can now confirm the anime is going down the more predictable route
I wouldn't say this is predictable, but it's much better then the other list imo.
Some thoughts:
They kidnap Ash! That's pretty surprising. I like the idea of it though. This allows the others to get development. I'm curious as to how long he will be captive. Someone also pointed out that maybe Ash being captured proves Ash wins the leagues. This way they get they biggest threat out of the way as he beat their best member. I wonder what will happen then? This is only the start of the arc and gets nothing done, so I expect a few more episodes focused on it.
Second one: So everyone splits up. Who's everyone? There is only Bonnie, Serena and Clemont in the group. Perhaps blaziken man, dianthia, sycamore, and the rivals show up? It be reasonable to have them all aid the fight, which should make for a good arc imo.
Lastly, Clemont fights Xerosic, that's pretty hype. We haven't seen him fight often, so going up against a top flare member should be interesting. Should be a good fight.
I expect 3 more episodes in this arc. One where Serena does something, one where Ash is freed, and then the final battle. Although I think 6 more episodes is possible.
Another rematch with Alain, where Ash still wins, or is losing, when something happens to Mallon, and Alain realizes his mistakes. Another with a full zygarde battle, or where the group fights off the remain members, and then a final episode where Ash takes on Lysandre either at the tower, or the labs.
This should be the first time the anime does a evil team arc quite well. Plasma's was bad, Galatic's had untapped potential, and Hoenn's wasn't to bad. But this looks like a pretty good arc and I'm glad the build up is going somewhere.
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Well, you heard the man. Do it.
Does this mean Woody and....
Only if Woody and Buzz join them...
Dang it! beaten to it!
But I would love a different Mario and sonic Crossover. NX title maybe?