm actually interested in seeing how he would work, so I don't find him boring. But he is a bit bland since (I feel) there's only so much he can do.

Like Little Mac. He's not boring, but he is a bit bland.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Dark Samus, Midna and Takamaru really need to get promoted imo.
Hard YES! For the first two...
Soft yes for Takamaru, I'm not too familiar with him but I can't get mad at a Samurai getting into the game...Samurai are ****ing awesome!!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Wasn't Clone Saga the stupidly long one?
A little, but this pattern just happens to be exactly what happened last year with Secret Wars. The whole "get halfway done, delays happen, somehow get an extra issue" thing. :p

Still mad that Astonishing Ant-Man and Scarlet Witch aren't being carried over to the new Marvel Now. Though Scarlet Witch at least has a chance of returning, since there are apparently some books that are returning that weren't announced. Ant-Man's a confirmed cancellation though.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I'm actually interested in seeing how he would work, so I don't find him boring. But he is a bit bland since (I feel) there's only so much he can do.

Like Little Mac. He's not boring, but he is a bit bland.
You should make a youtube series about this. 'A Golden perspective on video game characters'
"*insert inarticulate yelling*"

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
So remember this pic of the day.
Sakurai said:

Pic of the day. If it's just a missile, a sword can slice it right up. Of course, you could also just use your bare hands.
Did anyone ever try this? Or at least seen it happen before? I tried it once with Toon Link but never got it to work....
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